Welcome to our July 29th, 2013 Monday Memo

Joe Daniszewski
Scout Executive/CEO

California Inland Empire Council, BSA

PO Box 8910
1230 Indiana Court
Redlands, CA 92374

909.793.2463, Ext. 120

909.793.0306 Fax


Monday Memo is from Scout Executive Joe Daniszewski and contains his reflection on what is happening within the Council. The purpose of Monday Memo is to communicate information about the week ahead, to acknowledge the good things happening around the Council and to address specific issues that the Scout Executive wants to bring to your attention. Joe welcomes any comments, suggestions or recommendations on how to make this memo as helpful as possible. If you have something you want publicized in the Monday Memo, please send it to his attention c/o Monday Memo: Joseph.Daniszewski@scouting.org for Monday Memo Archives  Sign Up for Monday Memo


A Small Sample of What Our Youth Were Doing at the 2013 National Jamboree

Day 5 at the Summit!

-- Mr. C wrote:
“Times fly's when you're having a blast!  Can't believe it's day 5, but it is. We have been extremely busy, various events, curriculums, walking and walking and walking and a lot more walking.  Exhibits galore, everywhere you look including the National Eagle Scout Association, National Scouting Museum, the Red Cross, Disabilities Awareness, the Sustainability Tree House.  Then there are all the events, shooting, climbing, zip lines, archery, paddle boarding, Dragon Boats (which the Adult leaders had the best time of the day, of 50 Seconds, for the entire Jamboree).  The Crew had opportunity to go Whitewater Rafting, and it was fantastic!   Jared Williams went with Mr. Dallas and I on Thursday, and Marcus and Sam went today - we were on the Upper Gorge and we got level 4 and 5 rapids and got totally soaked and enjoyed every minute of it.  Less then 1/2 hour from our camp - it was close and water was cool. 

We have had our challenges with the weather with heavy thunderstorms and lighting just about every day, twice a day - with buckets of rain, causing our camp to be renamed Lake Foxtrot. So we've been wet quite a bit. But you know the scouts - they're out there doing their thing - no matter what the weather, being safe and seeking shelter when necessary. 

I am down to 4% battery and need to recharge, I'll add more later.

From live at the Summit and Lake Foxtrot”! 

Mr. C
The adults that helped these young people enjoy and will remember for a lifetime are the adults we need to say thank you.

Troop B144 Darren Nugent as Scoutmaster, Darryl Romero, Colby Packer and Brandon Chavez as Assistant Scoutmasters, For Troop C233 Jim Dallas as Scoutmaster, Tom Cherry, Michael Poore, Kevin Dallas as Assistant Scoutmasters, For the Venture Crews which we sent 4, Robert Camerota, Scott Dallas for Crew F511A, Roxanne Miller, Ken Hedrick for Crew F511B, Mike Downs, Ken Foutz for Crew F511C and Matt Barth, Paul Trawnik for Crew F511D.

On July 10th at 1:30 AM these young people with their parents arrived at the Jack Dembo Scout Service Center. Excited and ready to get on their bus to go to LAX to board their planes. We sent 104 young women and men to the jamboree and came home on July 24th at 11:00 PM they all came home so tired and excited. 

The California Inland Empire Council wants to thank Robert Camerota as Chairman of the 2013 National Jamboree Committee, and the rest of committee for all their hard work in assisting parents and youth in this awesome adventure.


Operation "On Target"

Operation “On-Target” is a Varsity Scout event in which the teams climb mountain peaks and signal with mirrors and communicate with Ham radios. The goal is to signal as many peaks as possible; and this year for the 100 Years of Scouting in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints the goal is to signal to the LDS temples. For Operation “On-Target” this year the weather and area fire did not make signaling easy. We still had several teams climb the mountains around the area. We had teams on Baldy Peak, San Gorgonio Peak, Keller Peak, Box Springs and at the Redlands Temple. We had a hazy sky which made it hard to see the mountains and the locations on or near the valley floor.  The teams on Baldy signaled San Gorgonio and Keller. The team on Keller signaled the Redlands Temple and Baldy. Because of the hazy sky not all teams could see each other, but the reward was to be out in the mountains enjoying the beauty. This year we will be out again on September 21, 2013. Click Here to View Video


Jamboree Closing Show Now Yours to Watch Online

Rousing music performances, impassioned speeches, bright young Scouts, the King of Sweden and the guy from Dirty Jobs — Saturday’s “Celebration of Scouting” show had everything you crave from a jamboree show and more.

If you weren’t one of the 40,000-plus watching in person at the AT&T Summit Stadium, now’s your chance to watch the archived video and see what you missed. It’s now live at www.jambolive.org along with video from Tuesday’s opening show.

Prefer just the highlights? Check out my minute-by-minute breakdown:

18:30 – BSA’s Got Talent runner-up performs (animation dancer)
24:30 – BSA’s Got Talent winner performs (piano player)
40:00 – Jamboree Band performs
57:05 – Sarah Centeno performs
1:27:05 – Scouting dignitaries speak: Chief Scout Executive Wayne Brock; BSA National President Wayne Perry; Carl XVI Gustaf, King of Sweden; and AT&T CEO Randall     Stephenson.
1:39:35 – Jamboree video montage
1:46:15 – Mike Rowe speaks (you can also watch his speech here)


Scouts Participate in Training Video

Saturday, July 27th, Arrowmen from Cahuilla Lodge Order of the Arrow participated in the creation of a training video for a Cornerstone Training Exemplification produced by Division 8 California Freemasons at the Evergreen Masonic Center, Riverside. The video was produced to as a training tool for the presentation of a Cornerstone Ceremony. Arrowmen Russell W., Troop 310 Hemet, Jonathan S., Troop 11 Redlands, and Kevin N., Troop 2 Riverside presented the Flag of the United States and led the Pledge of Allegiance as part of the Cornerstone Ceremony Exemplification. Participants also included dignitaries from the San Jacinto School District and the principal of the host school, Megan Cope Elementary School. We appreciate being invited by the Division 8 California Freemasons to assist in this important training video.

