Welcome to our June 3rd, 2013 Monday Memo

Joe Daniszewski
Scout Executive/CEO

California Inland Empire Council, BSA

PO Box 8910
1230 Indiana Court
Redlands, CA 92374

909.793.2463, Ext. 120

909.793.0306 Fax


Monday Memo is from Scout Executive Joe Daniszewski and contains his reflection on what is happening within the Council. The purpose of Monday Memo is to communicate information about the week ahead, to acknowledge the good things happening around the Council and to address specific issues that the Scout Executive wants to bring to your attention. Joe welcomes any comments, suggestions or recommendations on how to make this memo as helpful as possible. If you have something you want publicized in the Monday Memo, please send it to his attention c/o Monday Memo: Joseph.Daniszewski@scouting.org for Monday Memo Archives  Sign Up for Monday Memo


Wright Words: What the Boy Scouts of America Decision Means for Your Son

By Jason F. Wright, For the Deseret News, Salt Lake City, Utah

The Boy Scouts of America's decision last week to strike the restriction denying membership to youths on the basis of sexual orientation presents a tremendous opportunity for parents of young men.

Regardless your family’s position on the hot-button issue, the change in policy gives parents and sons at least three fantastic discussion topics.

First, young men must understand that with regards to sexual behavior, absolutely nothing has changed. The BSA’s official statement is clear: “The resolution also reinforces that Scouting is a youth program, and any sexual conduct, whether heterosexual or homosexual, by youth of Scouting age is contrary to the virtues of Scouting.”

We live in a pulsating world where our children are bombarded with blatant sexuality and subtle innuendo years before sexual conduct belongs on their radar. If your son is a Scout, why not use the news to have a frank discussion about abstinence? Remind them of the expectations of Scouting, of your faith and of you. 

Second, this is a golden opportunity for parents to teach sons how important it is to treat others with respect. Perhaps you’re among those who disagree with the change or who would have preferred an even greater pivot in the direction to include adult leaders. If so, consider using this moment to demonstrate to your children how you can voice disapproval calmly through the proper channels with dignity and honor.

It’s critical that our sons see that we respect all young men no matter their Scout rank, race, religion or sexual orientation. This approach is central to Scouting’s mission. Parents and boys should always remember that among other things, the Scout Law defines these young men as loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind and cheerful. Those attitudes and behaviors are not optional, even when we disagree with one another over such critical matters.

Third, the resolution regarding sexual orientation should be a clarion call that God loves us all. Any parent ought to divorce himself from the poisonous attitude that his son is any better than another because he happens to be a star football player, or a member of the National Honor Society, or because he isn’t experiencing same-sex attraction and someone else in the troop is.

Talk to your sons — and daughters, for that matter — about the incomprehensible love that our literal creator has for each and every one of us. We do not have to agree on sexual politics, policy or preference, but we do have to care for one another, because God commands it.

Let's show love. Model a caring attitude. Teach compassion.

The controversy surrounding this new policy isn’t likely to be fueled by the young men learning to tie knots, fold flags and be good citizens. If negativity and distrust catches fire and spreads, it will come from adult leaders and parents who perhaps lose sight that it’s not about press conferences, boycotts and bullying. It’s about the boys.

What does the Boy Scouts of America decision mean for your son? It means a chance to sit down with dad, mom or both over their favorite treat and have an honest talk about sexuality, respect for others and God’s unwavering love for all his children.

If you’ve got a young man in Scouting, go seize the moment — and the conversation.

Ice cream is optional. Talking is not.


