California Inland Empire Council

                     Monday Memo


              Welcome to our July 11th, 2011 Monday Memo

The BSA’s Operating Principles and What They Mean

As part of the reinvention of Scouting and the changes in culture we are experiencing, it’s very easy to just move around the boxes on the organizational chart.

What’s more challenging is reinventing how we think and how we act—in relationship to each other and to our jobs. I believe our new BSA Operating Principles provide the direction we need to accomplish this.

These six principles are becoming part and parcel of our dialogue and our “way of being” in the national organization. I think it’s important to share them with you. I invite you all to think about how—if we truly embrace them—these principles can transform our ability to be creative and innovative, and work as a team to get the job done.

The principles we have adopted are these:


  • Creating new opportunities
  • Bravery required
  • Will it make a difference? What is possible?
  • Do you believe? How much do you believe in it?
  • Create an atmosphere where bold ideas can be explored.
  • Don’t let your body language, vocabulary, and tone show a loud “NO.”
  • Learn to grow leadership by not providing all the answers; use questions rather than answers.


  • First and foremost, trust is essential to authentic leadership.
  • Create open dialogue.
  • Be a role model of our values.
  • Develop and maximize talent.
  • Champion diversity.
  • Accept input and criticism.
  • Foster an environment that leads to success.


  • Start dialogue with opening—no hidden agendas, value your input, honest discussion.
  • Dialogue on trust, intentions.
  • We honor the impact and contribution of everyone.


  • Our core values—“more than 40 words …”—timeless
  • Foundation of Scouting
  • Inspires and guides our actions
  • Expected of us—from others and ourselves
  • Honor = respect, duty


  • If we keep the mission in mind …
  • To make words and pictures come alive from the Scout Handbook
  • There are many paths to the experience; the important thing is the experience.
  • Every stakeholder has a voice.
  • “We” is the new “They.”


  • Keep the BSA’s mission the priority.
  • Personal sacrifice—movement and work assignments
  • Have passion for the task and mission.
  • Gauge the impact of your action on others and the organization.
  • Dedicate time and travel to meet the needs of others.
  • Portray positive interests in voice and attitude.
  • Recognize the value of good impact on others.

We are continuing to evolve as an organization, and I hope you’ll take some time to become familiar with and adopt these principles as we move forward into our second century of Scouting.

Bob Mazzucca, Chief Scout Executive 


Memorabilia Auction and Trade-O-Ree


Popcorn Kickoffs 

Project Popcorn is nearly here! Each district will be kicking off the 2011 Popcorn Sale with a bang! Scouts are invited to come out for some fun as well as to learn how to sell lots of popcorn. Unit leaders can get their unit sales kits, which includes some kettle corn, posters, sales brochures and a Zyclone!

For more information, please visit for promotional flyers.

High Desert5:30PM July 30Doris Davies Park, Victorville
Arrowhead District10-2 PM, August 6Bloomington LDS Church
Five NationsAugust 6Shakey's Pizza, Moreno Valley
Grayback District10AM, August 6Pharoah's Adventure Kingdom
Old Baldy10AM, August 6Redeemer Lutheran Church, Ontario
Mt Rubidoux6PM, August 8American Legion Hall, Riverside
Three Peaks7PM, August 10Estudillo Heritage Park, San Jacinto
Sunrise DistrictAugust 13Soak City, Palm Springs
Tahquitz5PM August 14Mulligan Family Fun Center, Temecula

Don’t forget to sign up today for the popcorn sale - units signed up by July 15th will be included in a drawing for one of two Zyclones!


National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT) Week 2

The California Inland Empire Council's second week of National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT) took place June 20-25. 74 scouts attended this course filled with valuable leadership skills to include team development, communication skills, planning, evaluation tools, teaching skills, conflict resolution, and more. The youth staff, led by Course Youth Leader Glenn Riley, did a phenomenal job teaching the participants and guiding them throughout the course. Participants will be able to take the skills they learned at NYLT back to their home units to improve their troop or patrol programs.

Brandon Leong, NYLT- Week 2 Course Director


Wanted: Volunteer Readers, Tutors and Mentors!

**NEWSFLASH** All Agencies working with children and youth-at-risk:

On June 21, United Way launched an ambitious goal to recruit one million volunteer readers, tutors and mentors. The goal is in partnership with First Lady Michelle Obama in a national effort to reduce the high school drop-out rate, and encourage children to pursue higher education.

