Monday Memo 

Joseph Daniszewski
Scout Executive

Good day and welcome to our August 30th, 2010 Monday Memo


BSA-100 Weekly Update 

Hey guess what,  we are going to have a Birthday Party . . .Who's Birthday, the 100th Birthday of the Boy Scouts of America.

Glen Helen Regional Park  September 24thru 26th, 2010 . . .

Please tell all you know in Scouting that The BSA-100 Birthday Party is going to be the event of the year for the CIEC  and others joining us from neigboring councils. Right know we have almost 4400 signed up and we have the whole West side of the park designated to camping  both Boy Scout and Cub/family camping

There is not very much space left for activities in the rest of the park  because it is full of all sorts of fun things to do, so much you will not be able to do everything.

A few things going on are a very long Pinewood Derby Track, both Boy and Cub Scout Pinewood Derby races, Lots of Marbles and trying to beat another Guiness Book of World Records of 750 people shooting marbles, climbing walls, challenges, crafts, arts, games, A Scouting Museum, Avenue of the flags, a bunch of Old Cars, Smokey The Bear, Fishing, Canoeing, "FOOD",  the US Marines, Army National Guard, US Coast Guard, US Forest Service, Gold Panning, Archery, BB guns, Adult / Scouters Fun Zone, Displays and Demonstrations, Live entertainment, Scout entertainment, Stage shows, Mystery Events for both Cub and Boy Scouts on Sunday, Council Wide Scouts Own on Sunday and believe it or not there is more.

Camp set up Friday  24th
Opening ceremonies Saturday 25th, gathering starts at 7:45 am, cermonies at 8:45 sharp
Program 10 am to 5 pm
Campfire ceremonies Saturday 25th, gathering starts at 6:45pm, campfire begins at 7:45pm
Scouts Own Sunday 8am  and Mystery events  right after
Closing & Awards Ceremonies approx 11 am on Sunday

Unit Leaders Briefing Meeting are set for Sept 2 and Sept 9  this is where you can get your gear passes , turn in all your pre-check in info,  and final details for the event  and also ask questions

We are looking for

  • two Life or Eagle Scouts from each district to serve on the youth staff   we need these guys   "NOW"  also looking for an SPL and ASPL
  • two each tigers, Cubs, Scouts, Venturers, scouters from each district to help in opening ceremonies  must have a complete Class A unifrom and access to your unit American Flag, Tigers and cubs will have smaller flags
  • Unit that can construct a gate way for the walking entrance gate
  • some one or a couple scouters that can tell scary stories or non scary stories Friday and Saturday Night
  • A few really good skits  not seen before ( that means new )
  • Volunteers to help in different areas of logistics

Check the website often for updates. All programs  and information are subject to change depending on volunteers needed to make this all happen, we do have many great volunteers that have stepped up to help  but we need more 


Boy Scouts Introduce New Popcorn Lineup For Fall Sale

Biggest Change to Fundraising Popcorn in 30Years.

Indianapolis, IN, September 1, 2010 / PRNewswire/ –– This fall, Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts will introduce a whole new lineup of Trail’s End popcorn products for their annual fundraiser – the biggest change in 30 years. Since 1980, Americans have supported Scouting with their purchases of Trail's End microwave popcorn and ready to eat popcorn treats.When their popcorn goes on sale next week, Scouts have every reason to believe the public will eat it up.

The sale this year occurs during the Boy Scouts of America's 100th anniversary. The Trail’s End popcorn sale helps pay for local Scouting programs in communities all across the country, and Scouts enjoy a great return on their sale, with more than 70% of the purchase price going to fund local Scouting.

The new Trail’s End products have better flavor, are better for you and come in all-new packaging. And consumers will, on average, get 20% more product than before.

Unbelievable Butter microwave, Butter Light microwave and ready to eat Cheese Corn are now made with canola oil, with 0 grams trans fat and low saturated fat. The microwave products have new "Butter Burst" flavoring with a more robust butter flavor. Trail's End Caramel Corn is made with natural sweeteners, and Trail's End chocolate products contain no hydrogenated oils.

All of the ready to eat products have beautiful new packaging that's better for the environment because less packaging waste ends up in landfills. Traditional metal canisters have been replaced with bags that are re-closable for freshness, a hit with consumers. All of the Trail's End packaging now displays photos of Scouts and describes the benefits of Scouting to boys and to their communities.

This year, consumers can again donate popcorn to U.S. military personnel. Doug Dent, of Trail's End Popcorn, explains, "This is the fourth year for our military program, and it's really a win-win-win situation. People can purchase popcorn for the men and women serving our country and support local Scouting at the same time. And they will know they're benefiting two great institutions in one generous act."