Memorial Day Flag Placement by Troop 214, Troop 777 & Crew 73


2013 Wood Badge Leadership Training for the 21st Century

Fall 2013 Course

Friday, Aug. 23rd through Sunday, Aug. 25th, 2013 and Friday, Sept. 6th through Sunday, Sept. 8th, 2013 Click Here to Register
Participant Orientation meeting, Thursday, July 18, 2013 

Boseker Scout Reservation
Wood Badge for the 21st Century is a leadership training course designed for all adult Scouters: Cub Scout Leaders • Boy Scout Leaders • Varsity Leaders • Venturing Leaders • Council / District Leadership • Scouting Professionals. The course incorporates the traditions of over 80 years of Wood Badge, while adding the management and leadership training necessary to be successful as a leader in the 21st century. Wood Badge is more than a classroom–it is games and hands-on projects. You will come away with an appreciation of Scouting's heritage as well as with a dream for the role you will play in its future–the impact you will make on the youth in your own unit at home. Participation in this course will also provide skills to help you achieve success in other aspects of your life...like at home, or in your career!

The course is a 2-weekend fun-filled practical training period where the Scouter lives as a member of a team progressing through Scouting, and learning the skills of leadership. The application phase is completed at home, by implementing the skills learned by accomplishing a series of written goals called a "Ticket."

Cost: $245 (includes all meals and training materials). Fees increase to $275 if paid less than 30 days prior to the course.
(includes training materials and meals during the 1st weekend. Participants will plan and purchase separately a patrol menu for the 2nd weekend.)

Sign up at the Council Service Center today or mail this application with your deposit. Space is Limited to the first 48 fully paid participants for each course!

Yours in Scouting, Chris Johnson, Wood Badge Course Director scoutmaster2013@gmail.com


The 2013 Popcorn Campaign Is HERE!!


It is not too late to for your unit to earn an additional 2% commission for your 2013 popcorn sale!

There are still 3 more opportunities to attend one of our GREAT popcorn trainings.  Learn about this years product, best practices, and set your goal for the 2013 popcorn season.

Saturday, June 8 10:00AM-Noon
LDS Church, 24820 Las Brisas Road, Murrieta 92562

Saturday, June 8  3:00-5:00 PM
American Legion Hall, 400 North Belardo Road, Palm Spring, 92262

Wednesday, June 12   7:00-9:00 PM
Apple Valley USD Multpurpose Room, 12555 Navajo Road, 92308

RSVP with your District Kernel. Questions? Contact Deanna Storer, Council Popcorn Kernel Phone: 208-794-4504 or Email: drstorer@hotmail.com

Click Here for Unit Commitment Card


Stampede 2013

September 27-29, 2013  Glen Helen Regional Park, Devore, CA

The IE Stampede 2013: “Scouting the Future” at Glen Helen Regional Park is a great event for the whole family.

Package #1 - Stampede Camporee & Scout Show only $18.00*!              
                     Includes camping Friday – Sunday, patch, Scout Show & events

Package #2 – Saturday only includes patch, Scout Show & events for only $15.00*!

*Early bird fee. After August 31, 2013 the fee increases $5.00 per person.

Registration Form   Leaders Guide   T-Shirt Form Coming Soon!


Operation "On-Target" Workshop

This past weekend the Varsity Committee put on a workshop for teams to learn about Operation “On-Target”.  They learned about the history of signal mirrors, used by Scouts in the 1920”s to the present day and now used in the Varsity Scout program.  There were several different types of hand held mirrors that Richard Fowell brought along with his 1920 Heliograph.  The presentations covered history of mirrors, how to find peaks with map & compass and GPS.  The topics covered in the presentations were: the Mountain Top Ceremony, awards, “On-Target” pins, patches, service projects and what to do if the weather does not cooperate.  Everyone that attended made a personnel hand held retro-reflective signal mirror and Teams made a larger Team mirror. Operation “On-Target” activities happen this year on July 20th and September 21st.  Everyone went outside and learned how to use the mirrors they made and signaled a 1” mirror on Box Springs mountain that was 1.2 miles away (see picture).  It was a great event that all that attended enjoyed and left excited for Operation “On-Target”

By Gavin Christen (Council Varsity Committee Member)


BSA IndyCar Turns in Top-Five Finish on Racing’s Biggest Stage

When the going gets tough, Scouts shift into high gear. And as it turns out, so does the Boy Scouts of America IndyCar team.

