Monday Memo 

Joseph Daniszewski
Scout Executive

Good day and welcome to our May 17th, 2010 Monday Memo


CIEC Receives Proclamation

The Riverside County Board of Supervisors issued a proclamation recognizing the BSA's 100th Anniversary, "Celebrating the Adventure, Continuing the Journey."

Supervisor Bob Buster presented the proclamation Tuesday to CIEC's Scout Executive, Joseph Daniszewski. Also attending the presentation were Tracy Youden, Mt. Rubidoux District Executive; Robert Quezada and Lou Monville III, CIEC Executive Board; Carol Walls, Mt. Rubidoux Day Camp Chair and Den Leader with Pack 29; and Melissa Smith, Den Leader with Pack 97.

Supervisors John F. Tavaglione, Jeff Stone, John J. Benoit and
Marion Ashley also joined in the presentation.


New Addition To Our Staff

The California Inland Empire Council has named Kevin Gustafson to serve as the new council program director and Grayback District Director.

Kevin will be working closely with the many volunteer committees that oversee council programs including: facilities and properties, camping committee, risk management, advancement, training and the annual Trail’s End Popcorn sale.

Kevin comes to us from the Grand Canyon Council, headquartered in Phoenix, Arizona where he has served professionally since 1995, most recently as the Mesa District Director. Kevin also managed the council summer camp programs for nine years and has served on staff for three Wood Badge courses.

Kevin earned his Eagle Scout Award with Phoenix Troop 6 and his Bachelor of Science degree in Recreation Management from Arizona State University with a Certificate in Youth and Human Service Agency Administration from American Humanics, Inc.

Please welcome Kevin to our California Inland Empire Council.



2010 Popcorn Sale - Save the date!

The California Inland Empire Council 2010 Popcorn Sale is just right around the corner, so get popping, and sign your unit up to sell today!  In the meantime, here are a few dates to stick in your unit program planning calendar:

July 31st

Popcorn Extravaganza at A Shining Light Across America Event (Location to be announced)


District Kick-offs & Unit Training Seminars in geographic areas

August 24th

Unit Show-N-Deliver Orders Due (Place online or through district Kernal)

 September 11

Show-N-Deliver Popcorn Distribution Day – Sale Officially Begins!

October 4th

Deposit Show-N-Deliver Checks

October 25th

Unit Popcorn Take-Orders Due
Unit Prize Orders Placed Online

November 13th

Popcorn Pick-up #2
Super Seller Prize Order Form Due

December 6th

Deposit Take-Order Checks

December 13th


By the way, did you know that there are several new, exciting changes happening to the popcorn  sale this year?  One new change is that in 2010, Scouts will be able to add their online orders with their traditional sale numbers to help get them into a higher prize bracket!  Check back each month and attend your district’s  popcorn sale kick-off in August to hear about more fun changes to the 2010 Popcorn Campaign.


Philmont Training Center

It is not too late to register for a course at the Philmont Training Center.  Just log into and go to “Events” to register online.  A trip to the Philmont Training Center is not only the top-level training for volunteers and professionals, it is also one of the best family trips you’ll ever have! 

Philmont Training Center (PTC) hosts the best volunteer training, led by the top leaders to deliver the latest information, strategies, and practices to make your local Scouting programs a success.

You can bring the whole family too!

Training Center Family programsThe Training Center hosts courses specializing in all levels of Scouting and for all positions within Scouting: Cub Scouting, Boy Scouting, and Venturing Unit, District, and Council levels.

Family Program is available for boys and girls from infant to teen, and spouses too. The schedule allows for both parents to be in classes, or have the spouse be in their own family program; single parents can bring their families also.

Family program groups participate in age-appropriate activities. Different groups have different schedules. Some examples: archery and air-rifle shooting - ropes/confidence course - Dutch oven cooking - handicraft projects and instructional classes - hiking - horse or pony rides - overnighters - museum tours

Special Programs

Mountain Treks - Unique 5-day guided backcountry backpacking trek exclusive to the PTC family program for 14-20 year olds.

