Monday Memo 

Joseph Daniszewski
Scout Executive

Good day and welcome to our June 21st, 2010 Monday Memo


Father's Day

Dear Dads: Thanks for using your free time to go camping, even when it rains. Thanks for giving all of your passion and engineering know-how to help make a car from a block of wood. And thanks for all you do to share the adventure and prepare your kids to become exceptional adults. You make a difference. Hope you had a very Happy Father’s Day!


BSA-100 Birthday Party – 2010

100th Anniversary Highway to FUN Planning Calendar and Weekend Tentative Schedule  

July and August 2010

  1. Test all activities and work out all issues
  2. Secure all logistical questions
  3. Secure logistics for all vendors & special activities
  • July      15      DISTRICT Staff Meetings (by Districts - secure all volunteers)
  • August   5      Youth Staff Meeting (7pm Redland office) two Eagle Scouts from each district Please RSVP with BSA-100 Chairman
  • August 19      Monthly Staff Meeting ( 7PM Redlands Office )
  • August 22      Site Walk Through for Staff and activities coordinators ( 2PM ) Youth Staff Meeting 12:00pm rehearsal and planning at the site
  • August 26      Unit Leaders Event Briefing Meeting ( TBA )
  • August 31      Deadline date for pre-ordering T-Shirts

September 2010

  • 2            Unit  Leaders Event Briefing Meeting ( TBA )
  • 9            Key Staff Final Detail Meeting ( 7PM Redlands office )
  • 16          Monthly Staff Final Detail Meeting ( 7PM Redlands Office)
  • 21 -24    Program logistics and camp set-up / layout

Friday, September 24, 2010  Welcome to the BSA-100 Birthday Party!

  • 7:45am             Flags
  • 9am                 Park open for program, logistics, & vendor set-up
  • 10am – 10pm   Camp is open for unit campsite set-up ( Gear Trailers will only be allowed at gear drop off points before 4:00PM )
  • 4:45pm            Flags
  • 6:00pm            Staff Dinner
  • 7:30pm             BSA-100 Leaders Safety Meeting PLC
  • 8:30pm             District Scout PLC Staff & Leaders safety meetings
  • 8:30pm             District Campfires as per each district plan times may change
  • 9:30pm             Key Staff & Activity Coordinators Meeting & Cracker Barrel 
  • 11:00pm           Taps, Lights Out! . . . Quiet in camp, you’ve got a big day tomorrow

 Saturday, September 25, 2010  It’s going to be a great day for Scouting!

  • 5-9:30am          Last minute program / vendor set-up
  • 5:30am             Reveille, breakfast and clean-up
  • 5:30am             Key Staff Pancake Breakfast
  • 6:00-8:30am     OA Pancake Breakfast
  • 8:00-9:00am     Gathering Time for Opening Ceremonies
  • 7:45am            Opening Ceremonies Program Participants Meeting
  • 9:00am            Opening Ceremonies Start 9am sharp
  • 10:00am           All activity areas open
  • 12:00 noon       Lunch for key staff
  • 12:45pm          Unit leaders meeting for Saturday evening campsite checkout
  • 5:00pm            All activity areas close
  • 4:45pm            Evening flags
  • 5:05pm            Unit leaders meeting for Sunday Activities & Checkout
  • 5:30pm            Key Staff Dinner
  • 6:00pm            Saturday evening check out begins (Please drive slow in camp)

Note: Sunday’s closing to our celebration of 100 years of scouting will be special and everyone is encouraged and invited to join the CIEC family for one of those magic moments in time. Saturday nights campfire might just be fun too.

  • 7:00pm            O.A. escort to campfire
  • 8:00pm            Begin evening campfire
  • 9:30pm            Evening activities begin
  • 9:45-11pm       Adult cracker barrel starts right after campfire – Scouters fellowship reunion
  • 11:00pm         Taps . . .Lights Out! . . . Quiet in camp

Sunday, September 26, 2010 Another beautiful day in the world of Scouting!