Student United Way at UCR, in partnership with United Way of the Inland Valleys, currently recruited over 150 student volunteers on the “Day of Action” on June 21.. They manually registered all of these students on, also known as Community Connect. It is imperative that all member agencies post any and all new opportunities on the Community Connect website so these students can immediately get involved as “Mentors, Tutors, and Readers”.

Please take the time to add or update your organizational profile on with any volunteer opportunities you may have for community members to become actively involved in this current mission. Be sure to put: “READERS”, “MENTORS” or “TUTORS” in the JOB DESCRIPTION.

For quick and easy access to updating or adding opportunities to the community portal, please copy and paste this link:

Help us recruit and deploy education volunteers over the next 3 years and stimulate a change in education forever! If all members of our community are united under one vision, nothing will be impossible for us!
We would like to thank you for everything you have done for our community, everything you are doing, and everything you have planned for the future! For any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact: Caasi Algazi


Troop 1 Fishing Trip to Jenks Lake

On Saturday, June 25th, the 11-Year Old Scout Patrol of Troop 1, San Bernardino (Arrowhead District), went fishing at Jenks Lake to work on their Fishing Merit Badge. Zane B. caught the most - five fish. Twins Jacob & Ben F. caught a fish. And Troop 1 Charter Rep & Fishing Merit Badge Counselor Will W. caught a bluegill. (see attached pictures). Daniel L., Brandon G., Peter K., Troy L. and McKay A. also caught one fish each. They were catching bluegill, trout and bass. It was a beautiful day to be at Jenks Lake.

Yours in Scouting, Nancy Nielson, Troop 1 Committee Chair & District Commissioner


SummitCorps 2011 Under Way in WV

During four weeklong sessions (July 3–9, July 10–16, July 17–23, and July 24–30), the Order of the Arrow, including a group of Arrowmen from our own Cahuilla Lodge is providing an opportunity “to blend the bliss that comes from cheerful service and the personal growth that can only come from a high adventure” at SummitCorps—The New River Experience at the New River Gorge National River in West Virginia.

The main focus of SummitCorps will be improving the Garden Grand multi-use trail. Other projects will include the removal of invasive species from the area. Click Here to Watch Video

For more information: SummitCorps Website    OA Facebook SummitCorps Albums    Summit Website


Food at Philmont: How Does It Work?

If you’ve ever wondered how Philmont keeps all of its backcountry staff and campers fed, this episode of PhilCast is for you!


Scoutmaster's Note

Dear Joe,

I'm the Scoutmaster of Troop 318 (Murrieta) and I really liked this week's issue of the Monday memo. The subject of volunteerism addressed by Mr. Prior was great and I liked the message about the astronaut calling from space. The account of the lost scout Jarid Negrete was touching and a good reminder of the importance of the two deep policy and allowing the slowest scout to set the pace.

Six scouts from our Troop recently hiked to Sitton Peak and had a great time. This was a hike that was postponed from 5/28 due to lack of parent involvement and I had to turn the kids away at 7:30 in the morning the day of the hike because I was not going to take them up there alone. I had made the hike with another adult from a neighboring Troop on the Wednesday before the hike so I knew the way and was familiar with the difficulties the scouts would have but I could not bring myself to take the hike as the only adult.

This second try 6/25 yielded 2 parents beside me which was great.
(Actually we also had the Committee chairman and the Training Chairman along without packs - they came for a day hike and carried some extra
water) We hiked a total of 10.6 miles over two days including the final mile which we were able to climb without packs (our campsite was at the base of the Peak.) We made it up the steep last mile and were rewarded with an amazing view of the Channel Islands and the Corona/Temecula Valley.

At the campsite the 3 scouts on the trail to 1st class were able to get
a lot of things signed off and learned many good scout skills. Mr.
Lopez explained how he built an alcohol stove. We went through the Totin Chip & Whittling Chip requirements including sharpening a hatchet and knives. The older scouts assisted in teaching whipping and fusing a rope, lighting outdoor stoves and cooking dehydrated meals. It was a perfect hike for map and compass skills, the scouts learned to orient a map, use the compass, tell direction of travel without a compass, and read some symbols on a map. Water was scarce but we were glad that the
2 gallons I had stowed a few weeks before was still there. In-N-Out
was well deserved!!!

