Monday Memo 

Joseph Daniszewski
Scout Executive

Good day and welcome to our September 28th Monday Memo


2009 Stampede - The Biggest Yet!

Well over 3200 scouts and adult volunteer leaders enjoyed some hot fun at Glen Helen Regional Park last weekend. Everyone enjoyed outdoor activities such as the 3 climbing walls, bb gun range, archery range, 4H petting zoo, arts and crafts, circus, Indian dancers, water park, pushmobiles, pinewood derby, rain gutter regatta, canoeing, scout skills, fishing, Merit Badge Midway, Order of the Arrow Village and Dutch Oven Competition. The park provided plenty of space, lots of grass and shade trees. What a great way to spend a weekend in the Great Outdoors.

Kudos to Scott "Mac" McLeod and his great Stampede Committee for a fantastic program for our young people and their families!

View More Stampede Pics, Click Here


LDS Little Philmont 2009

Kudos to the 20 LDS Stakes and 704 leaders who attended the very special Priesthood/Scouting Leadership Conference on September 18 and 19 at the Chino Stake Center. President David L. Beck,  the general president of the Church's Young Men organization of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- Day Saints was the featured presentor. A scout salute to everyone who helped make this a very extraordinary weekend, especially President Bob Patzold!

Carrie Nelson from the Jurupa Stake will be holding follow-up classes. There will be a Basic Leader Training course at the Fontana Stake on October 10, 15 and an overnighter on October 23 and 24. Call 877-700-9925 to register. Leave your name, address, phone number and Stake to register.

Thank you for your inspirational efforts in serving our young people!   Little Philmont Thank You Notes

Stake Totals
Apple Valley 42 Jurupa 2 Rancho Cucamonga 30 Upland 54
Chino 61 Menifee 34 Redlands 1 Victorville 45
Corona 55 Moreno Valley 58 Rialto 0 Yucaipa 49
Fontana 16 Murrieta 53 Riverside 65 Yucca Valley 8
Hemet 0 Ontario 72 San Bernardino 27 unknown/council 11
Hesperia 5 Palm Desert 5 Temecula 11 . .
. . . . . .
Grand Total



The New BSA, One Year Later

August 4 marked one year since the reorganization of the National Council was announced at the National Leadership Training Conference in Nashville. As you are well aware, this reorganization was the result of an extensive study facilitated by McKinsey & Company and included input from BSA employees and volunteers at all levels. The changes we implemented to our organizational structure and in our corporate philosophy have just begun to pay dividends to our local councils and to the national organization.

To emphasize the significance of the changes, we branded the reorganization as the New BSA.

The most important part of the New BSA is not the new organizational chart for the National Council, but rather the commitment by the volunteer and professional leadership of the BSA to focus on our future, not the past; to think of possibilities, not limitations; to constantly evaluate how well we are doing in delivering on the two major purposes of the National Council-to increase the capacity of local councils to succeed and to promote, enhance, and protect the BSA brand-resulting in serving far more young people than we currently do.

Much has transpired since we set out to create the New BSA. We have begun to celebrate our 100th Anniversary; we have located and are in the process of securing our own national Scout jamboree site, leadership center, and high-adventure base; and the nation is facing one of the most severe recessions of our lifetimes. In light of all this, we continue to seek the best ways to serve our local councils and the youth of our nation.

Over the last 12 months, we have also been evaluating the BSA's impact and effectiveness on the delivery of service to local councils. Although we have had much success, our professional and volunteer leadership believes that additional adjustments to our internal structures at the national and regional levels will create more synergy and efficiency, and ultimately will result in better service to local councils.

As a result, several changes are being made to the National Council organizational structure.

1. From now through our 100th Anniversary Celebration, I will be front and center on leading the national dialogue about the BSA and executing our commitment to reintroduce Scouting to America. Because of this, effective October 1, assistant Chief Scout Executive Wayne Brock will become deputy Chief Scout Executive/chief operating officer. In this role, Wayne will be responsible for the day-to-day operations of the National Council.

2. Effective October 1, Assistant Chief Scout Executive/CFO Jim Terry will be responsible for administration and finance. Reporting to Jim will be the Controller Department, Treasury Department, Supply Group, Outdoor Adventures Group, Government and Community Relations, and Health and Safety Team.

