California Inland Empire Council

                     Monday Memo


                Welcome to our June 6th, 2011 Monday Memo

The California Inland Empire Council is on the move!

Council President Jim Prior, Council Commissioner Scott "Mac" McLeod and Scout Executive/CEO Joe Daniszewski were presented the 2010 Centennial Quality Council Award by Area 4 Commissioner Marty Kasman at the National Boy Scouts of America Annual Meeting.

Way to go CIEC/BSA!

Crew 604's BIG Adventure

This was our Crew's super-activity for the year. The Crew has been conducting money-earning projects for the last six months to make this happen. The rafting was done on the Lower North Yuba River. The water flow is very high this year resulting in challenging class IV rapids and one class V cataract called "Maytag" (pictured). The wetsuits were very necessary since the water had been snow about 48 hours earlier. The caving was done at Moaning Caverns in Murphys, California. The Crew had a smashing time and can't wait to go rafting again. The caving, not so much! I would happy to share information with other units considering similar adventures. I can be reached at

Regards, Nick


U.S. Flag Etiquette

Dear Mr. Prior,

I was at a Rancho Cucamonga Quakes game last night, where the pre-game flag ceremony featured the colors presented by Scouts from the Inland Empire Council. Over the years, I have seen Inland Empire Council Scouts present the flags a number of times. I always enjoy seeing those young people participating in such an enriching experience. However, I do have something I'd like to mention. Almost every single time I've seen the Scouts present the flag, they hold the U.S. flag at a very steep angle. Last night, the U.S. flag was so far forward it almost touched the grass, mostly because the Scout holding it, an obviously patriotic young man, was trying to steady the flag and render the hand salute at the same time. The situation distracted, unfairly to the boys, to be sure, from the dignity they were working so hard to convey.

If you could, could you remind Scoutmasters to make sure the boys hold the U.S. flag vertical at all times, and that flag bearers do not have to render the hand salute.

Regards, Joseph Staub


Memorial Day Pack 222

Our Scouts took on the great responsibility to thank our military men and women for the services they gave to our country. We placed over 300 flags at fallen heros final resting places on Friday May 27th. Riverside National Cemetary on Van Buren is one of the largest National Cemeteries on this coast.

Thank you,

Memorial Day Troop 257

Boy Scouts from High Desert District, Apple Valley Troop 257 are thankful for the great sacrifices that the men and women of the Armed Services make to defend our way of life. Scouts placed American Flags along Highway 18 in Apple Valley on Memorial Day. Practicing the Scout Law by being Friendly, Courteous and Kind.

Karen Hillers,Troop 257 Apple Valley, Ca



Project Popcorn is Here!

Your mission to have an outstanding Scouting year of fun and adventure begins now by signing up for the 2011 Trail's End Popcorn Sale. It's fun for your Scouts and simple for you! Plus…

New products including Kettle Corn & White Chocolately Pretzels
Earn a Zyclone!
Earn great prizes including gift cards and camp certificates!

Follow these five steps for a Great Popcorn Sale


  • Fill out the Unit Commitment Card today to sell Trail’s End Popcorn this fall.
  • Create your “Ideal Year of Scouting" by establishing an activity plan and budget. Be sure to get input from your Scouts and parents.
  • Set a Popcorn Sale Goal. This goal is based on your “Ideal Year of Scouting” activity plan and budget. Then break that goal down to a Per Scout Goal.
  • Have Scouts go Online. Have each Scout create a Trail’s End account to sell popcorn to friends and family everywhere! To register, have Scouts go to
  • Attend Your District Popcorn Kickoff in August. Get the information you need to hold a successful kickoff for your unit and Scouts!

Complete and send in your commitment card by June 15th and your unit will be entered into a special drawing for a great prize!

For more information, visit!


Cub Scout Day Camp season is here!

5 Nations District kicked off the this years CIEC Cub Scout Day Camp campaign on Friday & Saturday, June 3rd & 4th, in Moreno Valley. The theme of this years camps is "All American Sports". The plentiful programs and activities provided fun and adventure with a purpose. The enjoyment was in abundance for those who attended the camp and no one could argue that the scouts grew in character development, citizenship training, and personal fitness with this great outdoor experience. Cub Scout Day Camp is truly one of the reasons why Scouts remain in the Scouting program, "The Camp That Comes to the Boy".


International Scouting Committee (ISC)

Meeting Notes May 17, 2011

Cecilia Arias; La Paz, Bolivia has been confirmed as the international camp staffer for Camp Wiley for the entirety of its program. The ISC is in need of four different families to host Cecilia for four different periods when she is off work. Hosting meetsone of the requirements for the Adult International Activity patch. Cecilia is 19 years of age, Catholic and fluent in English. Marcel Vargas will be picking her up from the airport and taking her to camp. The last host family may be responsible for taking Cecilia back to the airport – probably LAX.

