PO Box 8910 1230 Indiana Court Redlands, CA 92374 909.793.2463, Ext. 120 877.732.1450 909.793.0306 Fax
Monday Memo is from Scout Executive Joe Daniszewski and contains his reflection on what is happening within the Council. The purpose of Monday Memo is to communicate information about the week ahead, to acknowledge the good things happening around the Council and to address specific issues that the Scout Executive wants to bring to your attention. Joe welcomes any comments, suggestions or recommendations on how to make this memo as helpful as possible. If you have something you want publicized in the Monday Memo, please send it to his attention c/o Monday Memo: Joseph.Daniszewski@scouting.org for Monday Memo ArchivesSign Up for Monday Memo
Happy Fourth of July
Membership Standards
On May 23, 1,232 voting members of the Boy Scouts of America voted on a resolution that maintains its current membership policy for all adult leaders and states that youth may not be denied membership in the BSA on the basis of sexual orientation or preference alone. The resolution passed with 757 votes, a 61 percent majority.
The BSA conducted the most comprehensive listening exercise in its history, gathering perspectives from inside and outside of the Scouting family. This remains among the most complex and challenging issues facing the BSA and society today. To help move the organization forward and to refocus our attention on our mission, the BSA will approach this issue in both the short term and long term.
We understand the new policy has generated a great many questions requiring a response. The following is meant to clearly articulate the new policy and the anticipated impact it will have on local units and members.
Amended Membership Standards Policy(s) The adult membership standards policy was not under consideration and remains unchanged, as follows:
While the BSA does not proactively inquire about the sexual orientation of employees, volunteers, or members, we do not grant membership to individuals who are open or avowed homosexuals or who engage in behavior that would become a distraction to the mission of the BSA.
Effective Jan. 1, 2014, the youth membership policy will be:
Membership in any program of the Boy Scouts of America requires the youth member to (a) subscribe to and abide by the values expressed in the Scout Oath and Scout Law, (b) subscribe to and abide by the precepts of the Declaration of Religious Principle (duty to God), and (c) demonstrate behavior that exemplifies the highest level of good conduct and respect for others and is consistent at all times with the values expressed in the Scout Oath and Scout Law. No youth may be denied membership in the Boy Scouts of America on the basis of sexual orientation or preference alone.
What This Means It is imperative to clearly understand what this policy means along with what changes and what does not change.
What has not changed:
The mission of the Boy Scouts of America is to prepare young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Law.
Scouting’s vision is to serve every eligible youth in America, and this policy would allow it to serve more kids and focus on their development.
The Scout Oath begins with duty to God, and the Scout Law ends with a Scout’s obligation to be reverent, and that will always remain a core value of the Boy Scouts of America.
Any sexual conduct, whether homosexual or heterosexual, by youth of Scouting age is contrary to the virtues of Scouting.
The BSA handbook defines morally straight as, “Scouts should be clean in speech and actions and faithful in religious beliefs,” and a clean Scout as “someone who keeps his body and mind fit, chooses friends who also live by high standards, and helps keep his home and community clean.”
Members must demonstrate behavior that exemplifies the highest level of good conduct and respect for others and is consistent at all times with the values expressed in the Scout Oath and Scout Law.
The BSA has stringent polices that protect the safety and privacy of youth and adult members and has always worked to ensure that it is a supportive and safe environment for young people (www.bsayouthprotection.org).
The organization will maintain its current membership policy for all adult leaders and within the framework of this policy chartering organizations have the right and responsibility to choose their own unit leaders. The Boy Scouts of America fully supports our chartered organizations.
What has changed:
Youth are still developing, learning about themselves and who they are, developing their sense of right and wrong, and understanding their duty to God to live a moral life. Accordingly, a youth member simply stating he or she is attracted to the same sex, but not engaging in sexual activity, does not make them ineligible for membership.
Frequently Asked Questions Understandably, a change to the BSA policy raises many questions among parents and unit-serving volunteers. The following are FAQs and answers.