And consumers can support Scouting year 'round online at They can order popcorn and receive it direct from Trail's End, with Scouts still realizing a 70% return.

Popcorn has been a part of Scouting for 30 of Scouting's 100 years. In 1909 Chicago publisher William D. Boyce, while visiting London, learned of the Scouting movement, and in 1910 incorporated the Boy Scouts of America. Since then more than 110 million Americans have been members of the BSA.

Trail's End is sold exclusively by Scouts in more than 280 Scout councils across the United States and Canada.


Deliver the Magic of Scouting with Trail's End Popcorn

Now that you've created your plan...

Complete this online Information Request Form to sign-up or to get more information.

Visit the California Inland Empire Council's Powered by Popcorn Webpage for dates, forms and other useful information to make this your best fundraiser ever!


NESA End of Summer Update

What a summer it was! We had the best, most exciting, fun-filled, safest national Scout jamboree ever. More than 32,000 Boy Scouts participated and will never forget the experience. Also, NESA’s contribution to the BSA’s 100th Anniversary, the Eagle Scout Stories book, was published. It looks so good that we are already talking about doing another one in 2012.

It’s a Great Time to Join the National Eagle Scout Association (NESA)
**If you're already a member of NESA, thank you!**

NESA publishes the quarterly Eagle Scout Magazine. Members can either receive a hard copy or an electronic version. Also, NESA members enjoy extensive social networking benefits, such as a permanent e-mail address, and much more.

Go to and click on Join. While there, view some of the interesting video testimonials about the Eagle Scout experience, which are sure to stir your memories.

Register As BSA Alumni Soon!
If you have not yet registered as BSA alumni, this is a good time to do it. Our first quarterly alumni electronic newsletter, Alumni Alive!, will be sent to all reconnected alumni in mid-September. Please help spread the word. As an Eagle Scout, you are obviously alumni, but in addition to Eagle Scouts and former Scouts, the BSA’s definition of alumni includes family members of former and current Scouts, current and former Scout leaders, and anyone else who feels that Scouting is a good influence in their community.

Besides the quarterly electronic newsletter, other alumni benefits include a free cell phone ring tone of the bugle call “Reveille” and a year’s membership to the National Scouting Museum.

Tell Your Scouting Story(s) on the BSA Alumni Scrapbook
If you are registered as BSA alumni, you can post your Scouting stories at It’s easy. The Scrapbook enables you to tell your own Scouting story and submit photographs.

Here’s how to find the Alumni Scrapbook. From, once you are logged in as registered alumni, click on Rekindle on the left-hand side of the Already an Alumnus page. At the bottom of the next page, click on Learn More under Alumni Scrapbook. On the next page, click on Share Your Story.

Help Alex Lloyd Win the Firestone Tire-ific Award
Alex Lloyd, driver of the No. 19 Boy Scouts of America Indy car, sponsored by Dale Coyne Racing, has been nominated for this week's Firestone Tire-ific Award for his outstanding performance at Sunday's Indy Grand Prix of Sonoma.

After qualifying 22nd on Saturday, Alex advanced 12 positions during the course of the 75-lap race to finish 10th. This weekend marked Alex's third top-10 finish this season.

Please share this with family, friends and our Scouting family.

Your Opportunity to Acquire Two BSA 100th Anniversary Commemoratives

Boys’ Life 2010 BSA National Scout Jamboree Souvenir DVD ($15.95)
Preorder now for delivery in November 2010. Relive (or see for the first time) all the exciting highlights of the Boy Scouts of America’s signature centennial event—the 2010 National Scout Jamboree. Included for the first time on a jamboree DVD will be hundreds of troop photographsbe charged until your DVD(s) have shipped in November.

2010 Adventure Base 100 souvenir guide and DVD—100 Years of Scouting ($19.99)
The 64-page AB100 guide provides a colorful and informative overview of the BSA from its early beginnings through today’s 100th Anniversary Celebration. The DVD gives a complete visual tour of the 10,000-square-foot Adventure Base 100 campus, including the Traveling Lodge and the Thrill Wall. Also included on the DVD is the complete Go Dome film.

To see sample pages from the AB100 guide, go to:

To order the AB100 guide online, go to:


BSA Fast Facts

2009 Top Five Merit Badges Earned

First Aid


Environmental Science




Citizenship in the World


Citizenship in the Nation


National Public Lands Day is September 25 Last year volunteers across the nation put up some pretty impressive numbers:

900,000 pounds of trash removed
20,000 pounds of invasive plants removed
100,000 trees, shrubs, and plants planted
1,320 miles of trails built and maintained
$14 million contributed


A Webelos-ree? Yes! A Webelos-ree!

