California Inland Empire Council

                     Monday Memo


              Welcome to our August 1st, 2011 Monday Memo

Summer Time Fun with Troop 652

Troop 652 of Rancho Cucamonga attended Mataguay Scout Ranch (MSR) for Summer Camp the week of July 10th to the 16th. MSR is located in Santa Isabella, in San Diego County. We had 36 Scouts, most of the boys were 12 or under, and 9 Leaders attend camp this year. Mataguay had a great Merit Badge program and the Scouts earned 175 total badges! On Wednesday, the camp had a "Fun Day", where the Scouts got to do fun activities, such as the Triathlon, camp-wide games, and the Dragon Boat Race, which our Troop took first place in, out of about 20 entrees! Later that night, all of the Scouts went on a "Rugged O" outing, which made for a quiet night in camp! By the end of the week, the Scouts had earned and learned so much, they said they couldn't wait to go to Summer Camp next year! It was a great week at camp!

Christy Eimen/Assistant Scoutnmaster Troop 652


Every Youth Deserves a Trained Leader!

As we continue down the path of Journey to Excellence, I wanted to share some information on Direct Contact Leader percentages:

On June 30th, Western Region - 23.8%, Area 4 - 25.2%, California Inland Empire Council - 22.3%

Working with our District Training Chair, let's build strong District Training Committees! Visit with Chartered Organizations, Woodbadge Course Directors, Woodbadge Staff and all Woodbadgers to offer as many quality Training courses as possible.

Let's train more leaders so they can deliver the promise to more and more young people!


Memorabilia Auction & Trade-O-Ree

To view Photos of all live and silent items Click Here.


Philmont Training Center

We would like to encourage all Scouters in the California Inland Empire Council to attend Philmont in 2012.

Below are a couple of web sites with information about PTC (the final 2012 schedule will be out soon), including a Facebook page for PTC that we encourage you to join if you are on Facebook.  We will be sharing lots of information in the upcoming months through these three sites.  Pass them on to folks that you think would benefit from a PTC experience and will return to make Scouting even greater in your area.

Hope to see you at PTC in 2012!


Archery Shoots


Michigan International Camporee

To all Scouts ... and especially Arrowmen ..., if you are interested in not only taking part in an international encampment, but in serving on its staff, then consider the Michigan International Camporee (MIC). The Chief Okemos Council BSA is inviting online applications to serve on the staff of the 2012 Michigan International Camporee and experience firsthand how a local council runs a week-long international camp. The 5th Michigan International Camporee will be held from July 22 to 29, 2012, at Northwoods Scout Reservation northeast of West Branch, Michigan. Staff will arrive on Saturday, July 21, and depart on Sunday, July 29. There will be food, housing, and transportation options for MIC staff members who plan to stay in Michigan for the National Order of the Arrow Conference (NOAC) at Michigan State University the following week. For more information and online applications, go to the Michigan International Camporee web site at Please pass this information on to others in the California Inland Empire Council who might ... and should be ... interested. For further information, please contact

Bruce McCrea,


Boy Scouts Shotgun Merit Badges


Powder Horn 2011

Powder Horn is coming this coming Fall and we want you to be there! Powder Horn is a high-adventure resource course for anyone interested in exploring the great outdoors and all that goes with it. The flyer is attached for more information. It promises to be a great time! Click Here for more Info

Yours in Scouting, Chris Johnson
CIEC Assistant Council Commissioner - Venturing


Troop 520's Summer Trip to Camp Wolverton in the Sequoia National Park


National Jewish Committee on Scouting Hosting Workshop

The National Jewish Committee in Scouting is hosting an upcoming workshop in Menifee. The committee, which promotes Scouting among Jewish boys, runs the Maccabee Emblem program. The event is open to all registered Jewish Tiger and Cub Scouts in third grade and below.

The workshop is set for Aug. 14 at noon. Jewish Men's Club of the Valleys also is involved with the workshop, which is on the Boy Scouts of America Maccabee Religious Emblem. The cost of the emblem is $20, which includes a Shabbat patch. Additional patches are $5 each.

The Maccabee emblems will be presented at a Scout Shabbat on Oct. 14. Both events will be at Temple Beth Sholom, 29101 Del Monte Drive, Menifee.

For reservations, contact Scouting Commissioner Stu Muller, 951-926-3677. Information:


Trail's End Popcorn Kickoffs!

Each district will be kicking off the 2011 Popcorn Sale with a bang! Scouts are invited to come out for some fun as well as to learn how to sell lots of popcorn. Unit leaders can get their unit sales kits, which includes a box of kettle corn, posters, sales brochures and a Zyclone!


DistrictDateLocation Flyer
High Desert5:30PM July 30Doris Davies Park, Victorville CLICK HERE
Arrowhead10-2 PM, August 6Bloomington LDS Church CLICK HERE
Five Nations4:30PM, August 6Shakey's Pizza, Moreno Valley CLICK HERE
Grayback10AM, August 6Pharoah's Adventure Kingdom CLICK HERE
Old Baldy10AM, August 6Redeemer Lutheran Church, Ontario
Mt Rubidoux6PM, August 8American Legion Hall, Riverside CLICK HERE
Three Peaks7PM, August 10Estudillo Heritage Park, San JacintoCLICK HERE
SunriseAugust, 13Palm Springs Bowling Alley CLICK HERE
Tahquitz5PM August 14Mulligan Family Fun Center, Temecula CLICK HERE
Temescal7PM, August 11Pole Position Raceway, Corona CLICK HERE


It's not too late to sign up and sell popcorn this fall. Simply complete and send in the POPCORN COMMITMENT FORM.