  • 6:00am             Reveille, breakfast & clean up * Breakfast for Key Staff
  • 7:00am             Camp PLC   - Boy Scout
  • 8:00am             Morning assembly & flags
  • 8:15am             Scouts Own right after assembly Scouts Own Special Show
  • 9:30am             Cub Scout Mystery Event
  • 9:30am             Boy Scout Mystery Event
  • 11:00am           Awards and Closing ceremonies Check out begins anytime after closing ceremonies
  • 12:00pm           Lunch for staff and clean up crews
  • 1-3:00pm         Service Project
  • 1:00pm            Till completed camp/park wide clean-up
  • 4:45pm            Flags ?                 Key Staff and clean up crews head for home

Monday September 27

Till complete porta potty pick up and final logistics walk through After all this, it’s “back to the rat race” and the end to BSA-100 Birthday Party, except in our memories. We hope yours will be good ones. Please - Buckle Up. Drive carefully & have a safe trip to and from the BSA-100 Birthday Party Celebration for 100 years of Scouting. 

Unit Leaders are our most valuable resource for this event, they have devoted months of their time and lots of money to bring this celebration of 100 years of Scouting to the CIEC Family

Thanks to all for your support of the BSA, See ya on September 24-26, 2010 


Executive Director of Leave No Trace Visits CIEC

Monday evening June 14, 2010 Crew 604 did an awesome Leave No Trace Awareness presentation for Troop 304 in Murrieta, California. One thing was different, Dana Watts the Executive Director of Leave No Trace from Boulder ,Colorado was present and enjoyed watching the Crew in action. At the end of the training presentations Dana awarded Amy Chapman of Crew 604 the L.L. Bean Outdoor Hero Award. Amy was nominated for her excellent work spreading the message of Leave No Trace and Outdoor Ethics. Amy has served on many Woodbadge Venturing Crew staffs. Crew 604 of the Tahquitz District has shared the Seven Principles of Leave No Trace throughout the Council, visiting other units and training on Scoutreach Weekends. Congratulations to Amy and Crew 604!

Click Here for LL Bean Link


Tour Permit FAQ's

Q.  Does the BALOO training that is listed in the activity training matrix have an expiration?
BALOO is a locally administered course that does not have an expiration date. Repeating the course biannually is not a requirement at this time. Insert the date you took BALOO into the training matrix. 

Q. What are the Paddlecraft Safety and Swimming and Water Rescue courses that are listed on the training matrix?
Paddlecraft Safety and Swimming and Water Rescue are new training programs being developed by the Aquatics Task Force. Support material, when available, will be provided to the local councils. The courses have been added to the training matrix to help you “Be Prepared.” In the meantime, please look through the Aquatics Supervision Guide Book, No. 34346, available through . 

Q.  Is Planning and Preparing for Hazardous Weather Training required for all tours as of January 1, 2009? 
Yes, it is required for all tours, including local and national, Cub Scout, Boy Scout, and Venturing.

Q.  When do I need to complete a tour permit ?
Your local council determines when a tour permit is required for trips under 500 miles or local activity. However, the tour permit is an excellent planning tool that should be included in preparation for all activities, even those not requiring it. It guides a tour leader through itineraries, travel arrangement, two-deep leadership, qualifications of supervision, and transportation.

Q. What should we use for permission from parents?
The Activity Consent Form and Approval by Parents or Guardian is an appropriate resource.

Q.  Do I need anything else if we are going on a discovery flight?
Yes, please complete the Flying Permit along with an Activity Consent Form and Approval by Parents or Guardian (for each participant).

Contact Program Director Kevin Gustfason at our Council Service Center 909-793-2463 extension 139 


BSA Formally Launches Inventing Merit Badge 

The Boy Scouts of America, in partnership with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology formally launched the Inventing Merit Badge.

This new, exciting merit badge is now available for all scouts to earn. * Requirements are available at:

* The first printing of the merit badge pamphlet has been shipped to local council service centers.

As part of the development and pretesting of the Inventing merit badge, thirty-eight scouts from six Boston area councils completed the merit badge requirements and were awarded their badges. Additionally two patent-holding Distinguished Eagles with connections to MIT were presented commemorative merit badges for their past inventive activities and ongoing support of Scouting.

