The Boy Scouts of America places the greatest importance on creating the most secure environment possible for its youth members. To maintain such an environment, the BSA has developed numerous procedural and leadership selection policies, and provides parents and leaders the following online and print resources for the Cub Scouting, Boy Scouting, and Venturing programs.
Mandatory Report of Child Abuse
All persons involved in Scouting shall report to local authorities any good faith suspicion or belief that any child is or has been physically or sexually abused, physically or emotionally neglected, exposed to any form of violence or threat, exposed to any form of sexual exploitation including the possession, manufacture, or distribution of child pornography, online solicitation, enticement, or showing of obscene material. No person may abdicate this reporting responsibility to any other person.
Notify your Scout Executive of this report, or of any violation of BSA’s Youth Protection policies, so that he or she may take appropriate action for the safety of our Scouts, make appropriate notifications, and follow-up with investigating agencies.
Stampede 2011
Saddle Up for Scouting and attend the 2011 Sheriff's Stampede & Rodeo at Glen Helen Park in Devore, CA.
The Stampede & Scout Show is a great event for Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Venturers and their families! Scouts can participate in Rock Wall Climbing, Canoeing, Scout Show, Fishing, Archery, BB gun shooting, Push Cart Race Competition, Order of the Arrow Ceremony, Dutch oven Competition, Pinewood Derby Competition, and the cool and wet Water Park. Plus, attend the Sheriff's Rodeo on Friday night for free when wearing your uniform!
NEW! Sponsor a Scout Show booth and your unit pays the early bird rate! Hurry and sign-up today - Scout Show booth space is limited!
T-SHIRT DEADLINE - Register by August 31 to secure your commemorative Stampede t-shirt!
Selling Trail's End Popcorn is so easy and fun. One of the most productive ways of selling popcorn is the show & deliver method. This is where the Scout goes door-to-door with the take order form and product in hand. The Scout can make the sale, deliver the product, and collect the money all in one visit. No more multiple visits to the same house to complete the sale. Plus, Scouts can gain additional sales from the same customer!
In fact you can sell up to 4 times more using Show & Deliver versus Show & Sell. Spend more time selling and less time delivering & collecting!
It's not too late to sign up and sell popcorn this fall. Simply complete and send in the POPCORN COMMITMENT FORM.
Last Spring Troop 301 from Ontario, Old Baldy district asked for help to refurbish their Scout House. The Cub Scouts from Pack 658 with out thinking twice showed up to work and help troop 301 in their project. The Webelos had a great experience working hand and hand with the Boy Scouts from troop 301. They cleaned the yard, removed walls, refurbished the scout sign, painted walls, but most important the Cub Scouts learned how to help, make friends and work with a Boy Scout troop.
(In the picture we have Webelo Alex R. and Scout Leader Charles R.and Mike J.)
Thanks for your input Charles C Royas
Example of what Scouting / Foxfire Produces
I hope all is well with you and your families these days! Unfortunately, I will not be able to attend the Closing BBQ because as you all know I am still currently committed to the fire academy. I am currently over half way through, 7 months down and 4 to go! While I have a second, I would like to thank the faculty for all the time they have invested in me and my future. I have truly grown into a leader over the past 5 years I have served the Foxfire Faculty. Your advice and coaching has enabled me to become a strong and confident individual in all that I accomplish. I am currently ranked 2 out of 48 in my academy class. Even though I am the youngest cadet, I have become a recognized leader among my class by my instructors and peers in every aspect/task of the program. I credit all of my accomplishments in the academy to the Foxfire program and all of its members. I am beyond thankful and will continue to make all of you proud. I finish the academy in the second week of December and I will graduate in the beginning of January. I would love to see you all there at my graduation if possible (with further details to follow).
Once again, I would like to extend a special thank you to King for inviting me to serve on his Foxfire 2011 course. It was a true honor and privilege to be included in Foxfire 2011! I truly miss you all and know I would be there in an instant if I was able to. I hope you all have an excellent time together and cherish the Foxfire spirit as always! Take care and hope to see you all soon!
Another success story is Michael Harrison aka "Deep Hat" Foxfire faculty member and Eagle Scout. Who graduated from the Air Force Academy this year and Aasel Flores aka "Pope" Foxfire faculty member and Eagle Scout. Who is attending West Point and is leading his class. Our time investment is worth it !
Beau aka "Tumbleweed"
Adventurers Wanted!