Justin Wilson, driver of the Dale Coyne Racing No. 19 car, overcame a tire problem that dropped him to 24th midrace all the way to a fifth-place finish in Sunday’s Indianapolis 500. Wilson had the fastest lap of the day — 226.940 mph — don’t try this at home — and had the highest-finishing Honda behind four Chevrolet engines.

With a crowd of 300,000 watching from the stands and 5.7 million viewers in front of TVs at home, Wilson zipped around the track, showing off his racing skills and the BSA colors and logos that cover his car.

Whenever the BSA car does well, Scouting benefits from the positive exposure and the almost-subliminal message that the BSA is closely connected to science, technology, engineering, and math. And don’t forget, all of this publicity comes at no cost to the organization or its members. For that, we have to thank Scouting benefactors Dale and Gail Coyne, who were surely smiling at Indy on Sunday. Wilson was smiling, too.

“The No. 19 Boy Scouts of America car was fantastic today,” Wilson said after the race. “Early on we were moving forward. We made adjustments on every pit stop until by the end of the race we had a great racecar. The guys gave me great pit stops, and we just kept working away at it to get a top-five. There is nothing quite like doing 225 mph around here.”
The IndyCar Series resumes next weekend at the Detroit Grand Prix in Belle Island, Mich. Both races can be seen live on ABC starting at 3:30 p.m. (ET) on Saturday, June 1 and Sunday, June 2.

View lots more photos of Sunday’s Indy 500 after the jump, all courtesy of my friend and colleague John R. Fulton Jr. Click Here

indy-1 Boy Scout guests meet driver Justin Wilson and check out the No. 19 car. A Scout snaps a photo of the BSA car, ready to show his friends back home.


Roundtable Planning Guides Updated

In a previous newsletter article it was explained that the next step in the Roundtable project was to critically review and update the roundtable guides. That process occurred between January and March and is complete. This updated version is scheduled to roll out at the National Annual Meeting in May.

What is new in this guide? There are four planning outlines that provide options and flexibility to planners in meeting geography, time, and other diversity issues. In addition, it is being recommended that all roundtable program groups have a common opening with a major “big rock” group topic presentation before splitting into separate program groups. These group topics include items such as rechartering, special needs, and weather awareness. Also, specific program group “topics of interest” were developed to assist leaders with behavioral issues, long-term camps, and religious emblems and awards, among other topics. In the Cub Scout Roundtable Guide, a fabulous set of materials was designed to assist den leaders with exciting program ideas. Finally, the Troop Program Features series is being redesigned and some examples of what these will look like will be included in the new BS RT Guide as a preview of what is to come.

The final issue we need to deal with is technology. It has become clear that new ways to deliver the message are necessary. Thus, we have begun a discussion of possible options councils can use to experiment with diverse deliveries when the standard face-to-face method isn’t sufficient.

Much has been done and we are excited to see how it works. Then we want to get feedback about what worked and what didn’t. This will help in making effective fixes for the next update.

Good roundtables equal better programs in units, which equal increased youth and unit retention. These are JTE goals roundtable can impact. Go forth and produce great roundtables

Taps Plays On At Military Funerals As Bugle Tradition Declines

Military Funeral

The ceremony itself was no more than 20 minutes long and took place nearly six years ago, but Ami Neiberger-Miller remembers it as if it happened yesterday.

It was Aug. 16, 2007, 10 days after her 22-year-old brother, Christopher, had died from an IED blast while on patrol in Baghdad. His body had been transferred to Section 60 of Arlington National Cemetery, an area reserved for soldiers who die in Afghanistan and Iraq. He was to receive a burial with military honors for his service.

"It was relatively short. There were prayers, volleys were fired and the service members folded the flag and presented it to the family. The family received the flag and there was taps," Neiberger-Miller, who lives in Purcellville, Va., recalled. "It lasted less than a minute, but those notes were incredibly powerful. It went to the core of our emotions and stuck with us." Read More

Messengers of Peace Day of Service at the 2013 National Scout Jamboree:

On this day, Scouts will be provided with transportation to one of the counties surrounding the Summit Bechtel Family National Scout Reserve to help with a service project
that will benefit the BSA’s new neighbors. By the time the jamboree is over, 32,000 Scouts will have completed 300,000 community service hours over five days of work. It will be one of the BSA’s largest service projects of the year.