Is the BSA endorsing homosexuality and forcing its chartered organizations to do the same? No. That is not the role of the organizations, and Scouting is not the place to resolve divergent viewpoints in society. By reinforcing that Scouting is a youth program, and any sexual conduct, whether heterosexual or homosexual, by youth of Scouting age is contrary to the virtues of Scouting, and that no member may use Scouting to promote or advance any social or political position or agenda, this policy rightly recognizes there is a difference between kids and adults while remaining true to the long-standing virtues of Scouting.
If a chartered organization does not agree with allowing gay members, can it deny them membership or defer them to another unit? No. Effective Jan. 1, 2014, no youth may be denied membership in the Boy Scouts of America on the basis of sexual orientation or preference alone. However, any sexual conduct, whether homosexual or heterosexual, by youth of Scouting age is contrary to the virtues of Scouting. As they always have, chartered organizations can require members to demonstrate behavior that exemplifies the highest level of good conduct and respect for others and is consistent at all times with the values expressed in the Scout Oath and Scout Law.
How does the BSA define “morally straight”? The BSA handbook defines morally straight as, “Scouts should be clean in speech and actions and faithful in religious beliefs,” and a clean Scout as “someone who keeps his body and mind fit, chooses friends who also live by high standards, and helps keep his home and community clean.” Any sexual conduct, whether homosexual or heterosexual, by youth of Scouting age is contrary to the virtues of Scouting.
Why was the policy amended only to include youth and not adults? The review confirmed that this remains among the most complex and challenging issues facing the BSA and society today. Even with the wide range of input, it was extremely difficult to accurately quantify the potential impact of maintaining or changing the current policy. While perspectives and opinions vary significantly, parents, adults in the Scouting community, and teens alike tend to agree that youth should not be denied the benefits of Scouting.
What will you do when a youth member becomes an adult? When a member is no longer a youth participant, he or she must meet the requirements of our adult standards.
What are the next steps? The policy change will be effective on Jan. 1, 2014, allowing the Boy Scouts of America the transition time needed to communicate and implement this policy to its approximately 116,000 Scouting units. As the National Executive Committee just completed a lengthy review process, there are no plans for further review on this matter.
Additional Resources The BSA has been and remains committed to engaging in discussion with its members about this policy. To learn more about the policy, please visit www.bsamembershipstandards.org. Also, following are additional helpful resources.The Baptist Standard: An Open Letter to Southern Baptists
Murrieta Crew 604 enjoys working in their community, On June 21 &22 the Crew was in Temecula helping out with the Annual Chalk Art Festival! On Friday they taped approx. 1640 2’X2’ children's squares , as well as some more in various sizes. They also sorted supplies to hand out and assisted in getting people checked in. On Saturday, the crew assisted in passing out supplies, did some more taping and got to enjoy some chalk art of their own! Venture Crew Scout Sean Mejia got to share his first aid skills when he quickly came to the aid of an elderly man who had fallen down.
Friday Aug. 16th 6:00pm - 10:00pm Saturday Aug. 17th 9:00am - 4:00pm
Where: Immanuel Lutheran Church 5545 Alessandro Blvd Riverside, CA 92506
There will be 100’s of items, including CSP’s, OA Flaps, books, mugs, uniforms, pins, Jamboree, Philmont and other BSA related items to bid on in the SILENT auction the LIVE auction and the YOUTH LIVE auction.
$2.00 bidder numbers
$6.00 Lunch Meal (Please RSVP - Troop Fund Raiser)
$15.00 Tables, which includes Table, Bid Number & Lunch!! (Tables are Limited).
Come and see what this exciting hobby of collecting scout memorabilia is all about. For more information and to find out about donating or consigning memorabilia please contact Matt Brandt @ 951-992-9438 or email @ mkb969@verizon.netClick Here for FlyerView Auction Items CLICK HERE
Arrowhead District Day Camp 2013
Stampede 2013
September 27-29, 2013 Glen Helen Regional Park, Devore, CA
The IE Stampede 2013: “Scouting the Future” at Glen Helen Regional Park is a great event for the whole family.