Thanks again.
Dan Maguire, Scoutmaster, Troop 318


Troop 148 in Philmont

Troop 148 Temecula sent two crews to Philmont Scout Ranch June 24-July 4. The trip began with three days at the Air Force Academy with white water rafting and local touring, as well as an Academy tour by a Troop 148 Eagle Scout and cadet. On to Philmont where our 22 scouts and leaders completed their treks. Then home on the train.


Tour Plan Pledge of Performance

The BSA’s Tour Plan is an important tool to help your unit plan a safe and fun activity. But it is much more. When submitting a tour plan, you’re also pledging to meet certain standards of performance. Such as following the Guide to Safe Scouting and the Sweet 16 of BSA Safety; to not deface property or litter; or to cut standing trees or shrubs without permission of the landowner.
An important point of the Tour Plan’s Pledge of Performance is that your group will at all times be a credit to the Boy Scouts of America and will not tolerate rowdyism or un-Scoutlike conduct, keeping a constant check on all members of our group.
When wearing your uniform or your Scout unit’s t-shirt in public, you and your Scouts are representing the Boy Scouts of America. Represent us proudly by living the Scout Oath and Law in your everyday life.
For more information about the BSA’s Tour Plan, visit 


World's Largest Scouting Event Coming This Fall

While the world Scout jamboree is underway in Sweden this month, the world’s largest Scouting event will happen the weekend of October 15–16 at an amateur radio station near you. The 54th Jamboree-on-the-Air (JOTA) is expected to top last year’s attendance, which had just over 700,000 Scout participants from nearly 6,000 stations around the world.

Now is the time to include JOTA in your fall planning to ensure your Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, and Venturers are able to participate. Complete details are available online at


T-Shirts On Sale

Starting 7/8/11 thru 7/14/11   the following t-shirts will go on sale:

Was $   Now $

$14.99    $11.24    #612607 - 612611  T-shirt S/S Eagle Black ADT small - 2XLG
$14.99    $11.24    #612822 - 612826  T-shirt S/S Boys' Life Olive ADT small - 2XLG
$ 6.99      $ 5.24    #612260 - 612266  T-shirt S/S BSA Script White YTH LG & ADT small - 3XLG
$14.99    $11.24    #612663 - 612667  T-shirt S/S Collegiate Slate ADT small - 2XLG
$14.99    $11.24    #612644 - 612648  T-shirt S/S CS Rules Grey ADT small - 2XLG
$14.99    $11.24    #612639 - 612642  T-shirt S/S CS Shield Navy YTH small - XL
$14.99    $11.24    #612632 - 612636  T-shirt S/S FDL Words Olive ADT small - 2XLG
$14.99    $11.24    #612733 & 612624 - 612630  T-shirt S/S TyeDye FDL YTH medium - LG & ADT small - 3XLG

Go online to  use the stock numbers above and have a look.  Find a t-shirt just for you and sport it at camp this year!


News & Tidbits

  • Powder Horn is coming this coming Fall and we want you to be there! Powder Horn is a high-adventure resource course for anyone interested in exploring the great outdoors and all that goes with it. The flyer is attached for more information. It promises to be a great time! Click Here for Flyer
    Yours in Scouting, Chris Johnson
  • There will be an Unmanned Underwater Vehicle competition (Robo Sub) in San Diego, open to the public for spectator. The competitors are primarily college students/clubs with some high school and middle school entries. With the recent launch of the Boy Scouts Robotics merit badge, this event may provide some inspiration and future mentor access/career planning for our scouts. Click Here for Details
    There also may be volunteer opportunities for scout units. Those interested in volunteering may contact: Monica England Office: (858) 592-3590 | Email:
  • The Buzz - July 1, 2011, "NOVA and SUPERNOVA Awards" to view Click Here!
  • Read the latest Venturing news on "The Adivsor" to view Click Here 
  • The BSA’S National Outdoor Conference takes place September 7 -11 at the Northern Tier National High Adventure Base near Ely, MN. Every other year, this event brings together 170 to 200 of the top outdoor program professionals and volunteers in the BSA for a variety of informative workshops, presentations, and an opportunity to get the latest and greatest in outdoor program. This will be the first time the event (formerly known as the Outdoor Program Summit) will be held at Northern Tier. For more info Click Here 


