California Inland Empire Council

                     Monday Memo


                Welcome to our May 30th, 2011 Monday Memo

Order of the Arrow ~ Does Good Turn at Camp Helendade 

The first Ordeal of the year took place last weekend up at Camp Helendade in Running Springs. The Navajo Chapter from the Old Baldy area hosted the event and Tyler E. was the Ordeal Master, Robin R. and Kevin H. were the Task Masters. These three boys were also part of the Navajo Chapter Brotherhood Ceremony Team. There were 48 Candidates in all that went through the Order of the Arrow Ordeal and 10 Candidates that went through the Brotherhood. There was plenty of clean up to do around the Camp, as this was the first event since September. Many tasks were completed from the "To Do" list such as; repairing the fence in front of the camp, along the street, cleaning out the pool and surrounding areas, dumping trash and scrap wood from the pool area, filling in ruts with dirt that had been caused by rain, filling in the water culvert areas, tearing apart the old red roof in and disposing of it, fixing the plumbing above the kitchen roof (thanks Randy), as well as general clean up of the whole camp. The Candidates and their family members (150 people) enjoyed dinner together on Saturday night to complete a great experience.

If you have been "Called Out" to the Order of the Arrow and need to go to an Ordeal to become an Official Member of the OA, here are additional dates of the next up-coming Ordeals: June 3rd & 4th, July 7th & 8th, July 21st & 22nd and August 19th & 20th up at Camp Emerson in Idyllwild & September 16th & 17th up at Camp Helendade in Running Springs For more information about the Order of the Arrow and the Cahuilla Lodge #127, please log onto: You can download a flyer there to sign up for one of the upcoming Ordeals.

WWW - Christy Eimen - Navajo Chapter - Ceremony Team Adviser - Ordeal Master Adviser 


Helendade Fix n Fun

Summer camp will soon be here and we need your help to make Camp Helendade look great. Our Order of the Arrow Lodge #127 did a great job last week at their annual Ordeal, but more work is needed. Join us for the Fix N Fun on June 10 -12. Come up for the day or spend the weekend and help with fixing, painting, raking, cleaning, and more. Camping is free, but register today to secure a campsite. Limited space available for trailers and RV's.

For more information and to sign up for this opportunity, please contact Sonja Villarreal at 909-793-2463 ext 130. Online Registration Available


Cedar Badge Patrol Leader Training a Big Success!

I wanted to report on our latest edition of the new and improved Cedar Badge Patrol Leader Training. We had 57 youths participate in the overnighter at the LDS church in Riverside and we served up lots of Scouting spirit through songs, yells and activities. We also had eight adults participate, experiencing the patrol method up close and personal, and learning more about youth leader training. They will be working with their Scouts on implementing the Patrol Leader Handbook in their home troop, probably with much more confidence!

We also want to thank Gail Nichols for her patience and expertise in keeping track of sign-ups. Overall, we had no hiccups with the council office. Smooth sailing all the way!

The LDS church on Blaine Street was very cooperative. They have a beautiful campus right near Box Springs Mountain. Oh, yeah; the staff also had fun!

Thanks again, Bob Quezada, Cedar Badge …A Great Resource for Units

What is is a fast and easy way for parents to find a pack, troop, or crew near their home. They simply pick a program, enter their address and then a map with nearby units is displayed. They can then request more information directly from the unit by email.

Where do I start?

Check with your district executive to make sure you’re listed as a point of contact for your unit and that your email address is current.
Then logon to your MyScouting account to update your unit pin and begin communicating with interested families wanting to join your unit!

For some cool, informative videos about the various Scouting programs, visit the Scouting Magazine Blog by Clicking Here


BSA Alumni Award "A Knot That Binds"

Some time later this year, you may see a new patch or lapel pin on some uniforms and suit jackets. The red, blue, and gold square knot is the BSA Alumni Award, and it signifies a Scouter who has helped other Scouting alumni reconnect.

Developed by the national Alumni Relations Committee, the award goes to alums who have demonstrated accomplishments in four areas: alumni identification and promotion, alumni engagement, personal participation, and personal education. For details about the registration process, go to


Project Popcorn is Here!

Your mission to have an outstanding Scouting year of fun and adventure begins now by signing up for the 2011 Trail's End Popcorn Sale. It's fun for your Scouts and simple for you! Plus…

New products including Kettle Corn & White Chocolately Pretzels
Earn a Zyclone!
Earn great prizes including gift cards and camp certificates!

