Welcome to our June 18th, 2012 Monday Memo


The Old Baldy Scout Center is on the Move!

On Monday, July 2nd the Old Baldy Scout Center will be opening at it's new location at 4650 Arrow Highway, Suites B1-B3 in Montclair. The Scout center will be moving to a much better neighborhood, have more parking and with the bonus of a Scout Shop that will be 60% larger.

To get to the new Scout Center, from Interstate 10, exit at Central Avenue then go north to the Arrow Highway. Then travel West approximately 1 mile. The Montclair Business Center is located just past the Montclair Police Station on the North side of the street.

With the new location will come new hours for the Old Baldy Scout Shop.

Monday-Friday 9AM TO 6PM, Saturday 9AM TO 3PM, CLOSED SUNDAY

The current Scout Center in Ontario will be closed beginning Tuesday, June 26th and will reopen in Montclair on Monday, July 2nd. The new phone number for the Old Baldy Scout Center will be (909) 625-4534.


LFL Announces Exploring Fee Increase

As many of you know, the Learning for Life Executive Board voted to increase the Exploring registration fee from $10 to $15 effective July 1. For frequently asked questions, please see the attachment. This increase will allow the continued development of new marketing materials and programs, such as the online career interest survey, new brochures, sales folders, website development, online training, and middle school Explorer clubs. Click Here for FAQ


A Great Way for Scouts to Experience Camp Emerson Scout Camp

Camp Emerson offers an exciting program for Boy Scouts who couldn't attend camp with their troop or just want another week of cool, summer fun. This program is also great for newly graduated Webelos Scouts or new Boy Scout patrols. Emerson's Brownsea Scout program allows Scouts to attend either individually or as a small group - no leader's required! Scouts are either placed with another troop attending camp, or if there is enough Scouts, we'll organize a troop around them. Brownsea Scouts can then take merit badges, meet new friends and have fun in the outdoors. The cost is only $315 and Scouts can choose any of the four sessions of camp.

What's better than one week of camp? A second week! Scouts who attend a second week of Camp Emerson can have twice fun and opportunities to earn merit badges for 1/2 the price! Be a Tahquitz Scout for only $150!

CLICK HERE to download the Brownsea/Tahquitz Scout Application

Sign-up today!   Call Gail in Volunteer Services at (909) 793-2463 ext 129 for more information.


Railroading Merit Badge

Gordon Taber  (951) 601-9798
Orange Empire Railway Museum
2201 South “A” St. Perris CA
*(Adults must pay for rides)


Pack Programming Planning

Your Pack’s Annual Program Plan = Satisfied Cub Scouts and families = A lifelong love of Scouting!

Let’s talk about one of the key elements of all successful packs and an indicator of a potentially successful year. Of course that would be the Pack’s Annual Program Plan and Planning Conference.

A research project done by Eli Lilly in Indianapolis, Indiana, showed that a common element of strong packs is they all have a good annual pack program planned a year in advance that is then shared with all families in the form of a calendar. The important result of a shared annual program calendar is that your pack will attract more families, and Cub Scouts will stay for a long time.

Just as an aside, the other two key elements of successful packs identified in that study was training and just having the right leader to start with.

Here is how a pack program planning conference works. A month or two before the scheduled face-to-face conference, the committee chair and Cubmaster gather the following information:

1. Key school dates
2. Community event dates
3. Your chartered organization’s dates
4. Personal dates that may affect your pack’s activities such as the Cubmaster’s anniversary cruise
5. District and council dates
6. Collected Family Talent Survey sheets from all parents
7. Last year’s pack annual plan if you have one

To maximize the efficiency of your planning, the following people should attend conference.

1. All pack committee members
2. All den leaders
3. All pack/den aids and den chiefs (optional)
4. Chartered organization representative
5. Your unit commissioner (optional)
6. Anyone else you think might be helpful, such as other parents

If you choose, you can use a new electronic program planning conference guide for a pack to add some color to the process. This narrated PowerPoint presentation, which takes the pack step-by-step through the planning process, can be found by Clicking Here

The result is an annual calendar and plan that all parties agree upon.

Click here for more information on developing your annual plan


Here is an Exciting Offer From Office Depot for all Scouting Units!

Office Depot is providing a discount card that is available for all BSA members to use.  CLICK HERE to download the card for your use.  Pack and troop leaders or any volunteer that is buying office products for Scouting get a 10% discount off of store retail pricing.   Please note that if the store has a better discounted price, you can use one or the other but not both.  Be sure to have your BSA membership card in the event that you're asked for it. 

The card is self explanatory and can be used immediately.  It is transferrable to anyone.

We hope this benefit to you will help the Scouting dollar go further toward the goal of growing Scouting. 