NAYLE (National Advanced Youth Leadership Experience) - A weeklong co-ed, outdoor-based training in leadership and teamwork for 14-20 year olds for seven days.

Additional Information

This information is also available on our homepage:


Everyone is invited! You no longer need approval from a your council. 

  • Register on-line via
  • First time visitors to, will need to Register
  • Go to "Events"
  • Go to "Event Registration" and fill in the profile, if needed
  • Go to "Philmont Training Center"
  • Go to "Philmont Training Center 2010 Conference Registration"
  • Begin the registration process and payment 
Contact Us

Philmont Training
Phone: 575.376.2281
Fax: 575.376.2629
Philmont Training Center | 17 Deer Run Rd | Cimarron New Mexcio, 87714



The William T. Hornaday Award

“Think of It as an Olympic Medal Bestowed by the Earth”

Conservation, camping, hiking, and respect for the outdoors are a part of our Scouting heritage. The Hornaday award is sometimes seen as the advancement portion of that heritage.

This awards program was created to recognize those that have made significant contributions to conservation. Dr. William T. Hornaday began it in 1914; director of the New York Zoological Park and founder of the National Zoo in Washington, D.C. Dr. Hornaday was an active and outspoken champion of natural resource conservation and a leader in saving the American bison from extinction. He named the award the Wildlife Protection Medal. Its purpose was to challenge Americans to work constructively for wildlife conservation and habitat protection. After his death in 1937, the award was renamed in Dr. Hornaday's honor and became a Boy Scouts of America award.

The Hornaday Awards are highly prized by those who have received them: Approximately 1,100 medals have been awarded over the past 90 years. These awards represent a huge commitment of time and energy by individuals and units who have learned the meaning of a conservation and the environmental ethic. In our council in the past 20 years we have had 1 unit award, 6 badges (2 adult), 2 bronzes and 1 silver award.

Any Boy Scout, Varsity Scout, or Venturer willing to devote the time and energy to work on a project based on sound scientific principles and guided by conservation professional or a well-versed layperson can qualify for one of the Hornaday Awards. The awards often take months to complete, each project equal or greater than an eagle project, so activities should be planned well in advance.

The fundamental purpose of the Hornaday Awards program is to encourage learning by the participants and to increase public awareness about natural resource conservation. Therefore a publicity piece is important to the program

Understanding and practicing sound stewardship of natural resources and environmental protection strengthens Scouting's emphasis on respecting the outdoors. The goal of this awards program is to encourage and recognize truly outstanding efforts undertaken by Scouting units, Scouts and Venturers, adult Scouters, and other individuals, corporations, and institutions that have contributed significantly to natural resource conservation and environmental protection.

The Council passes reviews and awards the Hornaday Badge and Unit Awards. The National Hornaday Committee reviews and awards both the bronze and silver medals. With the Silver being the highest award available. 

Requirements vary with age and program. Go to and you will find the requirements for all levels.


News & Tidbits

AV teen's Eagle Scout project aimed at preventing child drownings

APPLE VALLEY • It was just a matter of seconds.

One moment 3-year-old Krystin Porter was playing outside with her mother and grandmother, and the next moment the women noticed the girl face down in the pool. Read More.....