3. Effective October 16, Brad Farmer, Central Region director, will become assistant Chief Scout Executive for Development. In this role, Brad will be responsible for the National Development Office, the BSA Foundation, and a new department that will be responsible for the funding of the new jamboree site and high-adventure base.

4. Effective November 1, Alf Tuggle, Southern Region director, will become assistant Chief Scout Executive for Resources and Strategy. Reporting to Alf will be the Marketing Group, Information Delivery Group, Human Resources Group, and Strategic Planning Team.

5. The position of Council Solutions Group (CSG) director has been elevated to the new position of assistant Chief Scout Executive for Council Operations. Gary Butler, Council Solutions Group director, has been promoted to this position. The departments within the former CSG and the four regions will report to the ACSE/Council Operations. In connection with the creation of this position, the following changes will also occur:

a.Regional office operations will relocate to the national office, and all four regional offices will be permanently closed on December 31, 2009. We realize that many people have contributed to the establishment of the regional offices, and we will seek means to recognize their contributions elsewhere in this process.

b.We understand that the closing of the regional offices will create challenges for the current regional staffs. Some current regional personnel will be given the option of working from their homes. Positions that have become redundant due to centralization will be eliminated, and the remaining employees will be given the opportunity to relocate to Irving.

c.The first phase in this process is the relocation of the regional directors to the national office by November 1, 2009. Other moves will be phased in over time.

Overall, the changes we are announcing today will bring real and meaningful results to our organization-results that will make the BSA stronger for the next 100 years. This new approach will provide:

  • A stronger senior leadership team that will bring focused leadership and vision to areas critical to the future health and well-being of the movement
  • A centralized structure that will truly be coordinated and cohesive in delivering support and solutions to local councils
  • Tighter focus on better directing resources and recruiting talent, which will result in an increased capacity to get the right talent to the right place at the right time

There is an old saying that the only thing constant is change. We knew when we started this process last year that it was going to be dynamic and challenging. We have taken steps, stopped, tested, and measured our successes and shortcomings before determining our next steps, and we have been successful in advancing the mission of the National Council.

As we enter our 100th year of service to America, we believe this next phase will lift us to a new level of service to our local councils and ultimately the youth of this nation. I hope that you will remain enthusiastic with me as together we begin our journey into the second century of Scouting with the New BSA.


Popcorn Pick-Up

Thank you to all the great volunteers who helped out with the popcorn pick-up on September 19th. Your hard work and dedication is greatly appreciated. Click Here for Kernel's Korner


Trails End Picture Contest

This is Logan B. from Pack 128, Arrowhead District, He is a 1st Year Webelos Scout of the Lightning Patrol. Click Here to View the Trails End Webpage


Congratulations to the following Scouters for their commitment to Scouting

5 year Scouting anniversary              15 year Scouting anniversary 35 year Scouting anniversary
Charity Dean Cindy Long  Brian Goldstein            
Robert Sommerfeld   William Shane Porter .
. Darren Nugent 60 year Scouting anniversary
10 year Scouting anniversary . David Roberts
Chad Dean 30 year Scouting anniversary Thomas Konczal
Jack Helton Louis Waldo Flores
Diego Amarilla
Mark Vela


