California Inland Empire Council

                     Monday Memo


              Welcome to our August 29th, 2011 Monday Memo

Only 3 Days Left to Order your 2011 Stampede Commemorative Tee Shirt!

Register online by August 31st to secure your ride down the 350 water slide at the water park! Visit for more information and to register.


Message From Our Council President

Summer is over

Well summer is almost over and schools have started. Scouts will be receiving their merit badges at the next Troop Court of Honor and most likely a rank advancement or even two. I am sure all the scouts that went to camp had a great time swimming, hiking just having fun that they will remember for many years. I still remember war canoes at Catalina Island Cherry Valley and snorkeling around the boats at anchor.

Very soon we will be into fall recruiting, which will introduce boys and girls to Scouting and parents as well. As a unit grows we need to have trained leaders for those new youth in our units. Oh, have you seen Go to the council website and click on it, a great recruiting tool.

My challenge to the Cub Masters, Scoutmaster, Crew Leaders and Varsity Leaders is to see that your leaders are completely trained in their specific position. Contact your District Training Chairperson and find out about local training that is available, take them to it; they can go online and take many of the required courses. Help your new leaders sign up for MyScouting so they can take the courses, which in the long run will make your job as the leader much easier. It is easy, even an old guy like me can travel around the MyScouting website.

Your Council is growing, as our professionals ask for help, step forward and say I will help, but I need to be trained as to what you require of me. Yes, training is one of the many hot buttons that need to be pushed. Would you believe that out of all of our leaders, less than 23% are trained in their positions? We have a long way to go, shall we strive to 33% by the end of the year? Sounds good to me and sure will help our youth stay in the program and have more fun at the same time. Are you completely trained in your position?

Have a great fall, Jim Prior


Get "Eared Up" to Sell Popcorn!

Join Popcorn Joe and others in selling Trail's End Popcorn! Trail's End Popcorn is a delicious way to raise the money your unit needs for camping gear and outdoor fun. In fact 70% of every purchase goes back to your unit and the council!

Every new unit that sign's up this week will get a CORN COB hat! So be like Joe and go to and fill-out the commitment card and email it to

United Way Day of Caring

Mt. Rubidoux District Troop 2 and Crew 2 helped the United Way with their "Day of Caring" event this last saturday in Riverside. This was United Way's kickoff event for the year with many United Way-related organizations participating.

Troop 2 and Crew 2 helped with the Saturday morning set up, they did a variety of volunteer jobs during the day, performed the flag ceremony, and helped take down the event later in the day. The event had a good turn out with over 500 people...

Hi, my name is Gideon and I am your Patrol Z Ambassador.  I will be sharing news about how much fun, adventure, and service Scouts get to have with the world through a brand new website:  This website will help share news of the Summit Bechtel Scout Reserve with the world. Like, did you know that the Summit will stay open after dark for Scouts to have even more fun at night during Jamboree?  The new home for Jamboree is going to include whitewater rafting, how cool is that?

I will be out visiting your Troops, Crews, Round Tables and camps to learn all the cool things happening in our council and you may just see your unit's story on  If you have not signed up for Jamboree, get started now!  It's going to be the an awesome time.

Yours in Scouting,


High Desert District Pinewood Derby

The boys and the leaders and parents had a great time and are looking forward to the next District Race.
Below are the results for the High Desert District Pinewood Derby:

For the 1st Race (District Race);
1st Keegan J. Pack 574, 2nd Trevor H. Pack 574, 3rd Isaiah H. Pack 574
Best of Show - Cody G. Pack 153
The 2nd Race (Open Race);
1st Nickolis B. Pack 56, 2nd Kamron G. Pack 858, 3rd Lukas A. Pack 56
Best of Show - Zack J. Pack 153


Tahquitz District Webelos Woods

October 14-16, 2011 @ Boseker Scout Reservation/Camp Emerson

Register now for this year’s program, “Tom Sawyer’s Adventures”. This event will feature something for everyone: physical competitions, activity pin workshops (Outdoorsman & Naturalist), archery, even an adult trivia quiz. Two great campfires will be presented featuring our own Order of the Arrow and Boy Scout staff.

Registration Deadline: – MUST be received BY COUNCIL by September 23th. $50 per person after September 9th.

Click Here to Register Online or for more information.


Charlie Smith's Eagle Project

Kudos to Charlie Smith and the Scouts, Scouters, Family and Friends that helped out last weekend on his Eagle Scout Project in the 100 degree plus weather. They constructed a 130 ft of fence around the birthday caboose at the Orange Empire Railroad museum in Perris, CA


Join the Fun, Test You Limits, and Experience the Thrill of Adventure

If you know an active, adventurous youth in need of an outlet for their enthusiasm and energy, look no further. Scouting is more than badges and meetings. It’s young people embracing the thrill of the outdoors, discovering more about the world and themselves and mastering skills and ideals that will shape them into dutiful citizens. It’s where new friendships can be made and where new talents can be found. It’s the ultimate recreation.

Cub Scouts is designed for boy’s ages 7 to 10, and combines outdoor activities, sports, academics, and leadership in a fun and exciting program that helps families teach ideals such as honesty, good citizenship, and respect.

Designed for boys ages 11 to 18, Boy Scouting emphasizes those same activities and ideals, but takes them to the next level. Camping can change from a campsite a few hours away as a Cub Scout to a few states away in a National Park as a Boy Scout, all the while empowering young men with the skills needed to be confident and responsible adults.

Scouting also has a program open for both young men and women ages 14 to 21. Venturing combines high-adventure activities with vocational education, which gives youth the opportunity to push their limits, embrace adventure and learn about occupations available to them as adults in the community.