    The New Cub Scout Program Materials

    FAQ & Overview

    Materials & Literature


PRAY Report 1st Quarter 2010

Daniel CroninGOD AND MEImmanuelTate SchronGOD AND MESandal's
Jared HuffGOD AND MEImmanuelBenjamin PetersonGOD AND MENorthpoint Evangelical Free
Ray WheelerGOD AND MEImmanuelJoseph PetersonGOD AND MENorthpoint Evangelical Free
Brian PaolettaMACCABEEAntonio GonzalezGOD AND MEImmanuel
Timmy BernardyGOD AND MEImmanuel LutheranNathan NunezGOD AND MEImmanuel
Kenneth ByrneGOD AND MEImmanuel LutheranJoe SwansonGOD AND MEBible Fellowship Church
Nate DeLorenzoGOD AND MEImmanuel LutheranNicholas OritzGOD AND FAMILYChurch of God
Jason KennelGOD AND MEImmanuel LutheranEvan TinkerGOD AND FAMILYHarvest Christian Fellowship
Kyle KnudsenGOD AND MEImmanuel LutheranTyler HoughtonGOD AND FAMILYThe Crossings Church
Ian MirandaGOD AND MEImmanuel LutheranHunter AllenGOD AND FAMILYChurch on the Mountain
Reece MirandaGOD AND MEImmanuel LutheranEverett BleckerGOD AND FAMILYCrosspoint
Cody PfrunderGOD AND MEImmanuel LutheranBrandon GresserGOD AND FAMILYCalvery
Denver ShadeGOD AND MEImmanuel LutheranElliott BleckerGOD AND FAMILYCrosspoint
Jack WeggelandGOD AND MEImmanuel LutheranJeremy StevensGOD AND FAMILYValley
Patrick BellGOD AND MERedeemer Lutheran ChurchNeal SavageGOD AND FAMILYThe Lamb's
Brandon ByrneGOD AND MEImmanuel LutheranConstantine LoukatosALPHA OMEGASt. George
Austin HoughtonGOD AND METhe Crossings ChurchJoshua TruppNER TAMID
Anthony CannonGOD AND MENew Home Foursquare ChurchJustin JonesGOD AND CHURCHCrossroads Christian
Demetrius DeLoachGOD AND MENew Home Foursquare ChurchBayley StevensGOD AND CHURCHValley
Clayton SchronGOD AND MESandal'sAllie SaenzGOD AND LIFEHarvest Christian Fellowship


Camping Report

Camp EmersonUnitsYouthAdultCamp WileyUnitsYouthAdult
WK#11715635Session #114124111
WK#22318854Session #263429
WK#31717538Session #31212293
WK#42219746Session #4 Full8125114
WK#51814842Session #5 Full8125109
WK#61311526Session #652617
Ranger QuestSession #7 Full13120105
Camp Wisumahi
Session #1134615TOTAL1891701834

Camp Emerson Attendance Report


Cub Day Camp Report

DistrictDateTigersCubsWebelosTagsTotal YouthDen ChiefsAdultsPacks
5 Nations6/5/201023328N/A63.169
Old Baldy6/7-6/11395463017447422
High Desert7/13-7/1654.973
Mt. Rubidoux7/20-7/23
North Temescal7/26-7/30
South Temescal8/2-8/615217141
Three Peaks8/12-8/13         

Positive Quote

"The true meaning of life is to plant trees, under whose shade you do not expect to sit." 

~Nelson Henderson


Have a great Scouting week!
Yours in the Spirit of Scouting,

Joe Daniszewski
Scout Executive/CEO
California Inland Empire Council, BSA
1230 Indiana Court
Redlands, CA 92374

909.793.2463, Ext. 120
909.793.0306 Fax

Monday Memo is from Scout Executive Joe Daniszewski and contains his reflection on what is happening within the Council. The purpose of Monday Memo is to communicate information about the week ahead, to acknowledge the
good things happening around the Council and to address specific issues that the Scout Executive wants to bring
to your attention. Joe welcomes any comments, suggestions or recommendations on how to make this
memo as helpful as possible. If you have something you want publicized in the Monday Memo, please send it
to his attention c/o Monday Memo: for Monday Memo Archives Click Here


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   2351 W Lugonia Ave Suite F Redlands, CA  92374 • (909) 793-2463

Copyright 2007-2024 • Boy Scouts of America, California Inland Empire Council #045