Follow these five steps for a Great Popcorn Sale

  • Fill out the Unit Commitment Card today to sell Trail’s End Popcorn this fall.
  • Create your “Ideal Year of Scouting" by establishing an activity plan and budget. Be sure to get input from your Scouts and parents.
  • Set a Popcorn Sale Goal. This goal is based on your “Ideal Year of Scouting” activity plan and budget. Then break that goal down to a Per Scout Goal.
  • Have Scouts go Online. Have each Scout create a Trail’s End account to sell popcorn to friends and family everywhere! To register, have Scouts go to
  • Attend Your District Popcorn Kickoff in August. Get the information you need to hold a successful kickoff for your unit and Scouts!

Complete and send in your commitment card by June 15th and your unit will be entered into a special drawing for a great prize!

For more information, visit!


2011 Scout Sleep Over

Join the Inland Empire 66ers as they face the Lake Elsinore Storm on Friday, June 24th at 7:05 PM and spend the night on the field!

For just $13.00 each person will receive:

  •  Reserved ticket to the game
  • Pre-game Scout parade
  • Voucher for a hot dog & soda
  • Official 66ers Scout patch
  • Overnight campout on the field
  • Run the bases after the game
  • Ice cream sandwich snack at sleepover
  • Movie on our NEW video board
  • Breakfast on Saturday morning
Ticket price for non-campers is only $8.00. For additional information or to place an order contact Christie Crowell at (909) 495-7626 or by email at


Camp Emerson Summer Camp

Every Boy Scout needs to experience summer camp. We hope that your Scouts will have the opportunity for a week of fun and adventure with their friends hiking trails and earning merit badges. The California Inland Empire Council  has three great programs for individual Boy Scouts or patrols this summer.

Brownsea Scout - This is a great program for those Scouts who couldn't attend camp with their troop or want another week of fun. Scouts can choose to attend any Camp Emerson summer camp session and will either be placed with a host troop, or organized into a provisional troop with other Brownsea Scouts.

Tahquitz Scout - This program is the same as the Brownsea Scout, but by attending a second week at Camp Emerson, he gets to go for the low price of $150 and will earn a special Camp Emerson patch!

Target on Transition - Held at Camp Helendade from June 20-25th, this program is designed for the new Boy Scout. The Scouts will become part of a patrol and work on many of the requirements needed for his Tenderfoot, Second Class and First Class ranks. In addition, he'll have the opportunity to shoot rifles, canoe and swim. The program is only $225!

Please let your Scouts know of these great opportunities for summer fun. In addition, we have extended the deadline for campership applications through June 15!

Camp Emerson is one of the best camp values in Southern California with new enhanced and exciting programs like mountain biking and geocaching. Plus great food and lots of it!

Call Gail Nichols at extension 129 or email her at

See you on the trail! Troop Leader's Guide Now Online!        Brownsea/Tahquitz Scout Application


