Welcome to our July 22nd, 2013 Monday Memo

Joe Daniszewski
Scout Executive/CEO

California Inland Empire Council, BSA

PO Box 8910
1230 Indiana Court
Redlands, CA 92374

909.793.2463, Ext. 120

909.793.0306 Fax


Monday Memo is from Scout Executive Joe Daniszewski and contains his reflection on what is happening within the Council. The purpose of Monday Memo is to communicate information about the week ahead, to acknowledge the good things happening around the Council and to address specific issues that the Scout Executive wants to bring to your attention. Joe welcomes any comments, suggestions or recommendations on how to make this memo as helpful as possible. If you have something you want publicized in the Monday Memo, please send it to his attention c/o Monday Memo: Joseph.Daniszewski@scouting.org for Monday Memo Archives  Sign Up for Monday Memo


Latest information from www.inciweb.org on the Mountain Fire near the Boseker Scout Reservation

Many thanks for the Heavenly Blessings of rain. Kudos to the over 3,000 Fire Fighters that protected the mountains and our Boseker Scout Reservation, the home of Camp Emerson and Camp Wiley.

Camp will be open for the final two sessions of Camp Wiley starting this weekend.
The rains have scrubbed the sky and no ash or other debris has been found in camp.

A special salute to our 2013 Summer Camp Staff and all the Scouts and Scouters that had to evacuate last Wednesday.
Everyone practiced the Scout Motto of: Be Prepared. Everyone lived by the 12 points of the Scout Law.

Mountain Fire Basic Information

Incident Type



Under Investigation

Date of Origin

Monday July 15th, 2013 approx. 01:43 PM


Mountain Center

Incident Commander

Pincha-tulley Type 1 Imt

Current Situation

Total Personnel



27,265 acres

Percent Contained


Estimated Containment Date

Friday July 26th, 2013 approx. 12:00 AM

Fuels Involved

Chaparral and Timber

Fire Behavior

Smoldering fire with isolated hot spots. Fire Spread Minimal

Significant Events

Significant rainfall over the incident occurred today, with the additional threat of thunderstorms and flash floods.


Planned Actions

Crews are continuing to mop up and patrol, scout and construct direct line and suppression repair.

Growth Potential


Terrain Difficulty



Fire is in Unified Command with CAL FIRE Riverside and Riverside County Sheriff's Office.

Current Weather

Wind Conditions

15 mph S


57 degrees




Local Boy Scouts Evacuate Summer Camp in Idyllwild

Corona Boy Scout Troop 34 was among many local Scouts who had to evacuate Boseker Scout Reservation Wednesday evening. The scouts left Sunday for Camp Emerson, ready for a traditional week of camp activities and merit badge classes. 

Wednesday afternoon, families were invited to visit camp and enjoy dinner and a campfire. However, just before the evening flags were to be retired and the Sheppard's Pie was about to be served, evacuation instructions were given. 

Camp staff, scouts and visitors left Camp Emerson in a very orderly fashion and temporarily relocated at Stater Bros. on Florida Avenue in Hemet.

Scoutmaster Brian Park, Trek Master Dwight Peterson and Patrol Leader Mason Park led the evacuation of Corona United Methodist Troop 34. All scouts from CUMC and visitors returned home safely.  Scoutmaster Park was able to retrieve one irreplaceable item, the Troop's Flag, but all other gear and belongs were left at camp. 

The evacuation reminded scouts how important it is to Be Prepared and how an emergency can be handled calmly. It will be a summer camp experience these scouts will always remember!

Susan Park, CUMC Pack 34, Committee Chairman

High Desert District Cub Day Camp

I wanted to let everyone know that the High Desert Day Camp was a great success this year. Our final number was 103 Cub Scouts, 21 Tags, and 88 volunteers. This was Billy Rosenberg and I third year running day camp. Each year we grew in numbers and success. The volunteers always amaze me as they need so little direction and teach Character Connections so well. Our Obstacle Course teaches perseverance, golf,  the importance of sportsmanship, Human Bowling where they learn to cooperate and set up for the person after them, Military Care where the cubs learned the importance of citizenship and the importance of honoring our military as we collected two large boxes of snacks to donate to the military. Not only did the boys learn from the leaders, they learned through life experience as they were all taught how to raise the flag at half mast to honor our firefighters that gave their lives in Arizona fire. But the best lesson was learned by one of our Webelos Scout that instead of shooting at his own target shot at his neighbor's target because that boy had a disability and could not hit the target on his own. Billy and I are extremely grateful for all the participants of the High Desert Day Camp and would like to thank them all for the three years of great fun we had.