33rd Annual Scout Memorabilia Auction & Trade-O-Ree

Friday, August 17th, 2012, 6:00 pm – 10:00 pm Saturday, August 18th, 2012, 9:00 am – 4:00 pm

Email bids will be taken until Fri. August 17th @ Midnight West Coast Time @ mkb969@verizon.net
Live Items can be viewed on the CIEC WEB PAGE: www.bsa-ciec.org

The California Inland Empire Council, B.S.A. Welcomes you to our
33rd Annual Boy Scout Memorabilia Auction & Trade-O-Ree (TOR)
Immanuel Lutheran Church
5545 Alessandro Blvd Riverside, CA 92506

There will be 100’s of items, including CSP’s, OA Flaps, Books, Mugs, Uniforms, Pins, Jamboree, Philmont and other BSA related items to bid on!
LIVE, SILENT & YOUTH Auctions! Click Here for More Info


Lowe's National Eagle Scout Project Impact Grant

Home improvement retailer Lowe's has teamed with the Boy Scouts of America to provide the Lowe's National Eagle Scout Project Impact grant for candidates working on their Eagle Scout project.

About the Grant
A generous contribution from the Lowe's Charitable and Educational Foundation has made it possible for the council to present selected Eagle Scout candidates with a $100 prepaid gift card to be used toward their service projects. Life Scouts who are planning a construction-based project may apply. The council Eagle project review board will determine which projects qualify for a Lowe's grant. A total of 68 grants will be awarded. After the project review is completed, the council will distribute the $100 prepaid gift cards to recipients. Cards must be used to purchase building materials and equipment for the Eagle candidate's service project. The gift card may be used at any Lowe's location or any place that it is accepted.

To qualify for a Lowe's National Eagle Scout Project Impact grant, the individual must

  • Be a registered Life Scout.
  • Complete and submit the Lowe's grant application
  • Be sure the Eagle Scout service project has all approvals before the work begins. Submit copies of pages 6 through 10 of the Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook, No. 512-927 with the grant application.
  • Use the Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook to document the results of the service project. Make photographs and all documentation available to the BSA for sharing with Lowe's.

Things You Should Know

  • If you plan to spend your gift card at a Lowe's location, you should consider speaking with the local store manager when you arrive. This will help Lowe's track how well the program is being received.
  • Document your project with "before" and "after" photographs. Be sure photographs show how the materials and equipment purchased with the gift card were used for your service project.

Our Thanks to Lowe's
The Boy Scouts of America thanks the Lowe's Charitable and Educational Foundation for its generous support of Scouting across the country. Through this unique program, thousands of Life Scouts who are hard at work on their Eagle Scout service project will benefit from the contribution. Communities and organizations will benefit, too.

For additional information, email Program Director Kevin Gustafson. Grant applications are to be sent to:

California Inland Empire Council
Lowe's Project Grant
PO Box 8910
Redlands, CA 92375


Eagle Scout Mike Rowe Shares His Scouting Story

Here’s a new job for Mike Rowe, he of Dirty Jobs fame: Keynote speaker at a gathering of BSA professionals and volunteers.
Rowe traded his usual duds — well, he kept the jeans — for a nicely pressed shirt at this month’s National Annual Meeting in Orlando.
The Eagle Scout and Discovery Channel star who bulldozed his way onto the Scouting scene at the 2010 jamboree earned the Distinguished Eagle Scout Award at the event. Then he gave a 20-minute, off-the-cuff speech that you won’t want to miss.

Click Here to View


Varsity Vision Training 2012

Why attend Varsity Vision?

Varsity Vision training provides a “hands on” experience for both adult leader (Coaches) and youth leader (Captain/Squad leaders & Program Managers).  You will learn how to form, plan and execute a team meeting and develop a program event. 

  • The values of Scouting are taught, used and reinforced
  • An overnight experience gets you away from distractions
  • Youth and adult leadership of the team will both learn their proper roles
  • FUN. FUN. FUN. Hands on learning methods make the experience very enjoyable
  • Take home skills for team leadership that will enable successful planning, meetings and develop great activities.
  • Future opportunity to share your skills of leadership with others

Your Experience - Your Vision - Your Leadership   Click Here for more Info


National Summertime Pack Award

A pack can qualify for the National Summertime Pack Award certificate and streamer by planning and conducting three pack activities—one each in June, July, and August. This award can be an incentive for greater attendance at your summer pack activities.
Qualifying packs receive a colorful streamer for their pack flag. Dens with an average attendance of at least half their members at the three summer pack events will be eligible for a colorful den participation ribbon. Boys who participate in all three pack events are eligible to receive the National Summertime Pack Award pin, which they can wear on the right pocket flap of their uniform.  CLICK HERE to download the form

Thoughts & Prayers

On May 30th “Uncle” Roy Cooley was admitted to Pomona Valley Community Hospital  with a diagnosis of Lung Cancer.  His cancer has also spread to his liver and bones.  Roy is the Assistant Council Commissioner for training, and a member of the CIEC Executive Board.   Roy’s wife Sandra is with him by his side while at Pomona Valley Community Hospital in Pomona, and he has been visited by many scouting friends.   Roy began chemo therapy today to help slow the cancer’s spread.  With these treatments the doctors hope he can have another 8 months.  Roy’s not ready to give up yet.  He’s in good spirits, and all though drugged up he’s still got that Uncle Roy sense of humor we’ve all come to love.  Your thoughts, prayers, cards and visits are much appreciated.  

