California Inland Empire Council

                     Monday Memo


            Welcome to our April 4th, 2011 Monday Memo

U.S. Flag Presentation

On Wednesday, March 30th, Kurt Wochholz presented Scout Executive Joe Daniszewski with a United States Flag that was flown over the Nation’s Capitol on February 8th , 2010. The US Flag was presented in honor of BSA’s centennial by US Representative Ken Calvert.


Prepared. For Life.™ and our communities by Chief Scout Executive Bob Mazzuca

I often mention to people how I couldn't even spell blog three years ago—and now I'm writing one! It's one of the ways this old' dog is still learning new tricks to stay ahead of the game and keep in touch with all of you.

So as we all grow and develop under our new Prepared. For Life.™ identity, I am really encouraged to see councils offering more and more opportunities in their communities for Scouts to learn about new technologies and try new areas of expertise.

A recent newspaper article sent to me describes how Scouts had the chance to pick up new technological skills with mentoring from employees at Caterpillar's Decatur, Illinois, plant. It was a huge merit badge fair with about 250 Scouts participating from Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, and Missouri.

Scouts spent the day at the plant—which produces heavy duty off-road trucks used for construction and mining—learning about drafting, electricity, electronics, and radio with guidance from Caterpillar employees and Scout leaders. One of my favorite quotes from an employee in this story: "I think the employees feel good about being part of an organization that's involved in the community.”

I like to think that our Prepared. For Life.™ identity and how we think about our communities both follow the same path. By Caterpillar employees investing their time and talents to give back to their community and teaching our Scouts new skills, our Scouts, in turn, will be better Prepared. For Life.™ to be a stronger contributor to society going forward—and prepared for making their contribution to the collective life of their community.

It's inspiring to see how companies like Caterpillar embrace our vision and have made Scouting part of their mission to serve communities where they operate and beyond. I'd like to share a hearty "Well done!” with Caterpillar and the Lincoln Trails Council in Decatur for pulling this opportunity together.

How are businesses in your councils offering new ways for Scouts to be Prepared. For Life.™? 

Bob Mazzuca


Pack 641 Visits Local Radio Station

On March 11th, Pack 641 of Alta Loma visited and toured  the KFROG radio station. They got to meet one of the DJ's Doug Frog and make a recording for a commercial for the KFROG sponsored event Red, White and Cruise. The boys learned how commercials for radio are made.

Cathy Johanson-Hayes
Parent Committee Chair, Pack 641


Journey to Excellence Service Hours 

You can now enter your service hours at . Look for the “Service Project” area of the screen.  There you can find the link to log your hours, information for first time users, ideas and tips for a successful service project, and sample reports that can be pulled by your council administrator. To enter your service hours click on “service hours website.” Choose “New User Click Here” or enter in your existing username and password. Users can still use www.goodturnforamerica and they will be redirected to the new data collection site.

Volunteers with a MyScouting account can also reach the Journey to Excellence service hour website by clicking on the Journey to Excellence Information link on the left side of the screen in the “Council Tools” section. Once they click the link they will be directed to and can follow the same procedures as listed above.


Eagle Scout Recognition Dinner & NESA Awards

The California Inland Empire Council’s National Eagle Scout Association (NESA) Chapter held it’s annual Eagle Scout Recognition Dinner and NESA Awards on Friday, March 25th, 2011. Ninety-three class members, along with Scouting parents, leaders, and alumni gathered at the March Field Air Museum in Riverside, California. Key note speaker Colonel Udo “Karl” McGregor gave an inspirational talk on his 35 years of experience in the United States Air Force and the difference that being an Eagle Scout made in his life and career.

Eagle Scout Aidan Judd was recognized with the council’s Glenn A. and Melinda W. Adams National Eagle Scout Service Project of the Year Award. Aidan’s project was the creation of a computer kiosk that archived veteran’s war memories. His project will then be submitted to the BSA’s Western Region for consideration as a regional Eagle Scout Project of the Year. In addition, Eagle Scout Frank Sydow, who earned his award in August 1961 was recognized with NESA’s Outstanding Eagle Scout Award. The evening ended with a rededication to living the ideals of the Scout Oath and Law in everyday life.

For more information about the National Eagle Scout Association, visit or  CIEC NESA Chapter membership application to download.


Hot fun in the Summertime! Boy Scout Summer Camp at Camp Emerson!

Boy Scout Summer Camp is where all the promises of the Boy Scout Handbook are delivered. Signed up for camp yet? Choose Camp Emerson!

Here are the top ten reasons to attend Emerson:

  • At a mile high, our Scouts keep cool while having fun in the sun!
  • Scouts can work on 53 different merit badges, 11 Eagle required merit badges offered
  • Individual Scout campers are most welcome - Leadership provided
  • $305 camp fee a real value
  • Experienced and trained Staff
  • Meet Chief Taquitz
  • High adventure activities with E-Team!
  • Special Day treks
  • New Scouts can learn their outdoor skills on the Trail to First Class
  • Our Dining Hall offers great food & lots of it!

Click Here for dates and registration information.


Scout Wire

Scout Wire 

Top Stories: 

JTE Unit Spreadsheets Available; Volunteer Dashboard Launches April 8
New Journey to Excellence spreadsheets have been developed for use by units and districts to keep track of their JTE achievements. Read more

New Version of Guide to Safe Scouting Released
After a thorough review and an extensive revision, the latest version of the Guide to Safe Scouting is now available online. Read more

Northern Tier Summer 2012 Registration Opens April 1
Registration for the summer 2012 Norther Tier National High Adventure Program opened at 8 a.m. (CDT) April 1. Read more


Our Golden Eagles - Flying High and Looking Great!