Recently Completed Eagles

Angelo Di Mario IIOld BaldyTroop 655Kevin TovarTahquitzTroop 99
Mitchell ImblerOld BaldyTeam 619Richard Buchanan IIIThree PeaksTroop 444
Cameron GalloOld BaldyTroop 699Jacob EllisThree PeaksTroop 310
Michael ForbesOld BaldyTroop 608George CandrayArrowheadCrew 240
Emmanuel ForbesOld BaldyTroop 608Romario LuckhooArrowheadCrew 410
Tauvaga HoChing llOld BaldyTeam 611Scott ChapmanThree PeaksCrew 408
Jake RodriguezOld BaldyTroop 523Nicholas RichardsonSunriseTroop 131
Cody HotopMt. RubidouxTroop 156Jonathan LisonbeeMt. RubidouxCrew 760
John Bell IIMt. RubidouxCrew 760Kolby NottinghamMt. RubidouxTeam 806
Chase FleeupHigh DesertTroop 351Willian MertzTahquitzTroop 148
Daniel JanzenHigh DesertTroop 357Robert DrabikThree PeaksCrew 310
John ThornHigh DesertTeam 656Vijith ChandrasenaSunriseTroop 262
Eric TurekTemescalTroop 107Andrew DaviesTahquitzTroop 148
James WadlundSunriseTroop 377Joshua FrankTahquitzTroop 148
Clark CressmanSunriseTeam 268Christian OberhansleyTahquitzCrew 536
Joshua FloresArrowheadTroop 251Jared McAllisterHigh DesertCrew 256
Johannes WendtArrowheadCrew 200Justin BoydGraybackTroop 101
Glenn RileyTemescalTroop 202Tate JonesTemescalCrew 133
Hunter BergGraybackCrew 117Curtis DimofTemescalTroop 202
Charles Eyanson IIIHigh DesertTeam 356Makani KalanuiGraybackCrew 227
Ty ChristensenHigh DesertTroop 956Cody ShelbyGraybackTroop 3
Cody EbmeyerHigh DesertCrew 356Rio GiffordGraybackTroop 3
Dallon EbmeyerHigh DesertCrew 356Nathan BrightTahquitzTroop 301
Randy GruverHigh DesertCrew 356Erik LinnenkampHigh DesertTroop 557
Charles StraussTaquitzTroop 309Stephen BannisterMt. RubidouxCrew 760
Christopher KnappTaquitzTroop 301


Friends Of Scouting Weekly Report 

7/11/20112011 Goal 2011 Pledged (Year To Date)% of Goal# of DonorsDonors Asked %7/19/2010 Pledged
TemescalGary DeFraene$108,400$109,409100.93%3,06590929.66%$88,220
Mt. RubidouxJohn Kantola$120,000$113,35594.46%1,87074840.00%$122,422
ArrowheadMichael Bentley$63,000$56,69489.99%1,16062553.88%$51,303
TahquitzWayne Chase$137,000$120,71788.11%2,0541,08052.58%$127,165
High DesertGreg Lundeen$100,250$85,95485.74%1,85177942.09%$85,113
GraybackDr. Michael Kuhn$106,000$89,90684.82%1,17064855.38%$84,198
3 PeaksAndrew Kotyuk$70,000$55,34979.07%1,66557534.53%$64,681
Old BaldyGreg Risser$131,250$98,66375.17%1,63369642.62%$106,178
SunriseScott Evans$59,500$43,20872.62%73328038.20%$46,124
5 NationsRobin Hastings$45,500$22,18348.75%44617138.34%$34,902









Positive Quote

 "A week of camp life is worth six months of theoretical teaching in the meeting room."

   — Robert Baden-Powell


Have a great Scouting week!
Yours in the Spirit of Scouting,

Joe Daniszewski
Scout Executive/CEO
California Inland Empire Council, BSA
1230 Indiana Court
Redlands, CA 92374

909.793.2463, Ext. 120
909.793.0306 Fax

Monday Memo is from Scout Executive Joe Daniszewski and contains his reflection on what is happening within the Council. The purpose of Monday Memo is to communicate information about the week ahead, to acknowledge the good things happening around the Council and to address specific issues that the Scout Executive wants to bring to your attention. Joe welcomes any comments, suggestions or recommendations on how to make this memo as helpful as possible. If you have something you want publicized in the Monday Memo, please send it to his attention c/o Monday Memo: for Monday Memo Archives Click Here


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   2351 W Lugonia Ave Suite F Redlands, CA  92374 • (909) 793-2463

Copyright 2007-2024 • Boy Scouts of America, California Inland Empire Council #045