Welcome to our September 24th, 2012 Monday Memo


Roy Cooley

Hello Scouters,

Many of you have already heard the news, “Uncle” Roy Cooley passed away early morning about 3:00 AM on September 12th. His wife Sandra was by his side, and she said he passed peacefully. It is no small blessing that Roy passed peacefully and is no longer suffering and in pain. I had the chance to visit him yesterday. Roy never lost his sense of humor, his ability to smile, or that wonderful innocence that he carried like a well stuffed backpack. I’ve known Roy for a long time, and I’ve never found him to be disagreeable, course, edgy, or negative in anyway, well unless it had to do with the kids, he loved the kids. Scouting was always about the scouts where Roy was concerned, he just got it right.

There will be a celebration of his life and legacy soon, the plans are in the works. There is also an auction of Roy’s quartermaster equipment and his scout memorabilia to help offset the huge costs of his care over the past several months. That auction will take place in mid October, details for both events are to follow. Roys Final Letter

Matt Flanagan, Vice President of Program


2012 Popcorn Sale is in Full Swing – Here is an Update

Need more Popcorn?

If you need more popcorn for storefront sales or for your show & deliver sale we have some available (see attached inventory sheet). Please fill attached form – allow 24 hours for pick up at the Jack Dembo Scout Center located at 1230 Indiana Court in Redlands from 9:30 AM till 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday.

Weekly Filler’ Up Drawings! Form

Monday, September 17th drawing winner:

Joshua K. – Temescal District – Pack 542

Joshua won (10) – two person tents – congratulations Joshua!

Scan & email or fax your Scout's fully filled out order form by noon each Monday through October 22nd to get a chance to win great prizes. Plus Scouts who sell $200 online also qualify!

All entries will be entered into the drawing for the Grand Prize. Fax entries to (909) 793-0306 or email to vwhitman@bsamail.org

V.I.P.S. (Very Important Popcorn Sellers) - Super Seller Event on December 8th

The Ontario Reign Hockey Club will be hosting the V.I.P.S. Night with the Reign Popcorn Super Seller Event on Saturday, December 8th. Scout's qualify by selling $1,500 or more in popcorn. They and an adult get to go to the game for free! Sell more popcorn and get a chance to ride on the Zamboni! Plus other great features that night.


Popcorn News:

While conducting a “Show and Sell’ at Lowe’s in Apple Valley, Pack 257 got to hear firsthand how their efforts in collecting the Military Donations made a difference in the soldiers’ lives when a serviceman walked up to their booth on Sunday. He asked for “the popcorn you send to Afghanistan”, not knowing which product he was talking about Cubmaster Faith Maldonado and the scouts went through the product line to determine that it was the Caramel Corn he was craving and he went on to explain that he had just returned from Afghanistan 2 days ago and the shipments of popcorn sent by the scouts were a bright spot in his experience there. He bought the popcorn and donated more money for the military to send some more popcorn to ‘his boys’ overseas. 

The scouts went home with the knowledge that they were not only fundraising to help their units, but that their efforts also helped boost the morale of our military.

Suzanne Cherry, Pack 257 Committee Chair 

Campership Committee

Dear Sir or Miss,

I wanted to thank you for helping me go to camp. I had a lot of fun and I met new friends and learn lots of new things. Thank you for helping me.

Roberto V.

TEMECULA: Boy Scout Comes to the Aid of Girl in Pool

By Peter Fischetti

Chase Houghton of Temecula loves to swim and play soccer, so it was no surprise that he’d be present at a pool party for his soccer club, Temecula United U14, on July 28.

But what occurred that evening was indeed a surprise.

Chase, 13, was swimming in the deep end of the pool with some friends while Jackie Hess, 8, and all of 50 pounds, was playing with some of the younger kids nearby.

Along with the swimmers was a lab puppy, almost as heavy as Jackie. “While she was in the water, the puppy jumped in to play, her mother, Julie, recalled.

“The puppy swam over to Jackie and tried to play with her. Of course, the puppy didn’t know his claws were scratching her.” Read More...


Bullies, Hazing, Cyberbullying

Bullies, Hazing, Cyberbullying… all hot topics in the world of kids today and on September 10, Troop 257 held a meeting to tackle these tough subjects.

In a meeting that all scouts and parents were asked to attend, Scoutmaster Rick Cales conducted training class to raise awareness on the problems that our boys face in today’s world. 