Vice President of Membership/Relationships Mike Downs, Vice President of Program Matt Flanagan and Council President Jim Prior are looking great in the 2011 Golden Eagle shirt! Call Scout Executive Joe Daniszewski at 909-793-2463 x120 to find out how you can earn the coveted shirt!


Venturing Advisor Newsletter

Here is your April issue of the CIEC Venturing Advisor! Click Here


Recently Completed Eagles

NameDistrictUnit NameDistrictUnitNameDistrict Unit
Jacob NatzicThree PeaksTroop 444Matthew PhletheanTemescalCrew 733James Young IITemescalTroop 107
Logan McGlothlinArrowheadTroop 110Chance RummlerHigh DesertCrew 559Raul PlateroOld BaldyCrew 694
John BaldwinArrowheadTroop 251 Jordan JonesThree PeaksCrew 485Landon MerrillOld BaldyTeam 76
Jeramy TesterHigh DesertTeam 465Sheldon LarsonThree PeaksCrew 485Brian GatesGraybackTroop 44
Gage MeservyHigh DesertTeam 465Mark PiazzaTahquitzCrew 734Dallas ParkerTemescalTroop 209
Brandon DunnThree PeaksCrew 908Jarred BacaTahquitzCrew 534Christopher WatkinsHigh DesertCrew 956
Luke TaborThree PeaksCrew 108Jason GeminertTahquitzTeam 624Dennis VanBuskirkSunriseTeam 104
Alex DurhamGraybackCrew 335Chandler WoodwardTahquitzTeam 924Kyle LeTemescalTroop 251
Eric PalmerMt. RubidouxCrew 6Michael WeissFive NationsTroop 120Jordan GroverTemescalTroop 399
Dustin HuertaMt. RubidouxTroop 141Nicholas SchadtFive NationsTroop 120John SkidmoreArrowheadTeam 114
Connor PoitrasTemescalTroop 251 Mark Sigman IIGraybackTroop 19Jacob Fisk ArrowheadTroop 40


Weekly Camping Report

Camp EmersonDatesUnitsYouthAdultsCamp WileyDatesUnitsYouthAdults
WK#16/26 to 7/2/111110623Session #1 Closed 7/1/ to 7/4 201115122114
WK#27/4 to 7/9/1165615Session #2 Closed7/7 to 7/10 2011712698
WK#37/10 to 7/16/111413239Session #3 Closed 7/14 to 7/17 20117129120
WK#47/18 to 7/23/112322660Session #4 Closed 7/21/ to 7/24 20118125122
WK#57/24 to 7/30/111412426Session #5 Closed7/28 to 7/31 201177676
WK#67/31 to 8/6/1188619Session #6 Closed8/4 to 8/7 201112118116
Subtotal76730182Session #78/11 to 8/14 201111821
Camp WisumahiSubtotal57714667
Session #16/20 to 25 2011154427
Session #27/25 to 30 2011Grand Total1541512884
Transition Camp 6/20 to 25 20116248

Camp Emerson Attendance Report 


Friends of Scouting Weekly Report

4/4/20112011 Goal 2011 Pledged (Year To Date)2011 Actual 
(Cash To Date)
% of Goal4/4/2010 Actual    (Cash To Date)
Mt. RubidouxJohn Kantola$120,000$87,870$63,32573.23%$49,229
SunriseScott Evans$59,500$38,116$33,86564.06%$25,392
TemescalGary DeFraene$108,400$63,682$49,80058.75%$57,622
TahquitzWayne Chase$137,000$75,919$55,89455.42%$76,903
3 PeaksAndrew Kotyuk$70,000$35,810$34,36851.16%$37,721
ArrowheadMichael Bentley$63,000$32,020$24,15950.83%$8,121
High DesertGreg Lundeen$100,250$41,668$28,63441.56%$39,597
GraybackDr. Michael Kuhn$106,000$43,678$37,16041.21%$45,480
Old BaldyGreg Risser$131,250$44,087$19,67733.59%$29,034
5 NationsRobin Hastings$45,500$9,737$7,50021.40%$19,116







Positive Quote

"I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear."
  - Martin Luther King, Jr.

Robert Kennedy Announcing the Assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. in Indiana on April 4, 1968


Have a great Scouting week!
Yours in the Spirit of Scouting,

Joe Daniszewski
Scout Executive/CEO
California Inland Empire Council, BSA
1230 Indiana Court
Redlands, CA 92374

909.793.2463, Ext. 120
909.793.0306 Fax

Monday Memo is from Scout Executive Joe Daniszewski and contains his reflection on what is happening within the Council. The purpose of Monday Memo is to communicate information about the week ahead, to acknowledge the good things happening around the Council and to address specific issues that the Scout Executive wants to bring to your attention. Joe welcomes any comments, suggestions or recommendations on how to make this memo as helpful as possible. If you have something you want publicized in the Monday Memo, please send it to his attention c/o Monday Memo: for Monday Memo Archives Click Here


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   2351 W Lugonia Ave Suite F Redlands, CA  92374 • (909) 793-2463

Copyright 2007-2024 • Boy Scouts of America, California Inland Empire Council #045