Eagles for July & August

Name District Unit Name District Unit Name District Unit

Acosta, Anthony


Crew 105

Girard, Joel


Troop 129

Salinas, Jordan


Troop 220
Adams, Geoffrey TQ Troop 384 Green, Michael 5N Crew 595 Sarkis, Alex TQ Crew 334
Baldwin, Charles AH Troop 251 Hale, Joshua SU Troop 78 Schondel II, Anthony HD Troop 357
Beechko, Alexander GB Troop 3 Hubbell, Casey GB Crew 231 Sherman, Charles GB Troop 11
Bennett, Jarom TM Troop 899 Hubler, Dalton HD Crew 350 Shumway, Taylor 5N Crew 295
Blaine, Dillon GB Crew 231 Hunt, Alexander AH Troop 448 Shushereba, Patrick TM Troop 13
Burton, Tyler HD Crew 359 Hynes, Kevin GB Troop 9 Smith, Ryan 5N Troop 224
Byerly III, John GB Team 335 LaBrosse, Glenard HD Troop 18 Smith, Denver 3P Crew 119
Byers, Colton SU Troop 78 Magdiel, Kevin HD Troop 49 Snow, Jared MR Team 860
Bygum, Matthew HD Troop 357 Malone, Andrew MR Crew 860 Stanfill, Brian TQ Crew 633
Cagle, Zachary HD Troop 351 Mama, Conan 5N Crew 995 Tandy, Scott TM Troop 201
Choi, Green TQ Troop 318 Mellen, Jeffrey AH Crew 10 Tapelband, James TM Troop 201
DeAntunano, Alexander AH Crew 343 Mendoza, Zachary TM Troop 54 Trainor, Jacob TM Crew 899
Domnik, Denney SU Troop 76 Mitchell, Nicholas MR Crew 760 Tran, Eric MR Crew 806
Evans, Ryan GB Crew 422 Olsen, Braydon TQ Crew 524 Vargas, James TM Troop 202
Fenderson, Taylor HD Troop 18 Pennington, Christopher TQ Troop 430 Whelan, Nathan TM Troop 209
Ferguson-Villegas, Alexander MR Crew 506 Plotner, Brodie GB Crew 17 Wohlemuth, Darren MR Troop 2
Freed, Jeffrey HD Troop 50 Ratliff III, Gary HD Team 756 Wright, Joseph HD Crew 559
Garcia, Richard MR Troop 173 Rose, Steven MR Troop 173 Young, Jacob TQ Team 624
Giles, Nicholas GB Team 17 Rothwell, Travis HD Troop 725


P.R.A.Y. Award Receipients

Award Name Church Award Name Church


Joshua Anderson

San Bernardio Christian


Travis Olschewske

First Baptist Church of Corona
GOD AND ME Brandon Bolanos First Baptist Church of Corona GOD AND ME Gavin Whittle First Baptist Church of Corona
GOD AND ME Matthew Read First Baptist Church of Corona GOD AND ME Nick Bianchi Lake Arrowhead Community
GOD AND ME Jesse Stutsman First Baptist Church of Corona GOD AND ME Ian Phillips Lake Arrowhead Community
GOD AND ME Dimitri D'Amico-Gambino Desert Chapel GOD AND ME Joseph Potz Lake Arrowhead Community
GOD AND ME Joshua Lambert Shepherd of the Desert GOD AND ME Braden Walker Lake Arrowhead Community
GOD AND ME Jake Bonacio Victory Apostolic Church GOD AND FAMILY Kevin Diller Cornerstone Fellowship
GOD AND ME Jared Brand Victory Apostolic Church GOD AND FAMILY Jacob Rogers Cornerstone Fellowship
GOD AND ME Jason Condon Victory Apostolic Church GOD AND FAMILY Cameron Wolf Cornerstone Fellowship
GOD AND ME David Faechner Victory Apostolic Church GOD AND FAMILY Jacob Lambert Shepherd of the Desert
GOD AND ME Zachary Hyatt Victory Apostolic Church GOD AND FAMILY Garrett Assumma Lutheran Church Our Saviour
GOD AND ME Noah Johnson Victory Apostolic Church GOD AND FAMILY Devin Brodersen Cornerstone Fellowship
GOD AND ME Maxx Martin Victory Apostolic Church GOD AND FAMILY Jake Riding Cornerstone Fellowship
GOD AND ME McLain Smith Victory Apostolic Church GOD AND FAMILY Dwight Miller First Baptist
GOD AND ME Edwin Uglum Victory Apostolic Church GOD AND FAMILY Nathaniel Mohr First Baptist
GOD AND ME Joseph Joffrion Lake Arrowhead Community GOD AND FAMILY Jeremy Silva First Baptist
GOD AND ME Andrew Wetzel Lake Arrowhead Community GOD AND FAMILY Sean Clemmons Shepherd of the Desert
GOD AND ME Gideon Hankins Shepherd of the Desert GOD AND FAMILY Seth Dupuis Shepherd of the Desert
GOD AND ME Brian Teal Shepherd of the Desert GOD AND FAMILY James Soto Shepherd of the Desert
GOD AND ME Cody Baker First Baptist Church of Corona GOD AND CHURCH Oliver Maize St. Margarets Episcopal
GOD AND ME Kayden Bevando First Baptist Church of Corona GOD AND CHURCH Wyatt Forrest Shepherd of the Desert
GOD AND ME Tyler Conklin First Baptist Church of Corona GOD AND CHURCH Brad Johnson Shepherd of the Desert
GOD AND ME Jackson Hamm First Baptist Church of Corona GOD AND CHURCH David Matteson Shepherd of the Desert
GOD AND ME Isaac Lamb First Baptist Church of Corona