A district or council Webelos-ree enhances the outdoor program of Webelos Scout dens. This guided experience emphasizes outdoor skills for Webelos Scouts and their parent(s) or guardian(s).

Parental involvement enhances the activity for the boy and his parent or guardian and provides an additional source of adult supervision for events. Events should be planned to include skill training as needed, especially if the skill is unfamiliar to the participants.

A fun, interesting, and exciting experience at this event fulfills the purposes of Cub Scouting. A Webelos-ree may boost retention in the den and pack, and help create and bolster a Webelos Scout's desire to move into a Boy Scout troop.

Contact Council Program Director Kevin Gustafson 909-793-2463 Ext. 139 for more information.


Back to School Night

Grayback District's Pack 24 held their annual ice cream social at Kimberly Elementry School. They brought their raingutter regatta and their Cub Master Dennis McCarty ran "mock" races with potential scouts. 

The Committee Chairman Heather Fraser had a table set up with pinewood derby cars, books, trophies and other memorabilia to get families interested in joining scouts.



Philmont Scout Ranch - PTC and Second Season Programming 


To some the fall is the most beautiful time of the year at Philmont. Don't be a stranger, for just $40/day, come witness the golden aspens, wildlife and excellent Philmont terrain on an Autumn Adventure trek! We welcome traditional youth groups as well as all adult groups.


In just a few months Philmont will complete it's annual transformation into a pristine winter wonderland. Winter brings a wide range of exciting activities to the Ranch. For $100/weekend or $50/day your group and guide may find yourselves snowshoeing, cross-country skiing, or even constructing a snow-shelter to spend the night in.


Philmont Training Center (PTC) hosts the best volunteer training, led by the top leaders to deliver the latest information, strategies, and practices to make your local Scouting programs a success.


The five-day Leave No Trace Master Educator course is designed for people who are actively teaching outdoor skills or providing recreation information to the public. This valuable training is recognized throughout the world by the outdoors industry, land management agencies, and the outdoor recreation community.



2010-2011 OKPIK Winter Adventure Registration for Northern Tier National High Adventure Program

National Cold Weather Camping Headquarters - Northern Tier is open for reservations.

Experience the beauty of the Boundary Waters Canoe Area in the winter. A silent snow covered landscape, with no bugs or people around you. At OKPIK you can:

  • Cross country ski and snowshoe in the back country.
  • Camp comfortably in below zero temperatures.
  • Experience the Introduction to Dog Sledding program offered to Scouts and Venturers attending OKPIK.
  • Do Musher Camp and Dog Sled Treks (our more extensive dog sled programs) with your older youth.
Also Webelos with their adult partner can participate in most winter activities but get to "camp" indoors.

Council's should also consider sending staff or volunteers to the OKPIK: Cold Weather Leader Training, January 4 - 9, 2011. This is the perfect training for your Council to learn how to put on Local Council Cold Weather Camping events safely from the experts.

Reservations can be made during business hours 9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Monday to Friday. Visit to obtain a reservation form, view an OKPIK video, check the OKPIK availability chart, and learn more information about the summer, autumn, and winter programs we have to offer.


Memorabilia Auction and Trade-O-Ree

Kudos to Matt Brandt for another successful Memorabilia Auction and Trade-O-Ree!

What a great team of helpers:

Bret Keesler, Ron Price, Frank Sydow, Bob Graham, Chris Manning, Larry Krikorian, Jared Brandt, Kyle Brandt, Brandon Chavez, Lucas Chavez, Jared Chavez, Steve Austin, Bob Salcido, Virginia Cottone, Bob Kelly, Ruben Velarde, Kevin Gustafson and most importantly all of the scouters that donated items.


Exciting Recruitment Night for Pack 421 

Dear Joe,

I wanted to share our excitement with you.  We had a wonderful recruiting evening last night!  Twenty-one new sign ups so far. Everything was very well organized with registrations, etc.  But what I wanted to share most with you was how excited the boys were to be recruiting their friends into Scouting. You would've been very proud of each boy.  We sent an email promoting Roundup to our current parents along with the Centennial Recruiting Promotion information.  It worked!

Please get ready to have many recruiting patches delivered to Pack 421!  Thank you for the promotion.

Susan Park
Committe Chair, Pack 421 Corona


News & Tidbits 

'Scouting for Adventure' Show Continues

Watch the Outdoor Channel on Wednesdays at 7:30 a.m., Saturdays at 1 p.m., and Sundays at 5:30 a.m. Central Time for season three of the Boys’ Life "Scouting for Adventure" television program. This season will follow the journeys of four troops as they experience high adventure trips to the Florida Sea Base, Philmont Scout Ranch, Northern Tier, and the 2010 National Jamboree. Get more details and watch a preview online!