Robin Lund’s daughter, Joanne (Swedish) is a potential camp staffer to serve at Camp Emerson for a portion of the time she is spending in the USA. This will involve the transition week, one week of camp staff development and the first week of summer camp before she returns to Sweden to particpate in the World Jamboree.

Among other international scouting opportunities are the Michigan International Camporee, Camp Meriwether (Orgeon), JOTI/JOTA, and the LDS International Camporee (Salt Lake area). All will be added to the CIEC website. Marcel will make sure the CIEC webmaster (Ruben Velarde) gets the information for the web site. Attendance at international encampments meet requirements for the International Activity patch.

Finalizing International Activity patch forms: All forms will conform that proved by Bill Dull for ‘non-Cub youth’ subject to certain changes. When finalized, all forms will be accessible on the CIEC website and ‘fillable’ on line, with a printing feature so they can be sent to Mike Goldware. Executed applications can then be brought to CIEC store for purchase of patch.

Traveling display: the larger display was selected. The ISC extends its thanks to the Friends of Temescal for providing the funds for the display..

Next month, the ISC will hear form Mike Downs about the Friendship Tour (in Japan).

Next meeting: June 21st at a Corona location TBD.


Congratulations to Temescal District


Pack 24 Bridging Ceremony

On the weekend of May 21st Pack 24 of Highland held their yearly bridging campout at Yucaipa Regional Park. It was a fun filled weekend camp leading up to the Saturday night bridging ceremony for all the dens. More than 150 scouts, parents and relatives were present for the ceremony. Six boys from the 2nd Year Webelos bridged over to Boy Scouts. Troop 45 was in charge of the Arrow of Light and Bridging Ceremony for the 2nd year Webelos. Also the troop treated the pack and guests to desert after the ceremony. A special thanks to the boys of Troop 45 for hosting the ceremony!!

Picture Left to Right

Mike B. - Pack 24 Scoutmaster
John Paul M. - Life
Daniel B. - Life
Sean B. - Eagle
Marcus C. - Life
David R. - Second Class
Byron M. - Troop 45 Scoutmaster


Helendade Fix n Fun - THIS WEEKEND!

Summer camp will soon be here and we need your help to make Camp Helendade look great for Camp Wiley, Tribe of Wisumahi and Target on Transition. Join us for the Fix N Fun on June 10 -12. Come up for the day or spend the weekend and help with fixing, painting, raking, cleaning, and more. Camping is free, but register today to secure a campsite. Limited space available for trailers and RV's.

For more information and to sign up for this opportunity, please contact Sonja Villarreal at 909-793-2463 ext 130. Online Registration Available


Additional Openings at Camp Wiley!

There's still space available at the hottest Cub Scout camp in cool Running Springs!

There are 25 spaces available during Session #2 (July 7 - 10) There are 47 spaces available during Session #5 (July 28 - 31)

What can you do at Camp Wiley?

  • BB Gun & Archery Ranges
  • Camping & Hiking
  • Swimming & Canoeing
  • Theme Games
  • Crafts
  •  Skits & Songs
  • Advancement Opportunities
Sign-up your Scouts today! For questions and registration information call Sonja at (909) 793-2463 x 3130 or email her at



New Target on Transition Session Added to Camp Emerson!

Every Boy Scout needs to experience summer camp. We hope that your Scouts will have the opportunity for a week of fun and adventure with their friends hiking trails and earning merit badges. The California Inland Empire Council  has three great programs for individual Boy Scouts or patrols this summer.

Target on Transition - NEW SESSION ADDED! Held at Camp Helendade from June 20-25th and at Camp Emerson July 5-9th, this program is designed for the new Boy Scout. The Scouts will become part of a patrol and work on many of the requirements needed for his Tenderfoot, Second Class and First Class ranks. In addition, he'll have the opportunity to shoot rifles, canoe and swim. The program is only $225!

Brownsea Scout - This is a great program for those Scouts who couldn't attend camp with their troop or want another week of fun. Scouts can choose to attend any Camp Emerson summer camp session and will either be placed with a host troop, or organized into a provisional troop with other Brownsea Scouts.

Tahquitz Scout - This program is the same as the Brownsea Scout, but by attending a second week at Camp Emerson, he gets to go for the low price of $150 and will earn a special Camp Emerson patch!

Please let your Scouts know of these great opportunities for summer fun. In addition, we have extended the deadline for campership applications through June 15!