Cub Scout Packs, Boy Scout Troops, and Venturing Crews will hold recruitment nights/events throughout Riverside & San Bernardino counties during August and September or go to to find a Scouting unit close to you!

About the California Inland Empire Council, Boy Scouts of America: The C.I.E.C. serves youth throughout Riverside and San Bernardino counties. Our mission is to prepare young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetime by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Scout Law. For more information, please visit or to find a Scout unit close to you, visit!


Memorial and Tribute Gifts

Your gift to the Memorial and Tribute Fund is a way for you to recognize a special occasion and/or person. It can be a job promotion, presentation of the Eagle Scout Award or the Adult Volunteer Leader Scouting Awards, a birthday or anniversary, a Bar Mitzvah or Confirmation, or to honor the memory of a friend or family member.

Upon receipt of your gift, you will receive an acknowledgement card for tax purposes. The person or family receives a card in your name from the California Inland Empire Council, BSA with no amount mentioned. In addition the memorial or tribute will appear as part of the Monday Memo on the council’s website.

To make a contribution to the California Inland Empire Council Memorial and Tribute Fund, fill out the gift form, and mail the form to California Inland Empire Council, BSA, PO BOX 8910, Redlands, CA 92375-2110. If you have any questions you may contact Joe Daniszewski, Scout Executive at 909-793-2463 ext. 120 or e-mail: Click Here for Tribute Form

In Memory of
Margarito C. Montoyo
Given By:
Joe Daniszewski

In Memory of
Charles Graeber
Given By:
Joe Daniszewski
In Memory of
Bill Sweatt
Given By:
Joe Daniszewski
In Memory of
Malcolm Alexander, Long-Time Scouter
Given By:
Joe Daniszewski
In Memory of
Bill Sweatt
Given By:
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Eichenhofer
In Memory of
Malcolm Alexander
Given By:
Virginia Cottone


Adult Leader Awards

David SilvaPack 703Mt. RubidouxUnit Leader Award MeritBlair CammackDistrictHigh DesertWilliam D. Boyce
Summer PearsonDistrictMt. RubidouxDistrict Committee KeyGreg LundeenDistrictHigh DesertWilliam D. Boyce
Jeff ChaffinPack 703Mt. RubidouxWebelos Den LeaderAngela Rosenberg DistrictHigh DesertWilliam D. Boyce
Marilyn ChaffinPack 703Mt. RubidouxWebelos Den LeaderWilliam MattinglyTroop 464High DesertScoutmaster's Key
Michael WyantPack 703Mt. RubidouxTiger Cub Den LeaderAlicia PaolettaPack 377Sunrise Tiger Den Leader
Diana AndersonPack 97Mt. RubidouxTiger Cub Den LeaderManny SanchezTroop 384TahquitzUnit Leader of Merit
Bruce SmithTroop 999TemescalBoy Scout Leader's TrainingKathy SmithCrew 384TahquitzWilliam D. Boyce
Frank McDonaldPack 2216TemescalCub ScouterRaymond NorrisCrew 11GraybackWilliam D. Boyce
Debbie PackerPack 399TemescalCubmasterSteven PesanteTroop 322GraybackBoy Scout Leader's Training
Jim GrantTroop 89ArrowheadBoy Scout Leader TrainingJohn KeiglerPack 112GraybackCub Scouter
Billy RosenbergPack 574High DesertUnit Leader Award MeritJohn KeiglerPack 112GraybackWebelos Den Leader
Vaughn ThomasDistrictHigh DesertWilliam D. BoyceNathan DunnPack 40GraybackTiger Den Leader
Owen SpencerDistrictHigh DesertWilliam D. BoyceHeather DunnPack 40GraybackTiger Den Leader


Friends of Scouting Weekly Report

8/29/20112011 Goal 2011 Pledged (Year To Date)% of GoalCash Paid
(Year to Date)
8/26/2010 Pledged
TemescalGary DeFraene$108,400$110,061101.53%$95,134$89,892
Mt. RubidouxJohn Kantola$120,000$120,200100.17%$110,956$127,193
ArrowheadMichael Bentley$63,000$59,75494.85%$53,540$53,453
TahquitzWayne Chase$137,000$122,80689.64%$110,757$127,712
High DesertGreg Lundeen$100,250$89,54589.32%$82,355$88,370
GraybackDr. Michael Kuhn$106,000$93,37688.09%$88,374$86,118
Old BaldyGreg Risser$131,250$106,12180.85%$82,676$109,413
3 PeaksAndrew Kotyuk$70,000$55,75579.65%$53,026$64,726
SunriseScott Evans$59,500$44,24674.36%$41,111$49,516
5 NationsRobin Hastings$45,500$23,21051.01%$17,537$36,925






Positive Quote

"I began learning long ago that those who are happiest are those who do the most for others."

  - Booker T. Washington 

Have a great Scouting week!
Yours in the Spirit of Scouting,

Joe Daniszewski
Scout Executive/CEO
California Inland Empire Council, BSA
1230 Indiana Court
Redlands, CA 92374

909.793.2463, Ext. 120
909.793.0306 Fax

Monday Memo is from Scout Executive Joe Daniszewski and contains his reflection on what is happening within the Council. The purpose of Monday Memo is to communicate information about the week ahead, to acknowledge the good things happening around the Council and to address specific issues that the Scout Executive wants to bring to your attention. Joe welcomes any comments, suggestions or recommendations on how to make this memo as helpful as possible. If you have something you want publicized in the Monday Memo, please send it to his attention c/o Monday Memo: for Monday Memo Archives Click Here


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   2351 W Lugonia Ave Suite F Redlands, CA  92374 • (909) 793-2463

Copyright 2007-2024 • Boy Scouts of America, California Inland Empire Council #045