Adult Leader Awards

NameUnitDistrictAwardNameUnit DistrictAward
Summer PearsonPack 65Mt. RubidouxWilliam D. BoyceEllen GagnePack 903Sunrise Cub Scout Den Leader
Kit WilsonTroop 116Mt. RubidouxBoy Scout Leader TrainingEllen GagnePack 903Sunrise Webelos Den Leader
Kevin WashburnPack 703Mt. RubidouxTiger Cub Den LeaderSean LaneTroop 310Three PeaksBoy Scout Leader's Training
Aaron WyantPack 703Mt. RubidouxTiger Cub Den LeaderMark McCrackenTroop 310Three PeaksUnit leader Award of Merit
Nicole DeLevalPack 703Mt. RubidouxCub Scout Den LeaderSean LanePack 310Three PeaksUnit leader Award of Merit
Casey McCluskeyPack 703Mt. RubidouxCub ScouterMark McCrackenTroop 310Three PeaksScoutmaster's Key
Ken NicksPack 703Mt. RubidouxCub ScouterKenneth Goode Jr.Crew 444Three PeaksWilliam D. Boyce
Britton SchronPack 703Mt. RubidouxCub ScouterTyler KerrPack 307TahquitzWebelos Den Leader
Mark GlaudiniPack 2399TemescalTiger Cub Den LeaderLarry RyanTroop 430TahquitzBoy Scout Leader's Training
William PorterPack 41TemescalCub ScouterCharles DeChambeauPack 307TahquitzCub Scout Den Leader
Mike DownsPack 134TemescalWebelos Den LeaderThomas MooreTroop 332TahquitzUnit leader Award of Merit
Helen SahliTroop 54TemescalBoy Scout Leader's TrainingDennis SmithTroop 520Five NationsUnit leader Award of Merit
Jim NewcombTroop 251ArrowheadUnit leader Award of MeritGordon TaberTroop 40Five NationsWilliam D. Boyce
Eric Romero Sr.Pack 24ArrowheadTiger Cub Den LeaderKimberly PalmerPack 595Five NationsCub Scouter
Byron MoralesPack 24ArrowheadCub ScouterChristy TurnerPack 595Five NationsCub Scouter
Paul CaballeroTroop 456High DesertBoy Scout Leader TraningDeanna McFarland Pack 295Five NationsCub Scouter
Tom CherryTroop 257High DesertBoy Scout Leader TraningDeanna McFarland Pack 295Five NationsCub Scout Den Leader
Billy RosenbergPack 574High DesertCubmasterKimberly PalmerPack 595Five NationsCub Scout Den Leader
Angela Rosenberg Pack 574High DesertCub ScouterChristy TurnerPack 595Five NationsCub Scout Den Leader
Billy RosenbergPack 574High DesertCub ScouterMichael WynnePack 311GraybackWilliam D. Boyce
Guy ChabotTroop 377Sunrise Unit leader Award of MeritJack Moser IIITeam 27GraybackCoach"s Key
Mal MaloneyCrew 377Sunrise Unit leader Award of MeritJack Moser IIITeam 27GraybackVarsity Scout Leader Training


Cub Scout Day Camp Report

Den ChiefsAdultsPacks
5 Nations6/3 - 6/413713N/A51238
Old Baldy6/6/ - 6/10176692216866121
Tahquitz6/14 - 6/17N/A13394423112323
Sunrise6/17 - 6/1812019N/A402246
Mt. Rubidoux6/21 - 6/24228242074236
Grayback6/27 - 6/2912721N/A4912510
High Desert7/12 - 7/171166225164
North Temescal7/18 - 7/22
South Temescal7/25 - 7/29
Three Peaks   8/2 -8/411211
2010 Totals Last
Year This Date
2010 Totals2764641898118950587131


Weekly Camping Report 

Camp EmersonDatesUnitsYouthAdultCamp WileyDatesUnitsYouthAdult
WK#16/26 to 7/2/111912127Session #17/1/ to 7/4 201116127127
WK#27/4 to 7/9/1165114Session #27/7 to 7/10 2011910089
WK#37/10 to 7/16/111512742Session #37/14 to 7/17 20117123115
WK#47/18 to 7/23/112622662Session #47/21/ to 7/24 20119123118
WK#57/24 to 7/30/111713629Session #57/28 to 7/31 201187871
WK#67/31 to 8/6/111210724Session #6 Closed8/4 to 8/7 201113130129
Subtotal95768198Session #78/11 to 8/14 2011   
Camp WisumahiSubtotal62681649
Session #16/20 to 25 2011174330
Transition Camp 6/20 to 25 2011124410GRAND TOTAL1861536887

Camp Emerson Attendance Report


Positive Quote

In honor of all members of our Armed Forces that have given their lives in service to our country.

"Although no sculptured marble should rise to their memory,
nor engraved stone bear record of their deeds,
yet will their remembrance be as lasting as the land they honored."

~Daniel Webster

Have a great Scouting week!
Yours in the Spirit of Scouting,

Joe Daniszewski
Scout Executive/CEO
California Inland Empire Council, BSA
1230 Indiana Court
Redlands, CA 92374

909.793.2463, Ext. 120
909.793.0306 Fax

Monday Memo is from Scout Executive Joe Daniszewski and contains his reflection on what is happening within the Council. The purpose of Monday Memo is to communicate information about the week ahead, to acknowledge the good things happening around the Council and to address specific issues that the Scout Executive wants to bring to your attention. Joe welcomes any comments, suggestions or recommendations on how to make this memo as helpful as possible. If you have something you want publicized in the Monday Memo, please send it to his attention c/o Monday Memo: for Monday Memo Archives Click Here


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   2351 W Lugonia Ave Suite F Redlands, CA  92374 • (909) 793-2463

Copyright 2007-2024 • Boy Scouts of America, California Inland Empire Council #045