April 9, 2018



Wood Badge








Training Calendar



Check out all the up coming training activities




















WELCOME! Boy Scouts!


Brand new to Boy Scouts? Did you just bridge over from Webelos?

Come to Camp Emerson this Summer

Scouts can come with or without their Troop. We will provide a Scoutmaster and other leaders for them

It is close to home! Idyllwild is only about a 1 hour drive from most areas of the Inland Empire

They have a Trail to First Class program!



Summer Camps 2018                                                                                          


To find out more information you can speak to one of our camping specialist at 909-793-2463




Troop 148 enjoys Zion National Park


Troop 148 enjoyed an amazing Spring Break in Zion Nation Park. Zion is an absolutely beautiful place with adventures for all levels.  We enjoyed a back country hike on the East Rim Trail away from the crowds and took in the amazing views of Jolley Gulch.  Scouts also enjoyed many others areas of the park to include The Emerald Pools and The Temple of Sinawava. There was plenty and wildlife seen to include big horn sheep, mule deer, rock squirrels and wild turkey.  Zion has shared so many special memories with Troop 148 and we are extremely grateful.

Thank you to the Berkshire Family for sharing their little piece of heaven of the Zion Ponderosa Resort with us and allowing us to camp on their property.

Jeff Hays
Scoutmaster Troop 148



Exploring Forum



Riverside and San Bernardino County Explorer Post Advisors   Forum

Wednesday, April 18 , 7pm

 CIEC Headquarters-1230 Indiana Court, Redlands 92374

Refreshments provided-RSVP by 4-15-18 to tyouden@bsamail.org



Welcome & Introductions Matt Meyers, Scout Executive


Charter updates/information Tina Roy/Erika Haro




  1. Exploring – National Emphasis Colin Lemon, Director of Exploring for the Western Region


Beginning October 1, 2017, Colin began his new role at the National Service Center in Irving, Texas as the Director of Exploring for the Western Region and the Director of Stem Exploring for the Boy Scouts of America and Learning for Life. His experience in traditional Scouting, facilities and in Exploring has made for an impressive career.



In Scouting Safety Comes First


click here to check out the new Youth Protection Training


It may be surprising for some, but the very first section in every Cub Scout and Boy Scout handbook isn’t dedicated to camping or hiking, but to youth protection.

“The safety of children is always our first priority,” said Michael Johnson, Youth Protection Director for the Boy Scouts of America. “It’s required program content for every youth, parent, and guardian.”

While handbooks go on to explain how Scouting’s activities should be carried out safely, we believe it is important for parents to be equipped with the information needed to understand the BSA’s comprehensive approach to preventing abuse, as well as information needed to recognize, respond and report concerns, from their very first interaction with Scouting. 

Child abuse is something most people would rather not talk about, or even think about, says Johnson, but every offender benefits from that ignorance, and the consequences can be devastating.

Putting this tough subject at the forefront is an important step in helping maintain a safe environment. From the handbook chapter, How to Protect Your Children from Abuse: A Parent’s Guide, to Scouting advancement requirements, the BSA is intentional about including youth protection and safety content throughout its program materials.

And the materials address more than just sexual abuse because experts agree that children who suffer from other types of abuse are more likely to be preyed upon by those that would wish to harm them. 

“Most people don’t think about it, but there are many forms of abuse,” said Johnson. “Types of maltreatment like neglect and emotional abuse can be hard to detect and can cause lifelong problems and are known to be a part of more serious abuse of youth later in life.”

“Frankly, parents, volunteers and other children may be the only ones who see the signs and can address it,” Johnson explained. “If our volunteers and parents are aware of the signs, they can make the entire community safer for children and families.”

It’s difficult to defend against every threat to personal safety a child may experience in and out of Scouting, but BSA’s policies, programs and training materials offer a wide range of resources that teach volunteers and parents how to identify and prevent numerous forms of abuse.

If you ever have questions, you can always call your local Scout executive, or the SCOUTS FIRST Helpline at 844-726-8871. This helpline is monitored around the clock by trained staff ready to answer any questions you may have about youth protection.




Tenderfoot Relay





Flash Cards


Patrols or Dens line up. Send one scout to the other side of the room or field and turn around. The Senior Patrol Leader will flash them a card with the words Scout sign, salute, motto, slogan, oath law, etc. on them.

The scout must give the salute, sign, or repeat the oath/law/slogan/motto. After Scouts complete the action they run back and tag the next person.


Each correct answer is worth 1 point. Patrol/den with the most points wins.




 A Piece of Camp Emerson History


In 1948 most Boy Scouts in Riverside County Council went to Camp Emerson, in Idyllwild, twice!  WW II had ended three years before, and Boy Scouts of America's membership in general was on the upswing, eventually pushing 5 million. 1948 in the BSA was a celebration of Victory. It was cool to join Scouting. And being a Scout meant camping under the Camp Emerson Pine Trees during the summer and in the snow during the winter. Camp Emerson forever!


The Mission of the Camp Emerson 100th Anniversary Committee is to honor and celebrate the land, the history and the people, past and present.

Camp Emerson's 100th Anniversary: Our legacy. Their future.

If you haven’t already, we invite you to “like” our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/CE100th/ 

For more information about the Camp Emerson 100th Anniversary Committee and Service Project opportunities, contact us at info@CE100th.org


Cartoon Corner



Thoughts from the Council:



Monday Memo is from the Council and contains our reflection on what is happening within the Council. The purpose of the Monday Memo is to communicate information about the week ahead, to acknowledge the good things happening around the Council and to address specific issues that we want to bring to your attention. We welcome any comments, suggestions or recommendations on how to make this memo as helpful as possible. If you have something you want publicized in the Monday Memo, please send it to Brian attention c/o Monday Memo:  Monday Memo Archives Click Here


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   2351 W Lugonia Ave Suite F Redlands, CA  92374 • (909) 793-2463

Copyright 2007-2024 • Boy Scouts of America, California Inland Empire Council #045