June 4, 2018



Camp Emerson/Camp Wiley


Summer camp preparation is in full swing at Boseker Scout Reservation. We have work parties all most every weekend coming up to volunteer to help with clean up, and camp improvements. Everyone is working hard to help get our camp ready to provide an awesome Summer Camp experience for our Scouts! If you have not seen some of the projects we are working on beat the heat, and come up to the cool mountains of Idyllwild, check us out and maybe volunteer for a couple of hours!

                Check out the NEW Camp Gate!



Adventure Weekend


Register here for 2018 Adventure Weekend!

Adventure Weekend Staff Registration

Download Adventure Weekend Flyer



MT Rubidoux Webelos Woods



           click here to sign up for Mt. Rubidoux Webelos Woods 2018



Popcorn Orientation 


Don't forget to register your Unit for the 2018 Popcorn Sale!
Registration indicates your unit plans to sell for the upcoming popcorn sale. Please register even if you have sold in previous years.



Wood Badge


Register for 2018 Wood Badge Fall






National Youth Leadership Training


Course Dates:  June 11th to June 16th              Register for Week 1

                         July 31st to  August 5th             Register for Week 2

                         December 28th to January 2nd  Online registration coming soon


To attend, the Scout/Venture Scout must:

  • Be 13 years of age or have completed the 7th grade

  • Be a First Class Scout or Venture Scout

  • Have his/her Unit Leader recommendation

  • Complete ILST - Introduction to Leadership Skills (Troops, Teams). Previously known as Cedar Badge or Complete ILSC - Introduction to Leadership Skills for Crews (Venturing).

During the course scouts will learn how to use the following leadership skills:

  • Vision – Goals -Planning

  • SMART Goals

  • Problem Solving

  • SSC-Start Stop Continue

  • Stages of Team Development

  • Conflict Resolution

  • Making Ethical Decisions

  • Communication

  • Valuing People

  • Teaching Edge


NYLT (National Youth Leadership Training) is advance leadership training for youth troop, team and crew leaders. NYLT is leadership training for young men and young women. National Youth Leadership Training is an exciting, action packed program designed to provide youth members of the Boy Scouts of America with leadership skills and experience they can use in their home troops, teams or crews. NYLT teaches life long leadership skills.

NYLT uses the patrol method to teach team leadership. The NYLT course centers around the concepts of what a leader must BE, what a leader must KNOW and what a leader must DO. NYLT provides youth leaders with the HOW TO skills they need to be strong youth and strong youth leaders.  



Eagle Portraits


July 21st Eagle Portraits




Ute Park Fire Update


Ute Park Fire Update: June 3, 2018 at 9:30 a.m.

Fire Update: The Ute Park Fire is currently at estimated 31,000 acres and 0% containment. There are 511 personnel on scene fighting this fire including our Philmont Fire Department, other local Fire Departments,  neighbors, and State and Federal agencies.
We can report that the structures at Ponil, Hunting Lodge, Cimarroncito, and Clarks Fork have survived the fire that passed through those areas.
We have gotten official word that base camp is safe and staff will be returning back to base this morning.

Program and Unit information - as we assess the situation we will be working with our leadership and local authorities to determine the extent of program we can deliver and when. Please stand by for an update on this by Monday morning.

Our primary focus remains the safety of our team and the management of the fire. We appreciate your patience as we work through this rapidly changing situation.

From today on we will be posting updates each day prior to noon at PhilmontScoutRanch.org and scouting newsroom.  We will post photos periodically on the Philmont Facebook. Please look at these sites for information from us.



Landscaping Rock


Thank you! Whitewater Rock and Supply for your generous donation of 12 tons of landscaping rock for our Council Office

Our Council Office can use some help to lay out this landscaping rock.

This will count as service hours for conservation and community service

Please contact Brian Paquette brian.paquette@scouting (909) 793- 2463 to set up a time to come help us with this project 




Aviation Exploring



Congratulations! Aviation Explorer Joshua B. from Exploring Post 7500, sponsored by Wings and Rotor Air Museum Murrietta, was selected as the recipient for the $5,000 Aviation Exploring Scholarship.



Pack 2017 Bridging


Congratulations Pack 2017 who had 90 Cub Scouts bridge to the next rank this last Saturday June 2nd. Way to go!





 Outing Ideas




Scouting Safely




Scout Shop



Cartoon Corner



Thoughts from the Council:



Monday Memo is from the Council and contains our reflection on what is happening within the Council. The purpose of the Monday Memo is to communicate information about the week ahead, to acknowledge the good things happening around the Council and to address specific issues that we want to bring to your attention. We welcome any comments, suggestions or recommendations on how to make this memo as helpful as possible. If you have something you want publicized in the Monday Memo, please send it to Brian attention c/o Monday Memo:  Monday Memo Archives Click Here


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   2351 W Lugonia Ave Suite F Redlands, CA  92374 • (909) 793-2463

Copyright 2007-2024 • Boy Scouts of America, California Inland Empire Council #045