It is not too late to canvass your neighborhoods for Scouting for Food! We have plenty of Scouting for Food door hangars and bags for your use. All materials are in the Lobby at the Jack Dembo Scout Center in Redlands. What a great holiday "Good Turn" - "To help other people at all times"
Council Unit Insurance
The Council Accident and Sickness Insurance Program cost to the units will remain the same for the new policy period January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013.
The cost to the unit is JUST $2.00 per participant, if paid by December 14th, 2012, $3.00 per member after December 14, 2012, for both youth members and adult leaders. The total cost is based on the number of registered youth and adults at the time of the last re-charter. Your unit may opt to obtain coverage from another source but must provide proof to the council office. Coverage information is required to be listed to obtain tour permits.
These are two examples of insurance coverage:
Liability insurance coverage is automatically provided by the council to all volunteer Scouting leaders and chartered organizations and covers negligence liability claims or lawsuits arising out of an official Scouting activity. Coverage is more than $5 million for bodily injury and property damage. Your unit’s $40.00 re-chartering fee plus an additional council payment based on its total youth membership and claims experience helps to pay for this coverage, which is coordinated and administered as a service to councils by the BSA National Office.
Accident and Sickness insurance coverage provides financial assistance for accidents, injuries and illnesses for members while participating in official Scouting activities, or traveling to and from these activities. New members added during the charter year are automatically covered. Non-Scouts who are attending official Scouting activities for the purpose of being encouraged to join are also covered. This coverage is not automatic and must be obtained by your unit annually.
If you have any questions, please contact Veronica Whitman Ext 116 or Josh Fisher Ext 139 at the Jack Dembo Scout Center, 909-793-2463, or e-mail or
You Never Know Who Might be a Scout....
Noteworthy Scouters
Here is some additional info on noteworthy Scouters connected with the area served by C.I.E.C. (or a predecessor council):
Silver Buffalo 1955 Leonard Firestone resided in Riverside County (in the desert) 1959 Bob Hope resided in Riverside County (in the desert) 1975 Gerald Ford resided in Riverside County (in the desert) 1976 Milt Caniff resided in Riverside County (in the desert) 1996 Mike Harris CIEC member and former council President
Distinguished Eagle Scout Dr. Norman Mellor, M.D. CIEC member Jack Fitzgerald CIEC member Ken Kammeyer CIEC member, former council President Henry Coil CIEC member, former 2x council President Dr. Raymond Orbach, Ph.D. Former Chancellor of UCR Dr. Lou Monville, jr. CIEC member, former council President Col. Mitchell Paige, USMC (ret.) Resident of Riverside County, Medal of Honor recipient buried at Riverside National Cemetery; framed piece hanging in CIEC Board Room
Thanks to Past Council President Mike Goldware
Spreading The Word About Healthy Lifestyles
The BSA has aligned with several organizations that share a goal to promote healthier lifestyles among young people. This year, a new initiative, Healthy Kids Out of School, was announced at the Building a Healthier Future Summit in Washington, D.C., hosted by the Partnership for a Healthier America.
This initiative is being driven by ChildObesity180, an organization that fosters collaboration among diverse leaders across the country to reverse the trend of childhood obesity within a generation. Other organizations include the BSA, Girl Scouts of the USA, the National Council of La Raza, the National Council of Youth Sports, the National Urban League, Pop Warner, US Youth Soccer, the YMCA, and 4-H.
The BSA joined leaders from these organizations to develop universal nutrition and physical activity principles from a broad list of recommendations, based on scientific evidence, for combating childhood obesity. This was a terrific collaborative effort.
We all agreed upon three sustainable, actionable principles that are flexible and can be adapted for different environments and cultures. They are:
- Drink Right. Choose water instead of sugar-sweetened beverages. - Move More. Boost movement and physical activity in all programs. - Snack Smart. Fuel up on fruits and vegetables.
This endeavor is a natural fit for us. Our SCOUTStrong program, launched last year, is encouraging Scouts across the nation—as well as those not in Scouting—to adopt healthier lifestyles. By collaborating with Healthy Kids Out of School and other great initiatives, we can help that message resonate more broadly and with greater impact. That’s important for building our next generation of leaders.
I hope Scouts in your units are actively pursuing their SCOUTStrong Pala emblem and are sharing the principles of this initiative with others. Efforts such as SCOUTStrong and Healthy Kids Out of School are only as good as the people who strive to accomplish the programs’ goals and promote their virtues.
Let’s do all we can to kick unhealthy lifestyles to the curb and keep our young people strong and healthy.
University of Scouting 2013
Journey to Excellence Starts with Trained Leaders Saturday, January 26, 2013 8:00am – 4:30pm Where: Norte Vista High School, 6585 Crest Ave, Riverside, CA 92503 Course Fee for Classes and Lunch $25 – Early Bird Registration & $30 – Registration after January 12th
University of Scouting is a Scout leader’s learning adventure! It is an action-packed, fun-filled single day of supplemental training where you choose the sessions you wish to take. Sessions are led by experienced volunteers who will help you enhance your ability to deliver a fun and exciting program to your scouts. Registration Packet
Klondike & Polar Cub Winter Camps
Klondike For Boy Scouts Only. You must be a registered Scout to participate in the Klondike activities! Siblings and tag-a-longs may not attend. Registration limited to 150 participants per weekend. Click Here for Registration Flyer
Polar Cub For Wolf, Bear and Webelos Scout Dens, their Leaders and Parents. You must be a registered Scout to participate in the Winter Camp activities! Siblings and tag-a-longs may not attend. Registration limited to 150 participants per weekend. Click Here for Registration Flyer
WANTED…. Summer Camp Staff!