FOS Report

9/25/2009 American League Goal Actual % of Goal Cash to Date % of Cash Cash 12/31 9/4/2009 $ Raised to Date % of goal to reach by 9/30
Scoutreach Tony Hayes $35,000 $38,408 109.7% $20,193 52.6% $27,483 $38,308 $100 100.9%
Mt. Rubidoux Jim Nelson $115,000 $116,367 101.2% $108,200 93.0% $93,910 $114,732 $1,635 100.0%
Tahquitz Donna Baker $160,000 $133,625 83.5% $118,995 89.1% $139,447 $133,525 $100 85.0%
3 Peaks Bill Marshall $85,000 $69,374 81.6% $64,469 92.9% $71,834 $69,344 $30 85.0%
Grayback Paul Foster $115,000 $91,321 79.4% $82,788 90.7% $99,442 $87,431 $3,890 80.0%
High Desert Owen Spencer $115,000 $88,495 77.0% $81,195 91.8% $102,208 $88,240 $255 80.0%
  National League                
Temescal Grant Clark $142,000 $105,120 74.0% $89,071 84.7% $128,149 $105,100 $20 80.0%
Sunrise Ron Miller $70,000 $51,792 74.0% $48,532 93.7% $58,095 $51,472 $320 76.0%
5 Nations Carolyn Bailey $60,000 $42,294 70.5% $32,852 77.7% $35,929 $42,093 $201 70.0%
Old Baldy Lynn Anderson-Castillo $140,000 $95,314 68.1% $82,458 86.5% $118,167 $94,204 $1,110 70.0%
Arrowhead Major Russell Fritz $95,000 $62,601 65.9% $54,882 87.7% $70,970 $62,516 $85 75.0%
Learning for life Andrea Mitchell $40,000 $23,177 57.9% $9,517 41.1% $31,538 $20,926 $2,251 65.0%
. .








Congratulation to Mt. Rubidoux, Jim Nelson and Team - 100% of Goal!!!
American League MVP this week is Grayback with an increase of $2980. Congratulations Paul Foster and Team!
National League MVP this week is the Learning for Life Division with an increase of $2251. Congratulations Andrea Mitchell and Team!


Positive Quote

"I think the character that you learn in Scouting?working together, being honest with each other, being close knit ... and depending on one another, on our camping trips and doing things?all these things build character in a young man that he takes with him into adulthood and makes him a much better citizen. And that's why Scouting to me has always been an organization I've always wanted to help. I think it's one of the best youth organizations that we ... have in this country."

James A. Lovell Jr., President, Lovell Communications, and Mission Astronaut, Apollo 13

Have a great Scouting week!
Yours in the Spirit of Scouting,  

Joe Daniszewski
Scout Executive/CEO
California Inland Empire Council, BSA
1230 Indiana Court
Redlands, CA 92374

909.793.2463, Ext. 120
909.793.0306 Fax

Monday Memo is from Scout Executive Joe Daniszewski and contains his reflection on what is happening within the Council. The purpose of Monday Memo is to communicate information about the week ahead, to acknowledge the
good things happening around the Council and to address specific issues that the Scout Executive wants to bring
to your attention. Joe welcomes any comments, suggestions or recommendations on how to make this
memo as helpful as possible. If you have something you want publicized in the Monday Memo, please send it
to his attention c/o Monday Memo: for Monday Memo Archives Click Here


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   2351 W Lugonia Ave Suite F Redlands, CA  92374 • (909) 793-2463

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