Tami Caballero, Program Director

Crew 604 Adventure

A few scouts from Murrieta Crew 604 had an amazing time at Kern River last month! They had 2 full days of adventure planned and hosted by Mountain River Adventure in Kernville California. On day one the scouts had a quick lesson on SUP (stand up paddle boarding) and enjoyed a peaceful area of the river, later that day they hit the rapids in IK’s (Inflatable Kayaks) and learned some white water skills. The second day of adventure started off with wall climbing and concluded with some more thrilling white water rafting and kayaking.

Heidi Salerno, Murrieta Crew 604


34th Anniversary C.I.E.C. Scout Memorabilia Auction & Trade-O-Ree

Friday Aug. 16th 6:00pm - 10:00pm
Saturday Aug. 17th 9:00am - 4:00pm

Where: Immanuel Lutheran Church
5545 Alessandro Blvd Riverside, CA 92506

There will be 100’s of items, including CSP’s, OA Flaps, books, mugs, uniforms, pins, Jamboree, Philmont and other BSA related items to bid on in the SILENT auction the LIVE auction and the YOUTH LIVE auction.

$2.00 bidder numbers

$6.00 Lunch Meal (Please RSVP - Troop Fund Raiser)

$15.00 Tables, which includes Table, Bid Number & Lunch!! (Tables are Limited).

Come and see what this exciting hobby of collecting scout memorabilia is all about. For more information and to find out about donating or consigning memorabilia please contact
Matt Brandt @ 951-992-9438 or email @ mkb969@verizon.net    Click Here for Flyer    View Auction Items CLICK HERE


Mt. Rubidoux District Cub Day Camp


2013 Wood Badge Leadership Training for the 21st Century

Wood Badge for the 21st Century is a leadership training course designed for all adult Scouters: Cub Scout Leaders • Boy Scout Leaders • Varsity Leaders • Venturing Leaders • Council / District Leadership • Scouting Professionals. The course incorporates the traditions of over 80 years of Wood Badge, while adding the management and leadership training necessary to be successful as a leader in the 21st century. Wood Badge is more than a classroom–it is games and hands-on projects. You will come away with an appreciation of Scouting's heritage as well as with a dream for the role you will play in its future–the impact you will make on the youth in your own unit at home. Participation in this course will also provide skills to help you achieve success in other aspects of your life...like at home, or in your career! The course is a 2-weekend, fun-filled practical training period where the Scouter lives as a member of a team progressing through Scouting, and learning the skills of leadership. The application phase is completed at home, by implementing the skills learned by accomplishing a series of written goals called a “Ticket”.

For Fall 2013 course information, contact: Chris Johnson, Course Director, at scoutmaster2013@gmail.com or, (951) 642-2251

Aug 23-25 and Sept 6-8 (Fri-Sun) Participant Orientation meeting, Thursday, July 18, 2013 

Cost: $245 (increases to $275 if paid less than 30 days prior to the course).
(includes training materials and meals during the 1st weekend. Participants will plan and purchase separately a patrol menu for the 2nd weekend.

Sign up at the Council Service Center today or mail this application with your deposit. Space is Limited to the first 48 fully paid participants for each course!

Yours in Scouting, Chris Johnson, Wood Badge Course Director


National Jamboree 2013


Stampede 2013

September 27-29, 2013  Glen Helen Regional Park, Devore, CA

The IE Stampede 2013: “Scouting the Future” at Glen Helen Regional Park is a great event for the whole family.

Package #1 - Stampede Camporee & Scout Show only $18.00*!              
                     Includes camping Friday – Sunday, patch, Scout Show & events

Package #2 – Saturday only includes patch, Scout Show & events for only $15.00*!

*Early bird fee. After August 31, 2013 the fee increases $5.00 per person.

Click Here to Register Online

Registration Form   Leaders Guide   T-Shirt Order Form

BSA Discover Cards

The Scout prepaid card is designed as a Scout’s first financial tool to teach financial education and responsibility. It will include many of the same features of a typical bank account, as well as these additional benefits:

1. Online and mobile access to the card account;
2. Special financial education information for parents and Scouts to discuss;
3. Direct ties to earning-related merit badges;
4. Safety concierge service for Scouts in emergency situations; and
5. Access to discounts at tens of thousands of merchants nationwide.

The BSA Discover credit card is designed to be used by adults as a responsible financial tool that will benefit the BSA and cardholders alike. The cards will include many of the same features as a typical credit card, but with ties to Scouting.

To learn more about the Scout prepaid card program, please visit www.ScoutsAreThrifty.com. To learn more about the BSA Discover credit card program, please visit www.BoyScoutCreditCard.com. While there, be sure to sign up for ongoing notifications as the cards draw closer to launch. We will be unveiling new pages on the sites over the coming weeks and will keep you updated on these enhancements. Also, please feel free to forward this on to your board members, local volunteers, and parents.

