California Inland Empire Council

                     Monday Memo


                Welcome to our May 9th, 2011 Monday Memo

Mt. Rubidoux District Distinguished Citizen Dinner

On April 20th, the Mount Rubidoux District honored Dr. Steven Larson, Eagle Scout and Chief Executive Officer of Riverside Medical Clinic, with the district's Distinguished Citizen Honor. Scout Executive Joseph Daniszewski and Judy Carpenter, Riverside Medical Clinic's Chief Operating Officer, presented the award in front of community dignitaries, his peers, friends, and family.

Dr. Larson is a member of Riverside Troop 8 and father of an Eagle Scout. Over the years, Dr. Larson has attended Philmont Scout Ranch with the troop, performed camp physicals, and helped raise funds for Scouting.  


High Desert Troop 357 Scouts "Good Turn"

To Whom It May Concern:

On May 2, 2011 in our store an elderly woman tripped and fell in our Children’s Department. Ezekiel K. was in the area when she fell and immediately sprang into action. He notified an employee of our store of the situation and then went into the restroom to get several wet cloths. He stayed next to the woman until helped arrived. Ezekiel went back to the restroom for more wet towels after assistance was provided and was instrumental in helping our employees and his mother in aiding the injured woman.

We were very impressed with the calm manner Ezekiel addressed the situation and noted the smart actions he took. We would like to let his Boy Scout Troop (Troop #357) be told of how bravely he responded. Ezekiel is a real asset to his family and his troop.

Sincerely, Patricia Berg
Barnes & Noble – Store Manager
Victorville, CA


Eagle Project Day #2

Tyler E. of Troop 652, Rancho Cucamonga, completed his Eagle Scout Project on May 8th, 2011. Tyler lead a group of 48 Volunteers over three days, putting in over 500 hours to build a shed to hold Emergency Earthquake Kits. This project was built for the Loma Linda Ronald McDonald House. The Director of the house, Mrs. Karen Hooper was very pleased with the project and will be ordering a special plaque with Tyler's name and date on it to hang over the door of the shed.

Tyler gives special thanks to his contractors on the job; Mr. Gene Moose, Mr. Randy Feliciano & Mr. Tom Harper, all three are Assistant Scoutmasters of Troop 652.


Camp Service Weekends

Here's a great opportunity for Scouting families to camp FOR FREE at either Camp Emerson or Camp Helendade. Enjoy a weekend at either camp In return for your labor and skills in participating in a service project benefiting camp. Camp Emerson Service to Camp will be held Friday, May 27 - Monday, May 30. The Camp Helendade Fix n'Fun will be held Friday June 10 to Sunday, June 12.

You'll need to provide your own food, cooking gear, tents, chairs, and other camping gear. For work projects, bring your work clothes, gloves, tools, and a can-do spirit! For more information visit or


Venturing Weekend - ILSC

During the last weekend in April, Joyce Flores and her CIEC Venturing team put on a great ILSC (Introduction to Leadership Skills for Crew) program at Camp Emerson. The weather was great, the information was valuable, and the food and fun were plentiful.


Scouts are You Ready for the Philmont 2012 Challenge?

The California Inland Empire Council is sponsoring three crews of 12 Scouts and leaders for a 12 day trek July 5 - 17, 2012. The cost for the expedition is $740 per person plus transportation costs to and from Cimarron, New Mexico.

The council contingent is open to those Scouts and leaders whose troops, teams or crews do not have another opportunity to participate in their own expedition. Priority will be given to those who have never been to Philmont or who have not attended within two consecutive seasons. Applications will be taken on a first come, first served basis.

Completed applications along with a $100 deposit are due by Friday, May 20, 2011. Please read Philmont's Risk Advisory and Weight for Height Requirements to see if you will be able to qualify to participate.

If you have additional questions, please contact Program Director Kevin Gustafson at (909) 793-2463 ext 139. Philmont Application 


Relay For Life

Troop 652 out of Rancho Cucamonga had 42 Scouts and Scouters Volunteer throughout the day, some stayed the whole 24 hours, for the Relay for Life at the Quakes Stadium soccer fields on April 30th and May 1st. This was the second year that Troop 652 has participated in this event and the Troop plans on attending every year. The Relay for Life is a 24 hour event because "Cancer Never Sleeps".
Relay is put on by Volunteers and benefits the American Cancer Society to help find a cure for cancer. The members of Troop 652 helped with everything from Flag Ceremony, serving all three meals, filling up drink stations and placing Luminaria bags around the track, and then picking them up the next morning. The Scouts enjoy helping out for such a great cause!

~Christy Eimen Troop 652 ~ Assistant Scoutmaster/Outings Chairperson


Scout Shop Sale

We are receiving new updated versions of instock merchandise. In order to make room for them we need to drastically reduce our stock for final clearance. Come in to check it out.

Summer T-shirts for camp
$6.99 and up
Many event patches are now
$ .68 and up
Card games for Scout skills
$2.88 to $ 4.88

The list goes on and on. Come in to see the New and Clearance items Look for these tags (Above) and more clearance items with blue price labels instead of the normal white ones.