Learn more about the BSA’s Messengers of Peace at www.scouting.org/messengersofpeace.


Catholic Religious Emblem Training

The Catholic Committee on Scouting of San Bernardino invites all Boy Scout and Girl Scout Adults/Leaders to attend a Religious Emblem training.

When: June 22th, 2013
Where: 1230 Indiana Court, Redlands, CA 92374
Time: 9am - 12pm
Cost: FREE!

Register at scouting@sbdiocese.org

To reserve a spot or any questions please call Mary Kleinvachter DCCS Chair at 951-551-4813 or email scouting@sbdiocese.org


Area 4 Western Region

Training calendar for Western Region Area 4 June 2013, subject to change. Click Here



Camp Wiley Registration

Camp Wiley Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5
Campsite Pack # Youth Adult Pack # Youth Adult Pack # Youth Adult Pack # Youth Adult Pack # Youth Adult
New Site A       MR 703 12 12       TQ 346 13 10      
Bridger TM 205 10 10 OB 655 10 10 MR 703 9 6 MR 176 10 10 SU 377 7 2
New Site B       MR 703 8 6                  
Coil 3P 444
AH 264 13 14 TQ 301
TM 134
TM 251
TQ 614 15 15 MR 176 15 15
Daniel Boone       SU 131 7 7       MR 116 8 9 TM 999 5 8
Eagles Nest                              
Freemont TM 205 11 10 OB 655 10 10 TM 134 8 8 TM 542
TM 999
SU 377 10 10
Goldware GB 322 5 7 SU 205
MR 222
ST 59
TM 214
HD 257 5 5 HD 153
SU 903
MR 29
Harris GB 10
TM 41
TQ 148 14 10 MR 29
5N 642
TQ 614 15 15

KC 640

VC 3604

Hayes       TQ 337 2 2       TQ 301 10 10 OB 628 10 11
Lewis & Clark TM 205 3 3 OB 655 3 3                  
Mellor 3P 310
AH 128 16 16 TM 214 21 21 TQ 332 20 20 TQ 614 20 20
Owls Roost SU 903
HD 169
GB 16
OC 51
MR 62 9 9 SU 76
SU 377
TQ 329 11 11 HD 257 9 6
Swartzel GB 40
GB 24
MR 116 10 10 TQ 301 10 10 TQ 332
GB 322