Stampede 2011

Saddle Up for Scouting and attend the 2011 Sheriff's Stampede & Rodeo at Glen Helen Park in Devore, CA.

NEW - Sponsor a booth or activity and your unit pays the early bird rate! Hurry and sign-up today - Scout Show booth space is limited!

Scouts can participate in Rock Wall Climbing, Canoeing, Scout Show, Fishing, Archery, BB gun shooting, Push Cart Race Competition, Order of the Arrow Ceremony, Dutch oven Competition, Pinewood Derby Competition, and the cool and wet Water Park.

Register online today!


Deer Run Singers serves as the instructors for Tiwahe Lodge’s Native American Day

On July 16 seven members of Cahuilla Lodge’s dance and drum team, Deer Run Singers, travelled to the Balboa Park in San Diego to serve as the instructors for Tiwahe Lodge’s Native American Day. Nearly 40 OA members from the San Diego Imperial Council attended the day’s activities.

After the opening ceremony the participants were split into 3 separate groups to attend a round robin of instruction classes. Chase Hadden, Cameron Stiede, John Garcia, Curtis Stiede, and Lucas Stiede all formed temporary drum groups to teach the participants different drum songs and traditions. Cameron Locke taught a class on men’s northern traditional dancing and James Hermes taught a class on how to grass dance.

After lunch everyone came together for a small pow wow type gathering. This was their chance to put into practice what they had learned that morning. Each of the drum instructors joined a temporary drum group to help them sing during the afternoon gathering. A few brave Scouts donned some of the dance regalia and joined the dancing in the arena. The gathering was concluded by holding a few social dances and a broom dance competition. The whole day was an incredibly fun experience and the OA members from Tiwahe Lodge were a great group to work with. For everyone that attended it was definitely one of the highlights to a great summer.


New & Tidbits

  • "The Buzz" In this episode, National Commissioner Tico Perez tells us about the BSA's SCOUTStrong, a new initiative that promotes healthy living through partnerships, educational content for Scouts and an activity challenge for BSA employees to "Walk the Walk." Click Here
  • "Fix n Fun" summer weekend at Camp Helendade August 26-28, 2011 Click Here for more info 


Hall of Fame Awards for Recognition Awards

Name UnitAwardName Unit AwardName Unit Award
High DesertFive NationsTahquitz
Dylan OlsonPack 56SingleCheryl Love Troop 40Home RunRoyce RuedaPack 500 Home Run
Three PeaksTahquitzTahquitz
Noah CadenheadPack 485DoubleLogan QuistPack 332Home RunBrendon ShermanTroop 430Double


Recently Completed Eagles

Thomas LindleySunriseTroop 707Zachary SanfilippoOld BaldyTroop 655
James PulleyTahquitzTeam 924Alejandro MenesesOld BaldyTroop 305
Hunter PrudholmSunriseCrew 180Collin PateOld BaldyTroop 623
Jacob DevereuxTemescalTroop 125Keoni SitarOld BaldyTroop 634
Michael PendletonTemescalTroop 107Carlos AndersonOld BaldyCrew 76
Joshua GarciaArrowheadCrew 115Christopher OlsenOld BaldyTroop 634
Shane WaldronGraybackTroop 101Steven ScottOld BaldyTroop 635
Tyler MartinezSunriseCrew 80Daniel KimGraybackTroop 14
Jason AngleThree PeaksTeam 224Jonathan FeldmanGraybackCrew 231
Garret HarveyHigh DesertTroop 351Jacob CamachoArrowheadTroop 163
Maximilian MoriciHigh DesertTroop 351


Positive Quote

"When we do the best we can, we never know what miracle is wrought in our life, or in the life of another."

  -- Helen Keller (1880-1968) American Writer


Have a great Scouting week!
Yours in the Spirit of Scouting,

Joe Daniszewski
Scout Executive/CEO
California Inland Empire Council, BSA
1230 Indiana Court
Redlands, CA 92374

909.793.2463, Ext. 120
909.793.0306 Fax

Monday Memo is from Scout Executive Joe Daniszewski and contains his reflection on what is happening within the Council. The purpose of Monday Memo is to communicate information about the week ahead, to acknowledge the good things happening around the Council and to address specific issues that the Scout Executive wants to bring to your attention. Joe welcomes any comments, suggestions or recommendations on how to make this memo as helpful as possible. If you have something you want publicized in the Monday Memo, please send it to his attention c/o Monday Memo: for Monday Memo Archives Click Here



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   2351 W Lugonia Ave Suite F Redlands, CA  92374 • (909) 793-2463

Copyright 2007-2024 • Boy Scouts of America, California Inland Empire Council #045