Get ready! The 2013 National Scout Jamboree is coming and it ain't your father's jamboree. We're talking seriously high adventure, people! Whitewater rafting, zip-lining, rappelling, mountain biking, hiking, and more - with 50,000 of your closest friends at the brand new Summit Bechtel Reserve in the wilds of West Virginia. Apply online at Council Youth Application
Scout Surge to Honor 10-Year Anniversary of 9/11
Scouts and volunteers across the country are being encouraged to create service opportunities from September 1-10 to remember the tragedy and heroism of 9/11 as part of Scout Surge 9/11.
Each district, troop, or crew can make it as big and exciting as they want. This is a youth-driven event.
Scouts are encouraged to post their projects on the Web and via social media channels (such as the Scout Surge Facebook page), and record them as part of the Journey to Excellence service program.
On September 11, Scouts are encouraged to gather as groups and invite non-Scout friends to watch the movie, New York Says Thank You, which tells the story of the first responders to the New York City terrorist attacks and which features Scouts from the Little Sioux tornado tragedy.
The countdown has begun for the launch of the BSA’s newest merit badge, Chess. While the kickoff event will take place at the grand opening of the new Chess Hall of Fame on September 10, other key milestones for the launch of this new badge include:
Chess merit badgerequirements will be posted on September 7
A press release announcing the new merit badge also will be distributed September 7
Chess merit badge pamphlets and patches will be in Scout shops and online at by September 10
The BSA’s official launch event will be in St. Louis on September 10
A second large event is planned during the National Scholastic K-12 Championship, planned for November 18-20at the Dallas Hilton Anatole
Meeting Place Inspection
A big part of every pack or troop's Scouting program takes place in their regular meeting place. These may include a school's multipurpose room, the basement of a church, a private home, or their very own Scout hut. Once or twice a year, the unit committee, with the chartered organization representative, should inspect the meeting place for health and safety hazards.
The BSA provides a Meeting Place Inspection Checklist that can be used to make sure the proper emergency equipment is available and helps identify potential hazards. Plus when conducting the inspection, it's a great time to practice a fire drill with your Scouts.
Be BSA Risk Ready and schedule a meeting space inspection.
Scouts Can Win Robotics Patch From Space!
What could be better than earning the new Robotics merit badge? How about receiving a merit badge that orbited Earth onboard the space shuttle Endeavour? Between now and September 30, Scouts who have already earned the new merit badge can enter for a chance to receive a Robotics merit badge patch that has flown in space.
Winners also will receive an official Endeavour STS-134 mission patch, a photo of the shuttle crew, and a certificate of authenticity. A total of 100 patches will be given away, with a limit of one patch per person.
Here's a great opportunity for Scouting families to camp FOR FREE at Camp Helendade. Enjoy a weekend in return for your labor and skills in participating in a service project benefiting camp. The Fall Camp Helendade Fix n'Fun will be held Friday, August 26 to Sunday, August 28.
You'll need to provide your own food, cooking gear, tents, chairs, and other camping gear. For work projects, bring your work clothes, gloves, tools, and a can-do spirit! For more information , visit or call (909) 793-2463 ext 139.
News & Tidbits
2nd Quarter P.R.A.Y. Report Adult Awards. Congratulations to Kenneth Nordstrom from Grace Presbyterian Church for earning the God & Service Adult Award.
The Buzz - "BSA Unveils Alumni Association" to view video Click Here
Friends of Scouting Weekly Report
2011 Goal
2011 Pledged (Year To Date)
% of Goal
# of Donors
Donors Asked
8/18/2010 Pledged
Gary DeFraene
Mt. Rubidoux
John Kantola
Michael Bentley
High Desert
Greg Lundeen
Wayne Chase
Dr. Michael Kuhn
3 Peaks
Andrew Kotyuk
Old Baldy
Greg Risser
Scott Evans
5 Nations
Robin Hastings
Positive Quote -----------------------
"It is a rough road that leads to the heights of greatness." - Seneca
Have a great Scouting week! Yours in the Spirit of Scouting,
Joe Daniszewski Scout Executive/CEO California Inland Empire Council, BSA 1230 Indiana Court Redlands, CA 92374 909.793.2463, Ext. 120 877.732.1450 909.793.0306 Fax
Monday Memo is from Scout Executive Joe Daniszewski and contains his reflection on what is happening within the Council. The purpose of Monday Memo is to communicate information about the week ahead, to acknowledge the good things happening around the Council and to address specific issues that the Scout Executive wants to bring to your attention. Joe welcomes any comments, suggestions or recommendations on how to make this memo as helpful as possible. If you have something you want publicized in the Monday Memo, please send it to his attention c/o Monday Memo: for Monday Memo Archives Click Here