Electronic media has a relatively new place in the world and etiquette and safety are continuously being developed. With a growing number of scouts taking advantage of smart phones, internet access and social media sites it became apparent that the scouts and their parents needed to understand our policies on these subjects, how to identify abuse and what their responsibilities were to keep themselves safe from bullying and to keep from being the bully themselves. 

The scouts were divided into groups and given scenarios to work out with Scout Leaders and parents and everyone walked away from the evening with a better understanding on this very serious and topical subject. 

If any units would like information on how to conduct your own Bully training please contact Suzanne Cherry at 760-247-1646.


Three Generations Of Scouting

Kudos to all our Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Varsity Scouts and Venturers for their work on Advancement over the Summer.

Here three generations celebrate the achievement of the Star Rank at a Troop 220 Chino Hills Court of Honor.


Scout Lend A Helping Hand

Lending a helping hand can be fun and crafty as Troop 257 “The Black Wolves” of Apple Valley found out. During their meeting on September 17, the ‘skill’ segment was devoted to decorating pillowcases for children undergoing treatment for cancer at Loma Linda University Hospital. 

This is an annual project with the Optimist Club of Apple Valley (the charter for Troop 257) to brighten the day for kids with cancer. 

It was very heartwarming to see the care the boys, leaders and parents took to create these one-of-a-kind pillowcase masterpieces. Along with Troop 257, the Optimist Club, a group of cancer survivors and the Jr. Maverick’s baseball team were invited to help out, making this troop meeting both lively and memorable.


Scout Shop Stampede News

The Redlands Scout Shop has been invited to open a shop at the annual Stampede event this coming weekend.

So please make a note that the Redlands Scout Shop will not be open for shopping Saturday September 29th, 2012  Come see us at Stampede instead.

We will resume regular business hours on Monday Oct 1.

Also We are currently in our second week of the “Deal of the Week” recruitment promotions of 25% off items. Please take advantage of these tremendous savings.

Click Here for Coupon


Want to Join Scouting? BeAScout.org


Now, when a friend of your son or daughter—or even a fellow adult—asks, “How can I get involved in Scouting?” your answer just got easier: BeAScout.org.

While the recruitment Web site isn’t new, the BSA has simplified its searchability, making it a breeze for new Scouts or Venturers to get plugged into their local Scouting community. All that’s needed is a ZIP code and a few clicks of a mouse.

The search bar isn’t the only new addition. A series of “Matrix”-like videos showcase what it means to be a Scout or Venturer. (Hint: lots of high-adventure fun.) If you haven’t seen the videos, check them out here.

The next time someone asks you about Scouting, you can be sure this easy-to-remember answer will make a lasting impression.


A Message From BSA Racing

I’m thrilled to announce the Boy Scouts of America will be racing in our first ever NASCAR Nationwide Series race, with Team SLR, and the #8 HybridLight BSA car, this week!

This first ever race with the BSA’s association will take place at the Kentucky Speedway in Sparta, KY. The race will be aired on ESPN this Saturday, September 22 at 3:30pm ET (check your local listings to verify, as times could change).

There’s only one “first” race, so please help us get the word out by forwarding this email on to as many folks as possible; the more Scouts, volunteers, and BSA supporters that tune in, the better!

We realize your time is valuable, so we appreciate your support in helping us spread the word. Hosting Pack or Troop parties would be a great way for unit leaders to have fun with this, so we hope you’re open to forwarding this on to your council membership.

We look forward to rooting for the #8 HybridLight BSA car at this race, and many more in the future, as we embark on this exciting new journey through the NASCAR Nationwide Series and Team SLR.

To see a more in depth overview of this BSA Racing program, please read a full article in the most recent Scout Wire!

Craig H. Shelley  |  Director

Development and Corporate Alliances


Positiive Quote

"It is when you give of yourself that you truly give."

    ~ Kahil Gibran

Joe Daniszewski
Scout Executive/CEO

California Inland Empire Council, BSA

PO Box 8910

1230 Indiana Court
Redlands, CA 92374
909.793.2463, Ext. 120
909.793.0306 Fax

Monday Memo is from Scout Executive Joe Daniszewski and contains his reflection on what is happening within the Council. The purpose of Monday Memo is to communicate information about the week ahead, to acknowledge the good things happening around the Council and to address specific issues that the Scout Executive wants to bring to your attention. Joe welcomes any comments, suggestions or recommendations on how to make this memo as helpful as possible. If you have something you want publicized in the Monday Memo, please send it to his attention c/o Monday Memo: Joseph.Daniszewski@scouting.org for Monday Memo Archives Click Here      



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   2351 W Lugonia Ave Suite F Redlands, CA  92374 • (909) 793-2463

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