Camp Emerson is one of the best camp values in Southern California with new enhanced and exciting programs like mountain biking and geocaching. Plus great food and lots of it!

Call Gail Nichols at extension 129 or email her at

See you on the trail!   Troop Leader's Guide Now Online!     Brownsea/Tahquitz Scout Application


News & Tidbits

  • Read the latest Venturing News in this months issue of "The AdvisorClick Here 
  • On this episode of "The Buzz", we take a look at highlights from the 2011 National Annual Meeting held in San Diego, May 25-27. Click Here 


Tributes and Memorials

The Council offers a wonderful way to honor a fellow Scouter, a special friend, or an organization that has given you a sense of well being. You may make a monetary donation to the council in their name. What a great way to support Scouting and honor someone or something special in you life. You also have the opportunity to offer a gift in memory of someone.
Both Tributes and Memorials gifts are used wisely to further the mission of Scouting in our council.

The following are Tributes and Memorials received in May 2011:

In Honor of
Tony Romero of Troop 99
Irene Romero

In Memory of
Brian Shumway
Donald Wickham
 In Memory of
Mark Warren
Joe Daniszewski
 In Memory of
Ralph Lunstedt
Sun City Palm Desert Sunshine Club

If you have any questions or concerns please contact Joe Daniszewski - 909-793-2463 ext 120 or Virginia Cottone- 909-793-2463, ext 128.


Recently Completed Eagles

James CaseGraybackCrew 227Chase WardTahquitzCrew 633
Matthew CarterThree Peaks Troop 444Alexander GormanTahquitzTroop 309
Nicholas LewisTahquitzTroop 309Bud BrauerThree Peaks Crew 310
Jeffrey OkabayashiTahquitzTroop 148Maxmiliano CastroSunriseTroop 262
Connor WaiteTahquitzTroop 148Stockton SmithSunriseTroop 268
Michael MorrisTahquitzCrew 833Tyler ParkerTemescalTeam 399
Tyler GriffisFive NationsTroop 1776Mitchell WachTemescalTroop 233
Ryan ShearerFive NationsTroop 100Nicholas BowlesMt. RubidouxTroop 129
Matthew ReathafordThree Peaks Crew 310Sandesh JayawardanaTemescalTroop 2399
David RechtinHigh Desert Troop 157Alexander BellSunriseTroop 262
Daniel Vander FeerHigh Desert Troop 157Ryan MortensenGraybackTeam 15
Joseph ThornHigh Desert Crew 656Thomas Hammond IVArrowheadTroop 128
Roger Luther IIMt. RubidouxTroop 2Clayton BurnsArrowheadTroop 55
Taylor KeslerOld BaldyCrew 66Kyle McCarryFive NationsTroop 428
Jordan Smith Old BaldyCrew 66Brandon MunozHigh DesertTroop 464
Breckon BlissOld BaldyCrew 66Sean BowmanHigh DesertTroop 464
Joshua BeauvaisOld BaldyTroop 650Jeremiah ShieldsGraybackTroop 101
Kyle ChaseOld BaldyTeam 360Donald RiosSunriseCrew 180
Michael GoedelOld BaldyTroop 678Johathan FragenSunriseTroop 262
Patrick BatteyGraybackTroop 11Killian BuggySunriseTroop 262
Trent PomarTahquitzTroop 536Arjun KapurTahquitzTroop 318


Cub Day Camp Report

DistrictDateTigersCubsWebelosTagsTotal YouthDen ChiefsAdultsPacks
5 Nations6/3 - 6/413713N/A51238
Old Baldy6/6/ - 6/10176692216866121
Tahquitz6/14 - 6/1713394423112323
Sunrise6/17 - 6/1812123N/A45287
Mt. Rubidoux6/21 - 6/24228252075236
Grayback6/27 - 6/2912821N/A5012510
High Desert7/12 - 7/1723220862409
North Temescal7/18 - 7/22261952
South Temescal7/25 - 7/291810432122
Three Peaks8/2 - 8/411211
2010 Totals2764641898118950587131

 Camping Report

Camp EmersonDatesUnitsYouthAdultsCamp WileyDatesUnitsYouthAdults
WK#16/26 to 7/2/1119125128Session #17/1/ to 7/4 201116125122
WK#27/4 to 7/9/1165114Session #27/7 to 7/10 201199988
WK#37/10 to 7/16/111512742Session #37/14 to 7/17 20117120111
WK#47/18 to 7/23/112622662Session #47/21/ to 7/24 20119124120
WK#57/24 to 7/30/111613729Session #57/28 to 7/31 201188376
WK#67/31 to 8/6/111210624Session #6 Closed8/4 to 8/7 201113129128
Camp WisumahiTransition Camp 6/20 to 25 2011165010
Session #16/20 to 25 2011164229GRAND TOTAL1881544983