Cynthia Blessum
2013 Cahuilla Lodge Adviser to the Chief

34th Anniversary C.I.E.C. Scout Memorabilia Auction & Trade-O-Ree

Friday Aug. 16th 6:00pm - 10:00pm
Saturday Aug. 17th 9:00am - 4:00pm

Where: Immanuel Lutheran Church
5545 Alessandro Blvd Riverside, CA 92506

There will be 100’s of items, including CSP’s, OA Flaps, books, mugs, uniforms, pins, Jamboree, Philmont and other BSA related items to bid on in the SILENT auction the LIVE auction and the YOUTH LIVE auction.

$2.00 bidder numbers

$6.00 Lunch Meal (Please RSVP - Troop Fund Raiser)

$15.00 Tables, which includes Table, Bid Number & Lunch!! (Tables are Limited).

Come and see what this exciting hobby of collecting scout memorabilia is all about. For more information and to find out about donating or consigning memorabilia please contact
Matt Brandt @ 951-992-9438 or email @ mkb969@verizon.net    Click Here for Flyer    View Auction Items CLICK HERE


Help Ensure VOS Success By Gathering Accurate Email Addresses

We all know that member email collection establishes a vital channel for communication with this group. For the Voice of the Scout program, however, it is the single-most important activity that councils can do now to unlock the potential of true membership engagement.

As we gear up for the VOS fall survey cycle, the accurate and widespread collection of email addresses for all parents and members over 14 is a foundational component of the program. In fact, email saturation is so important that it is the Silver level qualifier for VOS in the council’s Journey to Excellence score. While hundreds of thousands of surveys will eventually be sent daily, members can be assured that no one will receive more than one survey every six months.

VOS is BSA’s first national engagement program to listen, learn, and act upon member experiences in a targeted, strategic way. The system collects and delivers feedback to councils using the Net Promoter Score approach, which streamlines the delivery of information into a manageable and insightful process.

By capturing the experiences of members and volunteer leaders, the goal is to identify, embrace, and surpass expectations of Scouting, so we may continue to positively impact youth to a growing membership.

To see results from the VOS spring cycle, go to the “Voice of the Scout” section on the www.scouting.org/jte page


Old Baldy Scout Shop Sale


Internet Advancements

Now that summer camp is winding down and our Scouts have earned a wide variety of rank advancements, it is Now time to get their accomplishments submitted so they can be in the system. An efficient way to do so is thru Internet Advancement. Save time and gas and input your units rank advancement from the comfort of your home.
To retrieve your unit access code contact Janelle Agre at 909-793-2463 Ext. 126 or jaagre@bsamail.org


A fun, easy and rewarding way for Scouts to sell popcorn is online!

Selling popcorn online is a great way to have friends and family who live faraway support their favorite Scout.

It's Easy – Go to http://sell.trails-end.com and create an account.  It is a new system, so everyone will have to create a new account.

It's Rewarding - All online sales from August 1st through October 18 count towards their Fall Sale Rewards. Plus Scouts can earn other cool rewards by selling throughout the year.

Has your unit signed up to sell popcorn this fall?  If not, go http://www.bsa-ciec.org/support-scouting/popcorn-sales/9957, fill out a commitment card, and email to Veronica Whitman, vwhitman@bsamail.org

The Buzz "Explorer Cubs"


Remembering Former C.I.E.C. Council President Dr. Arthur M. Jensen, Ed.D

Arthur M. Jensen, President Emeritus of San Bernardino Valley College and long-time Redlands resident, died Monday July 11th at his home in Redlands. He was 89.

Born on August 22, 1921 in Chicago, Illinois, Arthur Milton Jensen was the youngest of seven children born to Norwegian immigrants Hobart Jensen and Marie Severson.

His family encouraged him to seek his dreams through hard work and education. His sisters taught him to listen and be respectful to others, and his brother introduced him to the love of his life, Marion McBride.

Arthur married Marion McBride in 1945, and they spent the next 66 years happily living the American dream; raising three children, traveling the world and providing countless hours of community service.

Jensen loved to travel, eat ice cream and take long walks around Redlands.

More than anything, he enjoyed spending time with his family and was often found with a grandchild on his knee, singing `Home on the Range' or telling stories about the olden days. Read More.....


Training Times: Summer Issue Highlights YPT, Rayado, NAYLE at Sea Base

The summer edition of Training Times has been published and is available online (and as a downloadable PDF).

In this issue, you can read more about staying current on your Youth Protection Training, proposed updates to the Venturing program, the new Rayado Ridge Leadership Camp at Philmont Scout Ranch, and the first-ever NAYLE course planned for the Sea Base (coming in spring 2014).


Positive Quote & Prayer

"Am I not destroying my enemies when I make friends of them?"

    ~  Abraham Lincoln

This is my Father’s world,
I rest me in the thought
Of rocks and trees, of skies and seas-
His hand the wonders wrought. 

    ~  Babcock



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   2351 W Lugonia Ave Suite F Redlands, CA  92374 • (909) 793-2463

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