News & Tidbits

  • The Advisor is the monthly newsletter for Venturing Crews/Ships in the California Inland Empire Council published and written under the guidance of Ryan Kleinvachter and the CIEC Venturing Committee. Click Here to View


Adult Leader Awards

Name Unit District Award Name Unit District Award
Greg Lundeen District High Desert District Committee Key Monica Martinez Pack 24 Arrowhead Cub Scout Den Leader
Dawn Hosier Pack 222 Mt. Rubidoux Cub Scouter Award Beth Heires Pack 301 Tahquitz Cub Scouter Award
Dennis Smith Pack 520 Five Nations Cubmaster Award David Hall Pack 329 Tahquitz Pack Trainer Award
Phillip Terrisse Troop 444 Three Peaks Boy Scout Leader's Training        

Camp Emerson Availibility

Camp Emerson Week 1
June 24-30
Week 2-LDS
July 9-14
Week 3
July 15-21
Week 4-LDS
July 23-28
Big Oak (50) Open Open 22 spots available 34 spots available
Bridger (20) Full FULL FULL FULL
Broken Arrow  (40) Full 4 spots available 26 spots available Open
*Coil  (30) FULL FULL 6 spots available 5 spots available
Dan Boone  (20) 2 spots available 4 spots available FULL FULL
Eagle Nest  (25) FULL 3 spots available FULL 11spots available
Firestone  (25) FULL 8 spots availabe 4 spots available FULL
Freemont  (20) 1 spot available FULL FULL FULL
*Goldware (14) FULL FULL FULL FULL
*Harris (30) FULL FULL FULL 3 spots available
Lewis & Clark (10) FULL FULL 2 spots available 3 spots available
*Mellor (40) 8 spots available FULL 11 spots available 3 spots available
*Owl's Roost (20) FULL 3 spots available FULL FULL
*Swartzel (20) 3 spots available 4 spots available 1 spot available FULL
* Furnished Campsites Furnished campsites include canvas tents each with two cots & mattresses


Friends Of Scouting Report

6/18/2012   2012 Goal 2012 Pledged (Year To Date) % of  Goal Cash Paid
(Year to Date)
# of Donors Donors Asked  % 6/10/2011 Pledged
Mt. Rubidoux Carl Rowe $122,500 $117,767 96.14% $96,864 1,436 763 53.13% $104,725
Tahquitz Bill Dull $139,600 $123,492 88.46% $105,292 2,085 933 44.75% $117,997
3 Peaks Andrew Kotyuk $71,000 $61,378 86.45% $57,063 1,188 567 47.73% $53,860
Sunrise Scott Evans $60,000 $51,853 86.42% $45,951 746 322 43.16% $42,659
High Desert Greg Lundeen $99,500 $84,453 84.88% $71,970 1,591 686 43.12% $81,399
Temescal Tom Munoz $110,600 $91,846 83.04% $76,643 1,566 723 46.17% $98,505
Grayback Darrel Olson $106,000 $87,441 82.49% $79,154 1,244 564 45.34% $84,575
Arrowhead Michael Bentley $67,000 $49,880 74.45% $42,104 1,151 478 41.53% $53,629
Old Baldy Max Williams $131,500 $88,650 67.41% $60,192 1,771 688 38.85% $90,662
5 Nations Ross Nakatani $43,500 $24,348 55.97% $20,634 493 201 40.77% $19,310
    $951,200 $781,108 82.12% $655,867 13,271 5,925 44.65% $747,321



Positive Quote

“A boy on joining wants to begin Scouting right away.”    ~ Baden-Powell

Joe Daniszewski
Scout Executive/CEO

California Inland Empire Council, BSA

PO Box 8910

1230 Indiana Court
Redlands, CA 92374
909.793.2463, Ext. 120
909.793.0306 Fax

Monday Memo is from Scout Executive Joe Daniszewski and contains his reflection on what is happening within the Council. The purpose of Monday Memo is to communicate information about the week ahead, to acknowledge the good things happening around the Council and to address specific issues that the Scout Executive wants to bring to your attention. Joe welcomes any comments, suggestions or recommendations on how to make this memo as helpful as possible. If you have something you want publicized in the Monday Memo, please send it to his attention c/o Monday Memo: Joseph.Daniszewski@scouting.org for Monday Memo Archives Click Here      



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   2351 W Lugonia Ave Suite F Redlands, CA  92374 • (909) 793-2463

Copyright 2007-2024 • Boy Scouts of America, California Inland Empire Council #045