Thank you for your participation and for all you do for the Boy Scouts of America!


Camp Wiley Registration

  Wiley # 1 Wiley # 2 Wiley # 3 Wiley # 4 Wiley # 5
NEW Site A Pack Youth Adult Pack Youth Adult Pack Youth Adult Pack Youth Adult Pack Youth Adult
      Pack 703 15 15       Pack 346 13 10      
Bridger Pack 205 10 10 Pack 655 10 10       Pack 176 10 10 Pack 377 7 7
NEW Site B       Pack 703 15 15                  
Coil Pack 50 3 3 Pack 264 13 14 Pack 134 1 1 Pack 614 15 15 Pack 176 15 15
Pack 444 7 6       Pack 251 5 5            
            Pack 301 10 10            
Daniel Boone       Pack 131 7 7       Pack 116 8 9 Pack 999 5 8
Firestone                         Pack 774 4 4
                        Pack 77 5 4
Freemont             Pack 134 8 8 Pack 542 7 7 Pack 377 10 10
                  Pack 999 4 4      
Goldware Pack 322 6 8 Pack 222 3 4 Pack 59 1 2 Pack 41 2 2 Pack 29 2 2
      Pack 614 1 1 Pack 214 5 5 Pack 257 5 5 Pack 153 1 1
                        Pack 903 4 4
Harris Pack 41 2 2 Pack 41 2 2 Pack 29 9 9 Pack 614 15 15 Pack 640 9 8
Pack 2010 2 2 Pack 148 11 7 Pack 642 4 4       Pack 3604 2 2
                        Pack 774 4 4
Hayes Pack 10 5 7 Pack 205 9 7       Pack 301 10 10 Pack 628 9 10
      Pack 337 2 2                  
Lewis & Clark Pack 205 3 3 Pack 655 3 3             Pack 2010 2 3
Mellor Pack 310 9 12 Pack 128 16 15 Pack 214 20 20 Pack 332 20 20 Pack 614 20 19
Pack 337 8 8                        
Owls Roost Pack 16 1 1 Pack 62 10 10 Pack 76 4 4 Pack 329 11 11 Pack 257 9 6
Pack 51 1 1       Pack 377 3 2       Pack 41 1 1
Pack 169 1 1                   Pack 642 1 1
Pack 903 4 5                        
Swartzel Pack 24 1 1 Pack 116 10 10 Pack 301 10 10 Pack 322 3 3 Pack 619 3 3
Pack 40 5 8             Pack 332 8 8 Pack 222 7 8


Friends Of Scouting Report

7/15/2013 District Chair 2013 Goal 2013 Pledged
(Year To Date)
% of  Goal Cash Paid
(Year to Date)
# of Donors Donors Asked  % of Donors Asked 7/31/2012 Pledged
Tahquitz Bill Dull $140,000 $141,534 101.1% $124,739 2,071 934 45.1% $134,070
Mt. Rubidoux Matt Barth $122,000 $115,657 94.8% $101,079 1,459 734 50.3% $122,692
Grayback Darrel Olson $107,000 $96,427 90.1% $84,922 1,243 554 44.6% $88,180
High Desert Greg Rickerl $100,000 $88,284 88.3% $79,889 1,397 657 47.0% $91,003
Temescal Tom Munoz $96,500 $83,006 86.0% $75,196 1,562 732 46.9% $92,800
Arrowhead Michael Bentley $66,500 $50,360 75.7% $45,712 1,054 464 44.0% $52,602
Old Baldy Max Williams $120,000 $92,852 77.4% $60,007 1,578 562 35.6% $90,194
Sunrise Scott Evans $59,500 $42,550 71.5% $37,014 661 260 39.3% $47,803
5 Nations Ross Nakatani $33,200 $22,554 67.9% $20,598 409 144 35.2% $25,672
3 Peaks Andrew Kotyuk $71,000 $47,458 66.8% $43,768 1,049 432 41.2% $59,570
    $915,700 $780,682 85.3% 672,924 12,483 5,473 43.8% $804,586


Positive Quote & Prayer

"Be Prepared... the meaning of the motto is that a scout must prepare himself by previous thinking out and practicing how to act on any accident or emergency so that he is never taken by surprise."

    ~  Robert Baden-Powell

Prayer for Firefighters

Merciful Father in heaven, look down in Your love upon all those who protect us and ours from the ravages of fire and flame. Grant them the courage and skills to carry out their duties well and safely. When they must go into the face of danger, be by their side in the smoke and flames. Watch over their families, ever reminding them that those who fight fire are also in Your loving care.  Amen.



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   2351 W Lugonia Ave Suite F Redlands, CA  92374 • (909) 793-2463

Copyright 2007-2024 • Boy Scouts of America, California Inland Empire Council #045