Package #1 - Stampede Camporee & Scout Show only $18.00*! Includes camping Friday – Sunday, patch, Scout Show & events
Package #2 – Saturday only includes patch, Scout Show & events for only $15.00*!
*Early bird fee. After August 31, 2013 the fee increases $5.00 per person.
Do you know any female Ventures who will be 14 in August, 2014 and would want to go to Philmont?
Our crew was lucky enough to secure two treks in August of 2014. This means we can take 16 youth and 8 adults. As it stands, we have 9 youth and 8 adults signed up. The troop that we are associated with might be able to fill 3-4 slots, but that still leaves us with 3-4 slots to fill. Relevant information is provided below, but we're specifically looking for female Venturers who want to attend.
As you know, Philmont is considered scouting's "Ultimate Destination" with many units waiting several years to win the lottery and be granted an expedition. I've attached a couple of links below, and I encourage you to explore the website and see what an awesome trip this will be. As you'll observe, the hikes begin at 57 miles, but remember that's over 10 days, so less than 6 miles per day. There are many, many, many activities that are included in the hike, details about which can be found on the website.
Note that the youth will choose an expedition leader, and collectively the youth will select which of the 35 hikes they want to do. In the spring of 2014 we will conduct a series of training hikes to get us used to working as a team, and physically prepared for the trip.
Dates: Arrive Philmont 08-August, depart 18-August (leave Murrieta 07-August and return 19-August) Cost: $800 for Philmont plus approximately $140 - $180 Amtrak round trip, plus any missing hiking gear. Payment schedule: $100 immediately, $350 by 01-Septemeber-2013, $350 by 01-February-2014.
Yours in Scouting, Nick Radcliffe
FREE Concert For Heroes
A tribute to Veterans. An annual event for southern californians Tomasz Golka, Music Director
Perfomance By: Riverside County Philharmonic Wednesday, July 3, 2013 7:30 pm - 9:15 pm
Pre-concert music by: The Lindy Sisters 6:30 pm - 7:00 pm
Concert Amphitheater Riverside National Cemetery
Seating in amphitheater or bring lawn chairs
Venturing Changes
Dear Venturing Supporters,
Today at the Road Map to Venturing elective, the National Venturing Task Force, led by Charles Dahlquist with Gary Butler as the project sponsor, will announce a new road map for the Venturing program. These changes are designed to enhance support at all levels of the organization, simplify the Venturing program with a focus on participant wants and future needs, make recognition more easily understood and to be better integrated to Crew planning and experience. These recommendations are based on 18 months of volunteer study and deliberation and have been endorsed by the National Key Three.
There remains work to do against several of these recommendations (Venturing JTE, training details, etc.). However, with an effective change date of May 2014, the time is now to make the organization aware of the coming changes.
Your gift to the Memorial and Tribute Fund is a way for you to recognize a special occasion and/or person. It can be a job promotion, presentation of the Eagle Scout Award or the Adult Volunteer Leader Scouting Awards, a birthday or anniversary, a Bar Mitzvah or Confirmation, or to honor the memory of a friend or family member.
Upon receipt of your gift, you will receive an acknowledgement card for tax purposes. The person or family receives a card in your name from the California Inland Empire Council, BSA with no amount mentioned. In addition the memorial or tribute will appear as part of the Monday Memo on the council’s website.
To make a contribution to the California Inland Empire Council Memorial and Tribute Fund, fill out the gift form, and mail the form to California Inland Empire Council, BSA, PO BOX 8910, Redlands, CA 92375-2110. If you have any questions you may contact Joe Daniszewski, Scout Executive at 909-793-2463 ext. 120 or e-mail: joseph.daniszewski@scouting.org. Click Here for Tribute Form
In Memory of Jack Richard Packwood Joseph Daniszewski
In Memory of Robert Fifield Jr. Joseph Daniszewski
In Memory of Nicholas Chase Bornholdt Kardasinski Family