The store survey is now promoting 10% off our entire line of Camping gear through the end of July. Check the bottom of your receipt to see if you've been selected for the survey. It chooses every 10th customer to be rung through the system and that may be you!

Lisa Bates / Store Manager
Redlands Scout Shop


Spring Fling

Cub Day Camp



High Desert District Camporee

The High Desert District Camporee had 18 Troops (2 from out of he District and 1 from outside of our Council) Total of 200 people attended, 154 scouts, 46 adults. 284 Merit Badge sign-ups, drawing out of council troops to participate. One scout, Matt, who had never shot a gun before, not only had pretty tight grouping shooting the .22, but hit two bulls-eyes, including one "dead center" on the cross-hatch. 2010 and 2011 were welcomed change-ups in the usual troop competition Camporee.

Special mention should be made for Valley Sporting Goods who not only were on site as official BSA vendors, but provided there store resources to make emergency copies of additional merit badge requirements. Greg, Kevin, and Randy thanks for your support, you all created a great event for the High Desert District!


Stage Coach Music Festival

The Stagecoach Music Festival was held at the Empire Polo Grounds in Indio on April 30- May 1. It’s one of the largest country music festivals in the country. This year’s attendance was over 70,000 people. Cub Scout leaders from Pack 131 in Palm Desert and OA members from Cahuilla Lodge set up a tipi and a BSA information booth to share with the crowd a bit of the Scouting program. They also teamed up with members of the Girl Scouts to run the outdoor activity center in the family area at Stagecoach. Some of the activities included a catapult, rubber band gun shooting range, leatherworking, and rain gutter regatta.

Cahuilla Lodge’s drum team, Deer Run Singers, performed some exhibition pow wow dancing & drumming on Saturday and Sunday on the stage in the family area. The audience numbered several hundred people and a good portion of them were clapping along with the drum beat. This was a great sign that they were loving the show! A few members of the crowd were recruited as dancers when a potato dance special was held at the end of the show. Six members of the audience were paired off to balance a potato between their foreheads while performing a round dance. This was a huge hit with the crowd and everyone involved had a great time.

Special thanks to Chase H., Patty D., Neal H., Aaron H., Conor D., Sean D., Glen D., Scott E., Robert E., Lonnie R., Cameron S., Curtis S., James H., Nick D., Derik Y., Kyle S., Ian M., Mark M., Jonathan C., and John G. for helping to make the weekend so memorable… And the music was OUSTANDING!


CIEC Venturing Officers Elected!

Below is a list of the 2011-2012 Officers for the CIEC Venturing Officers' Association as elected by the Venture Scouts present at the ILSC on March 29-31, 2011.

  • President - Robert Jenson
  • Vice President of Administration - Ryan Carr
  • Vice President of Program - Mel Ramont
  • Vice President of Communication - M Buchanen
We wanted to let everyone know that the CIEC VOA meetings will be held on the fourth Tuesday of every other month beginning on June 28, 2011. Meetings will be held at the Council Service Center in Redlands starting at 7:00 pm. Start getting the word out to the various Crews that you come in contact with and send out meeting reminders about the CIEC VOA meetings, I think we can get a good attendance.

Yours in Venturing,
Dennis Carlos - CIEC Venturing Chair, Ryan Kleinvachter - VOA Advisor


Grayback District Pinewood Derby

This years Grayback District Pinewood Derby was a HUGE success! Hosted at Redlands Ford, Pack 10 did a great job making sure this event went smoothly, Troop 3 also contributed Boy Scouts to help out. We had over 50 Cub Scouts at the event and fun was had by all.

A special thank you to the local business' who helped sponsor this event, SMS Security, Advanced Chiropractic & Redlands Ford. Thank you to Pack 10 for volunteering their time and race track to this event.

And the winners are: Overall 1st Alex K. Pack 10, 2nd Weston S. Pack 112, 3rd Daniel F. Pack 24

News & Tidbits

  • The Buzz - May 5, 2011, "All Markets Strategy" Click Here
  • "The Advisor" Please enjoy and distribute to your Crew members Click Here
  • WANTED: Your Old American Flags for our Stars For Our Troops Program Click Here
  • The Orange County Council is offering a Red Cross Wilderness and Remote First Aid class at the OCBSA Click Here


Positive Quote

" I'm a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work, the more I have of it. "

  -Thomas Jefferson


Have a great Scouting week!
Yours in the Spirit of Scouting,

Joe Daniszewski
Scout Executive/CEO
California Inland Empire Council, BSA
1230 Indiana Court
Redlands, CA 92374

909.793.2463, Ext. 120
909.793.0306 Fax

Monday Memo is from Scout Executive Joe Daniszewski and contains his reflection on what is happening within the Council. The purpose of Monday Memo is to communicate information about the week ahead, to acknowledge the good things happening around the Council and to address specific issues that the Scout Executive wants to bring to your attention. Joe welcomes any comments, suggestions or recommendations on how to make this memo as helpful as possible. If you have something you want publicized in the Monday Memo, please send it to his attention c/o Monday Memo: for Monday Memo Archives Click Here


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   2351 W Lugonia Ave Suite F Redlands, CA  92374 • (909) 793-2463

Copyright 2007-2024 • Boy Scouts of America, California Inland Empire Council #045