Sign Up for Fall Conferences at Philmont

There is still room in many of the conferences, including Philmont Leadership Challenge, Implementing Leave No Trace in the Council, Trek Leader Planning and Advanced Outdoor Skills, the Properties Course, COPE/Climbing Manager, Connecting Children with Nature, and Conservation USA. To register, go to the Philmont Training Center on Philmont's new, redesigned website!


Scouts in Local News

Eagle Scout Project Benefits Redlands Community Garden

Making and using compost is the cornerstone of gardening, especially organic gardening. The finished product is rich, dark, crumbly and sweet-smelling.

Made of recycled garden and kitchen waste, compost is used to feed and condition Read More.....

Scout Earns Top Rank for Sign

RANCHO CUCAMONGA - Logan McGlothlin, a senior at Alta Loma High School, recently completed a large sign marking an entrance to Lake Perris State Recreation Area in Riverside County.

He chose the site - the Bernasconi area on the southeastern side of Lake Perris - because its access road was poorly marked and was a place where his Boy Scout Troop 110, sponsored by Rialto's Grace Lutheran Church, has frequently camped. Read more.....

Scouts On Track at Pinewood Derby

SAN BERNARDINO - Some of Floyd Huyler's fondest memories are those he spent as a boy with his father, shaping blocks of pinewood into the likeness of race cars for the Boy Scouts of America's annual Pinewood Derby.

The spirit of the Scouts, and the Pinewood Derby, stayed with Huyler into his adult years. Now a Cub Scout pack leader himself, Huyler partnered with his 10-year-old grandson, Zane Bracken, to prepare a slim, gravity-defying car for Saturday's Pinewood Derby at t Read More.....


William D. Boyce New-Unit Organizer Award 

Kudos to the latest recipients of the William D. Boyce New- Unit Organizer Award

NameDistrictNameDistrictName District
Thomas CherryHigh DesertDouglas AmesTahquitzGreg RasmussenTahquitz
Edward FoltsSunriseTony LoPiccoloTahquitzGina BirnbaumGrayback
Marleny PalmentierTahquitz

These 7 dedicated Scouters organized a new unit by the 12 step process. They will be awarded the special gray square knot with gold, green and red embroidery


FOS Report

August 26, 2010Goal 2010 Actual% of GoalCash to Date2009 Actual# of ProspectsProspects Personally Contacted% of Prospects
Mt. RubidouxKathleen Hartman$122,000$127,193104.26%$107,194$114,432 2,295 68529.85%
TahquitzDonna Baker$144,000$127,71288.69%$115,505$133,459 3,381 97828.93%
3 PeaksJoe Wilson$73,000$64,72688.67%$62,138$67,213 1,578 62139.35%
High DesertBruce Ebmeyer$102,000$88,37086.64%$82,520$88,210 2,746 70125.53%
GraybackPaul Foster$105,000$86,11882.02%$81,406$87,216 1,868 48525.96%
Old BaldyJohn Sitar$134,000$109,41381.65%$88,800$119,204 3,033 69823.01%
SunriseMike Lindley$62,000$49,51679.86%$45,012$51,229 1,501 30320.19%
5 NationsAaron Knox$51,500$36,92571.70%$29,395$41,993 860 31036.05%
TemescalGrant Clark$128,000$89,89270.23%$80,761$105,000 2,749 75527.46%
ArrowheadMajor Fritz$80,000$53,45366.82%$41,600$80,380 2,516 38915.46%








LDS FOS Report 


Positive Quote

'We never fail when we try to do our duty, we always fail when we neglect to do it.”

--- Sir Robert Baden-Powell


Have a great Scouting week!
Yours in the Spirit of Scouting,

Joe Daniszewski
Scout Executive/CEO
California Inland Empire Council, BSA
1230 Indiana Court
Redlands, CA 92374

909.793.2463, Ext. 120
909.793.0306 Fax

Monday Memo is from Scout Executive Joe Daniszewski and contains his reflection on what is happening within the Council. The purpose of Monday Memo is to communicate information about the week ahead, to acknowledge the good things happening around the Council and to address specific issues that the Scout Executive wants to bring to your attention. Joe welcomes any comments, suggestions or recommendations on how to make this memo as helpful as possible. If you have something you want publicized in the Monday Memo, please send it to his attention c/o Monday Memo: for Monday Memo Archives Click Here


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   2351 W Lugonia Ave Suite F Redlands, CA  92374 • (909) 793-2463

Copyright 2007-2024 • Boy Scouts of America, California Inland Empire Council #045