Monday Memo 

Joseph Daniszewski
Scout Executive

Good day and welcome to our August 31st Monday Memo 

An open message to all Scouting Families!

With the wildfires raging in the nearby mountains, it is unfathomable to think of the physical toll of the brave firefighters battling the flames in this heat.

As we have in the past, the Southern California  scouts & leaders stand ready to assist in anyway necessary.  To this relief effort we are using the Verdugo Hills Council parking lot as a collection point for our Scout families to bring gifts of fluid replenishment drinks, hopefully in case quantities, to refresh the fire crews.  The following types of drinks are welcome & will be transported in bulk to the command center, where fire crews are camped out, getting much needed rest for their next shift:

Gatorade or PowerAde type drinks, Bottled Water, & Soft Drinks

Then so-called energy drinks like RedBull, Monster & so forth, are not the best for replenishing minerals & fluids, and in fact may not be a welcome contribution by the crews.

The Verdugo Hills Council parking lot will be cordoned off starting early Monday morning as a collection point. There will be a sign-in list where we would like you to indicate who is making the donation:

The Verdugo Hills Council Service Center is located in Glendale, California, northeast of the intersection of SR 134 and I-5.

1325 Grandview Avenue
Glendale, California 91201

Thanks...let's "DO OUR BEST" to help out!  It would also be great to keep the fire crews in your prayers, sending them good thoughts to keep them safe.

Scouting at The Mall 

The  5 Nations "Scouting at the Mall" event was held at the Moreno Valley Mall on Saturday, August 29. It was a huge success, we were there for about 4 1/2 hours, and there were 5 units that participated, Packs 21, 210 and 520, and Troops 100 and 520. Cub Archery also had a table, with archery equipment for the boys to look at. This was a big draw, as well as Pack 210's Pinewood Derby Track! We had very positive response from the community. We used it as both a recruiting opportunity as well as to raise community awareness that scouts are still strong in the area. We passed out over 100 flyers with information about the area's units, as well as actually signing up several new cub scouts on the spot. It's definitely an event we will hold again in the future!
Laurie Curtis
5N Program Chair


Cub Scouts 2010: On Track for Growth

Streamlined meeting planning. Satisfied den leaders. Increased Cub Scout retention. Those are the promises of Cub Scouts 2010, a new method for delivering the Cub Scout program. Successfully piloted in the Central Region over the past five years, Cub Scouts 2010 will be implemented nationally beginning in September 2010.

Q. What is Cub Scouts 2010?

A. Cub Scouts 2010 is a new delivery method for the Cub Scout program. It?s handbook-based and focuses on den activities that lead to advancement and retention.

Q. What is changing?

A. The new Den & Pack Meeting Resource Guide will replace Program Helps. This guide (available in print and online) will be a one-stop shop for den leaders and Cubmasters. It will include core den meeting plans for all ranks, simplifying planning and letting new leaders become effective more quickly.

Q. What is staying the same?

A. The Cub Scout program?including the methods, the 12 Core Values, and the advancement program?is staying the same. All that?s changing is the delivery method.

Q. Where was Cub Scouts 2010 developed?

A. The Bay-Lakes Council in Wisconsin began piloting the program in 2005. The pilot expanded to the Central Region in 2007. In 2009, it became nationally available (under the name Fast Tracks) and is now used by more than 9,000 packs.

Q. What did the pilot show?

A. Youth retention increased from 65 percent to 85 percent. The share of den leaders who were very satisfied rose from 42 percent to 64 percent. Boys were three times likelier to attend resident camp.

Q. Where can I learn more about Cub Scouts 2010?

A. At, you can find detailed information, including the Top Hands presentation, an overview brochure, and a sample of the resource guide.

Q. When will we be able to implement the new plan?

A. All resources will be available in May 2010. If you are eager to start now, you may access the pilot materials at

Q. What can I do to help?

A. Check out the full story at Promote the transition. Help positively communicate to volunteers, especially committee members and youth-serving leaders. Send questions, success stories, or feedback to Bob Scott at .


Memorabilia Auction a Huge Success!!  

The 2009 Memorabilia Auction was held at the Council Scout Service Center on Friday, August 28th and Saturday, August 29th. Hundreds of scouts and scouters participated by donating or participating. A scout salute to all!

Thanks to Matt Brandt and Bret Keesler, who spearheaded the event and as always thanks to Frank Sydow who was the council auctioneer! Plans are well underway for another great event next year! 

Programs of Religious Activities with Youth

The P.R.A.Y. Program has a brand new look. It?s the same great program, but the recognitions and workbooks have had a ?face lift? since July 2009.

Click Here to View

The Value Of A Good Story

Anyone who has ever gathered around a campfire knows the power of a well-told story. It can bring moments of laughter, suspense, inspiration, and even personal reflection. Now we have a way to extend the campfire circle and give everyday Americans the change to tell their story ? and say thank you to the leaders that shaped their lives.

Through the BSA 100th Anniversary National Hall of Leadership, we?re getting heartfelt testimonials about the personal impact of Scouting. These powerful stories can help us demonstrate the value and relevancy of Scouting today. But, don?t take it from me. Read for yourself: 

?Bill was much more than a Scoutmaster of an 80 boy troop. He was more a father to me than my biological father ? I was one of eleven children, the only boy who graduated high school and the only one of my siblings who went to college. Without Bill's intervention, I would not have attended church, I would not have cared about my future, I would not have known the wonderful world of Scouting, and I would not have become the scout leader that I am today ? I could have become a high school dropout ? or a drug addict due to certain familial influences. But Bill saved my life.?