Additional Information


News & Tidbits


INLAND EMPIRE – The summer solstice arrives early Monday morning. It’s the longest day of the year with the shortest nights. More direct sunlight usually means hotter weather. Rob Krohn at the Riverside weather office says the longer days of spring produced only one heat wave.

“Temperatures were well below normal. The summer forecast calls for near-normal temperatures and rainfall with much less night and morning low clouds and fog.”

Summer usually produces about thirty, 100-degree days in the Riverside-San Bernardino area. But, September can sometimes be the hottest month of the year. So far, there have been no triple-digit days.

Thanks to Inland News Today Story Date: June 20, 2010

Cub Camp

Kudos to Old Baldy District Day Camp Director Laura French!

187 cub scout campers and over 70 adult volunteer leaders attended day camp!


Camping Report 

Camp EmersonUnitsYouthAdultCamp WileyUnitsYouthAdult
WK#11716439Session #115118106
WK#22620259Session #263630
WK#32118843Session #312112100
WK#42521052Session #48120110
WK#52115446Session #59106104
WK#61311526Session #673022
Ranger QuestSession #712113103
Camp Wisumahi      
Session #1134613TOTAL2051714853

Camp Emerson Attendance Report


Cub Day Camp

DistrictDateTigersCubsWebelosTagsTotal YouthDen ChiefsAdultsPacks
5 Nations6/5/201023831N/A711910
Old Baldy6/7-6/11395473017557422
High Desert7/13-7/1663051129944611
Mt. Rubidoux7/20-7/2353612962213
North Temescal7/26-7/30603561013711
South Temescal8/2-8/6710441161687117
Three Peaks8/12-8/131421861338


FOS Report

June 17, 2010Goal Actual% of GoalCash to Date2009 Actual6/18/2010
# of ProspectsProspects Personally Contacted% of Prospects
Mt. RubidouxKathleen Hartman$122,000$109,74390.0%$97,456$111,408 $111,000 276464523.34%
3 PeaksJoe Wilson$73,000$64,78588.7%$61,394$64,938 $ 65,000 170261436.08%
TahquitzDonna Baker$144,000$127,12588.3%$110,343$129,922 $128,500 338197528.84%
High DesertBruce Ebmeyer$102,000$84,27282.6%$75,385$79,079 $ 85,000 309967021.62%
GraybackPaul Foster$105,000$82,86678.9%$76,071$83,176 $ 85,000 185846725.13%
Old BaldyJohn Sitar$134,000$103,06276.9%$70,738$74,020 $103,400 301066722.16%
SunriseMike Lindley$62,000$46,08274.3%$40,960$50,816 $ 48,000 149829819.89%
TemescalGrant Clark$128,000$84,16565.8%$72,966$102,460 $ 85,000 270768825.42%
5 NationsAaron Knox$51,500$32,30762.7%$24,477$34,643 $ 32,500 83528133.65%
ArrowheadMajor Fritz$80,000$50,08862.6%$37,831$60,911 $ 50,633 241634714.36%










Click Here for LDS & Family Campaign FOS Report 


Positive Quote

If we are facing in the right direction, all we have to do is keep on walking. 

-- Buddhist Proverb


Have a great Scouting week!
Yours in the Spirit of Scouting,

Joe Daniszewski
Scout Executive/CEO
California Inland Empire Council, BSA
1230 Indiana Court
Redlands, CA 92374

909.793.2463, Ext. 120
909.793.0306 Fax

Monday Memo is from Scout Executive Joe Daniszewski and contains his reflection on what is happening within the Council. The purpose of Monday Memo is to communicate information about the week ahead, to acknowledge the
good things happening around the Council and to address specific issues that the Scout Executive wants to bring
to your attention. Joe welcomes any comments, suggestions or recommendations on how to make this
memo as helpful as possible. If you have something you want publicized in the Monday Memo, please send it
to his attention c/o Monday Memo: for Monday Memo Archives Click Here


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   2351 W Lugonia Ave Suite F Redlands, CA  92374 • (909) 793-2463

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