Camp Emerson Attendance Report 


Friend of Scouting Weekly Report

6/6/20112011 Goal 2011 Pledged (Year To Date)% of Goal# of DonorsDonors Asked %6/8/2010 Pledged
Mt. RubidouxJohn Kantola$120,000$103,70586.42%1,86373639.51%$105,588
TemescalGary DeFraene$108,400$93,08085.87%3,02682627.30%$84,014
ArrowheadMichael Bentley$63,000$53,62985.13%1,14960552.65%$48,663
TahquitzWayne Chase$137,000$116,32284.91%1,99199249.82%$127,075
High DesertGreg Lundeen$100,250$79,10978.91%1,80870338.88%$82,543
3 PeaksAndrew Kotyuk$70,000$53,86076.94%1,65455533.56%$64,183
GraybackDr. Michael Kuhn$106,000$80,60076.04%1,13457150.35%$79,621
SunriseScott Evans$59,500$42,65971.70%73427938.01%$43,382
Old BaldyGreg Risser$131,250$90,54268.98%1,59860838.05%$95,102
5 NationsRobin Hastings$45,500$19,31042.44%44216437.10%$32,307







LDS FOS Report 


Just for Laughs


Positive Story D-Day...June 6th, 1944

Click Here to Watch Video

On this day in 1944, Supreme Allied Commander General Dwight D. Eisenhower gives the go-ahead for largest amphibious military operation in history: Operation Overlord, code named D-Day, the Allied invasion of northern France...

By daybreak, 18,000 British and American parachutists were already on the ground. At 6:30 a.m., American troops came ashore at Utah and Omaha beaches. At Omaha, the U.S. First Division battled high seas, mist, mines, burning vehicles and German coastal batteries, including an elite infantry division, which spewed heavy fire.

Many wounded Americans ultimately drowned in the high tide. British divisions, which landed at Gold, Juno, and Sword beaches, and Canadian troops also met with heavy German fire, but by the end of the day they were able to push inland. Despite the German resistance, Allied casualties overall were relatively light. The United States and Britain each lost about 1,000 men, and Canada 355.

Before the day was over, 155,000 Allied troops would be in Normandy. However, the United States managed to get only half of the 14,000 vehicles and a quarter of the 14,500 tons of supplies they intended on shore.

Three factors were decisive in the success of the Allied invasion. First, German counterattacks were firm but sparse, enabling the Allies to create a broad bridgehead, or advanced position, from which they were able to build up enormous troop strength. Second, Allied air cover, which destroyed bridges over the Seine, forced the Germans to suffer long detours, and naval gunfire proved decisive in protecting the invasion troops. Thirdly, division and confusion within the German ranks as to where the invasion would start and how best to defend their position helped the Allies. Hitler, convinced another invasion was coming the next day east of the Seine River, had refused to allow reserves to be pulled from that area.

Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery, commander of Britain's Twenty-first Army Group (but under the overall command of General Eisenhower, for whom Montgomery, and his ego, proved a perennial thorn in the side), often claimed later that the invasion had come off exactly as planned. That was a boast, as evidenced by the failure to take Caen on the first day, as scheduled. While the operation was a decided success, considering the number of troops put ashore and light casualties, improvisation by courageous and quick-witted commanders also played an enormous role.

The D-Day invasion has been the basis for several movies, from 'The Longest Day' (1962), which boasted an all-star cast that included Richard Burton, Sean Connery, John Wayne, Robert Mitchum and Fabian, to 'Saving Private Ryan' (1998), which includes some of the most grippingly realistic war scenes ever filmed, captured in the style of the famous Robert Capa still photos of the actual invasion.


Have a great Scouting week!
Yours in the Spirit of Scouting,

Joe Daniszewski
Scout Executive/CEO
California Inland Empire Council, BSA
1230 Indiana Court
Redlands, CA 92374

909.793.2463, Ext. 120
909.793.0306 Fax

Monday Memo is from Scout Executive Joe Daniszewski and contains his reflection on what is happening within the Council. The purpose of Monday Memo is to communicate information about the week ahead, to acknowledge the good things happening around the Council and to address specific issues that the Scout Executive wants to bring to your attention. Joe welcomes any comments, suggestions or recommendations on how to make this memo as helpful as possible. If you have something you want publicized in the Monday Memo, please send it to his attention c/o Monday Memo: for Monday Memo Archives Click Here


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   2351 W Lugonia Ave Suite F Redlands, CA  92374 • (909) 793-2463

Copyright 2007-2024 • Boy Scouts of America, California Inland Empire Council #045