MR 222
TM 41



Camp Emerson Registrations

Camp Emerson Week 1   Week  2   Week  3   Week  4
Campsite Tr # Youth Adult Tr # Youth Adult Tr # Youth Adult Tr # Youth Adult
Big Oak (50)                        
Bridger (20) TM-T13 11 2 GB-T31 10 2 MR-T406 3 2 GB T29 7 2
  SDI-T744 7 2 OC-T86 6 4 5N-T428 5 2 5N-T595 7 2
  FULL     FULL     8 spaces     2 spaces    
Broken Arrow  (40)                        
Coil  (30) LP-T50 22 4 AH-T525 5 2 SDI-T667 17 3 OB-T611 5 2
  AH-T128 1   TQ T534 13 3       OB-T619 5 2
  OC-942 1 1 HD T465 5 2            
  3 spaces     FULL     10 spaces     6 spaces    
Dan Boone  (20) HD-169 11 4 OB-T348 13 2 TM-T34 16 2 HD-256 10 2
  4 spaces     FULL     2 spaces     8 spaces    
Eagle Nest  (25) OC-T225 16 5                  
  5 spaces                      
Firestone  (25) OB-T608 10 4                  
Freemont  (20) MR-T90 12 4 3P-T695 5 2 3p-T371 7 2 TQ T333 9 2
        3P-T185 6 2       TQ-T833 5 5
  4 spaces     6 spaces     11 spaces     10 spaces    
Goldware (14) GB-T15 12 2 MR-T860 10 2 AH-T10 8 2 MR-760 10 3
  FULL     FULL     FULL     FULL    
Harris (30) SD-816 6 2 AH-T200 18 1 OB-T76 7 2 LA-T277 16 3
  OCC-T4 12 3 AT-650 14 2 AZ-T219 5 2      
              MR-T360 12 2      
  FULL     Full     Full     11 spaces    
Hayes (20) MR-156 15 2 MR-T506 5 2 SU-180 6 2      
  4 spaces     13 space     12 spaces          
Lewis & Clark (10) HD-T464 8 2 5N-T95 4 2 3P-T319 8 2 GB-T231 6 2
  Full     Full     Full     Full    
Mellor (40) SD-853 20 7 TQ-T777 9 2 MR-T8 8 3 AH-T512 10 2
  GB-P4 5 2 HD-T53 10 2 TQ-T300 2   HD-T365 9 2
  3P-T43 2 3 HD-159 11 2 GB-T44 14 2      
  GB-11 6 2 HD-T456 7 2            
  FULL No More No More     11 spaces     17 spaces    
Owl's Roost (20) MR-T2 14 2 TQ-T524 4 2 OC-T711 12 2 TQ-T536 8 2
        AH-T448 5 2       TQ-T911 4 2
  FULL     7 spaces     6 spaces     4 spaces    
Swartzel (20) TM-T125 11 3 MR-T433 8 2 GB-33 12 3 MR-T286 5 2
  HD-T89 6 2 WLA-T468 6 2 AH-T128 1 1 SG-T168 5 2
              5N-T310 1        
  FULL     2 spaces     4 spaces     6 spaces    
E Team                        
Capacity 255/ wk   Youth Adult   Youth Adult   Youth Adult   Youth Adult
    208 58   174 44   144 34   121 37
GRAND TOTAL Youth 647   Adults 173              


Friends Of Scouting Report

6/3/2013 District Chair 2013 Goal 2013 Pledged
(Year To Date)
% of  Goal Cash Paid
(Year to Date)
# of Donors Donors Asked  % of Donors Asked 6/3/2012 Pledged
Tahquitz Bill Dull $140,000 $141,070 100.8% $119,740 2,070 932 45.0% $122,490
Mt. Rubidoux Matt Barth $122,000 $107,442 88.1% $95,935 1,458 726 49.8% $111,544
Grayback Darrel Olson $107,000 $93,662 87.5% $79,691 1,237 536 43.3% $83,184
High Desert Greg Rickerl $100,000 $86,285 86.3% $74,194 1,389 644 46.4% $81,467
Temescal Tom Munoz $96,500 $72,336 75.0% $63,918 1,545 644 41.7% $84,292
Arrowhead Michael Bentley $66,500 $48,797 73.4% $43,942 1,052 454 43.2% $48,739
Old Baldy Max Williams $120,000 $81,961 68.3% $50,200 1,573 520 33.1% $82,821
3 Peaks Andrew Kotyuk $71,000 $47,258 66.6% $41,796 1,049 431 41.1% $58,120
5 Nations Ross Nakatani $34,000 $21,424 63.0% $19,197 402 133 33.1% $17,416
Sunrise Scott Evans $59,500 $35,374 59.5% $30,531 643 223 34.7% $41,149
    $916,500 $735,609 80.3% 619,144 12,418 5,243 42.2% $731,222

 Positive Quote & Prayer

"The true measure of a man is not the number of servants he has, but the number of people he serves."

    ~  Arnold Glasow 

A Summer Prayer
Long warm days...
The pace of life slows...
A time for picnics and rest in the shade...
Lord, help me to rest awhile
in the cooling shade of your presence.
Slow down my restless heart and fill me
with gentle compassion for all your people. Amen.
- Author unknown




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   2351 W Lugonia Ave Suite F Redlands, CA  92374 • (909) 793-2463

Copyright 2007-2024 • Boy Scouts of America, California Inland Empire Council #045