     ?  Robert Baldwin, Oneonta, N.Y.    

Let's start our 100th Annivesary celebration today! Submit your testimonial about a great scouter by clicking on the 2010, 100th Anniversary logo next to the right of my picture. Share the good news of Scouting!


Summer time activities from Boy Scout Troop 565 and Girl Scout Troop 1740 from our High Desert District:

1. On June 14 2009,  our Troops visited the Big Bear Discovery Center and did the following Ranger guided Tour,  a 15 minute video of the San Bernardino National Forest followed by a 1 hour nature hike and then a 1 hour and 45 minute class on identifing animal tracks and everyone made a plaster cast of there favorite animal track. We learned about local plants and animals and where these animals live.

2. On June 28 2009,  our Troops visited Manzanar where we took a 4 hour guided with Ranger Tim and started the Junior Ranger Program and watched the video. We learned how unfairly our government treated Japanese Americans during World War II.

3. On June 30 2009 Hot Creek State Fish Hatchery and took a 2 hour guided tour including feeding the 800,000 breeder fish at the hatchery. We learned about the life cycle of fish and how these fish are released back into the lakes and streams around Mammath to replace fish that are taken by fisherman. This is important to manage the eco-system of the treams and lakes.

4.On 1 July 2009 our Troops visited the Devils Postpile and Rainbow Falls.  At the Ranger Station, we participated in the Junior Ranger program and took a 4.5 mile nature hike. This took 6 hours and we learned how the postpile was formed and why leave no trace is so important to the eco- system.

5. On July 2, 2009 we returned to Manzanar and took the unguided car tour and brought back the Junior Ranger Booklet completed and finished the Junior ranger program with Ranger Carrie and 2 other Rangers. We learned how the internee's made an oasis in the windy Desert. The determination of these people was extradinary.

In all we spent 17 hours learning about our country's History and are planning to go to Yosemite National Park next year.


Change in Social Security Number Entry during Internet Rechartering Due to Privacy Concerns

This fall, in time for the next charter renewal cycle, all Social Security Number (SSN) entry fields and references will be removed from Internet Rechartering and will be replaced with the display of an informational text message as follows: ?**Social Security Number is required and will be entered by your council from the adult application.?

The local council will assume the responsibility for entering SSNs for new adult leader applicants once the renewal has been submitted through Internet Rechartering, and the required paperwork has been received at the council office. The current Charter Renewal posting process in local councils does not allow an adult leader registration to be posted without a valid SSN, so this implementation will not compromise or change the current SSN requirement or validation.

Support documentation for Internet Rechartering will be revised so that the Help document and Tutorial will be changed to explain this change.


See You at this year's Stampede! Yee-haa!

Join us this year at our Sheriff's Rodeo Scout Stampede held at the beautiful Glen Helen Regional Park September 25th - 27, 2009 Click Here to Sign Up!


FOS Report


American League Goal Actual % of Goal cash to date % of cash Aug. Raised
Scoutreach Tony Hayes $35,000 $38,308 109.5% $16,915 44.2% $2,005
Mt. Rubidoux Jim Nelson $115,000 $114,432 99.5% $103,681 90.6% $519
Tahquitz Donna Baker $160,000 $133,459 83.4% $113,991 85.4% $402
3 Peaks Bill Marshall $85,000 $67,213 79.1% $60,693 90.3% $715
High Desert Owen Spencer $115,000 $88,210 76.7% $77,239 87.6% $358
Grayback Paul Foster $115,000 $87,216 75.8% $75,781 86.9% $1,065
  National League            
Temescal Grant Clark $142,000 $105,000 73.9% $85,840 81.8% $355
Sunrise Ron Miller $70,000 $51,229 73.2% $46,207 90.2% $520
5 Nations Carolyn Bailey $60,000 $41,993 70.0% $29,184 69.5% $3,650
Old Baldy Lynn Anderson-Castillo $140,000 $94,204 67.3% $73,671 78.2% $2,145
Arrowhead Maj. Russell Fritz $95,000 $62,486 65.8% $52,523 84.1% $710
Learning for life Andrea Mitchell $40,000 $20,926 52.3% $7,835 37.4% $520






In Keeping with a baseball theme, We have divided the Districts/Divisions into two Leagues.
Your district can move to a different League based on the standings in funds raised.

Positive Quote

?The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing.?
- Stephen Covey

Have a great Scouting week!
Yours in the Spirit of Scouting,

Joe Daniszewski
Scout Executive/CEO
California Inland Empire Council, BSA
1230 Indiana Court
Redlands, CA 92374

909.793.2463, Ext. 120
909.793.0306 Fax

Monday Memo is from Scout Executive Joe Daniszewski and contains his reflection on what is happening within the Council. The purpose of Monday Memo is to communicate information about the week ahead, to acknowledge the
good things happening around the Council and to address specific issues that the Scout Executive wants to bring
to your attention. Joe welcomes any comments, suggestions or recommendations on how to make this
memo as helpful as possible. If you have something you want publicized in the Monday Memo, please send it
to his attention c/o Monday Memo: for Monday Memo Archives Click Here





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