Though it may seem earlier, we are off and running with hiring for summer camp staff at Boesker Scout Reservation. Positions for both Camp Emerson - Boy Scout Camp and Camp Wiley - Cub Scout Camp are availble. Scouts and Scouters of all ages should consider spending a rewarding summer at camp.
Interested applications should complete the application found here
Questions regarding Camp Staff can be directed to Josh Fisher at 909-793-2463 x139 or
Venturing Officers' Association General Meeting
Please attend the VOA General Assembly Meeting on Tuesday, December 18, 2012, 7:00 p.m. at the Jack Dembo Scout Center in Redlands.
Yours in Venturing, Hannah Reynolds CIEC VOA-President 2012-2013
The Buzz
A Season of Giving
As we celebrate the Season of Giving, here are some suggestions for your list:
Ways to give
Cash Gifts assist donors who itemize their tax returns to receive a full charitable income tax deduction.
Credit Cards are a quick and easy way to make your contribution. You may make a gift online using a major credit card DONATE NOW
Matching Gifts are made by certain employers. Donors can double or triple their gift when matched by their employer's gift program.
Gifts of Appreciated Stock often provide the donor with substantial savings. Please contact our Scout Executive, Joe Daniszewski at 909-793-2463 x120 or
An Honor or Memorial Gift Can mark a special occasion to remember or honor a family member or friend. A letter acknowledging your gift will be sent to a family member of the honoree.
Combined Federal Campaign
The Combined Federal Campaign is currently underway for employees that work for the Federal Government. Workplace donations and designated giving are a great way to contribute to our council. Your gifts help us to provide quality programs and services to the youth of our Inland Empire. Please keep us in mind as you are selecting agencies for your charitable giving. The federal campaign agency code for the California Inland Empire Council, Boy Scouts of America is 29545. Thank you for all that you do to serve our scouts!
The Hannukah Miracle
Hannukah is a wonderful celebration of faith and of God’s miraculous intervention.
About 167 B.C., during the Syrian-Greek occupation of Israel, Jews were killed and Judaism prohibited. The Jerusalem Temple was looted and an altar to Zeus was raised. The priest Mattathias and his five sons led a revolt. He was killed, but his sons recaptured the temple and cleansed it. Zeus’ altar was destroyed, and a new altar of incense was built. They set a Menorah or seven branched candle stick set before the altar.
But although the Menorah was supposed to be a perpetual light, there was oil for only one day. Rabbi Abraham J. Twerski says, they lit “the Menorah anyway, reasoning that it was best to do what was within their ability to do and to postpone worrying about the next day until such worry was appropriate.” Thanks to God, that one day’s supply of olive oil burned for eight days. On the twenty-fifth day of ... Chislev, in the one hundred forty-eighth year, they ... offered sacrifice ... on the new altar of burnt offering. ... They celebrated the dedication. (1 Maccabees 4:52-53, 56)
News & Tidbits
Read the latest in Venturing News! The "Western Region Venturing" Newsletter Click Here
RIVERSIDE: March Air Museum hosts two Pearl Harbor survivors. Two survivors of the Dec. 7, 1941 attack on Pearl Harbor will attend a remembrance program on Friday, Dec. 7 at the March Air Field Museum, 22550 Van Buren Blvd. This year marks the 71st anniversary of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.The “Fireside Chat” with survivors Frank Verano and John Ballard starts at 1 p.m. Admission to the museum for adults age 12 and older is $10. Youths age 5 to 11 pay $5 and children younger than 5 get in for free. Read More....
Recently Completed Eagles
Ian Hare
Mt. Rubidoux
Troop 90
Kevin Wall
Three Peaks
Crew 708
Jade Robbins
Mt. Rubidoux
Crew 186
Luke Poulter
Three Peaks
Crew 708
Parker Woodward
Team 534
Aaron Mackie
Three Peaks
Crew 308
Brendon Sherman
Troop 604
Ryan Munger
Troop 309
Daniel Ortega
Troop 734
Korey Matthews
Crew 524
Jakob Edwards
Troop 2011
Conor Frasher
Troop 33
Jason Bertolino
Team 724
John Sherman
Troop 3
Gabriel Munton
Three Peaks
Crew 485
Heinrich Wolfgramm
Team 31
Anthony Wistain
Old Baldy
Crew 644
Jacob Cullum
Troop 209
Kyle Johnson
Old Baldy
Troop 608
Ian Williams
Troop 316
Joshua Linder
Arrow Head
Troop 104
Daniel Enverga
Troop 2399
Joshua Young
Troop 107
Anthony Porter
Troop 2399
Dahyun Jun
Troop 107
Matthew Doan
Mt. Rubidoux
Troop 156
Andrew Sprengelmeyer
Troop 309
Friends Of Scouting Report
2012 Goal
2012 Pledged (Year To Date)
% of Goal
Cash Paid (Year to Date)
% of Goal
12/12/2011 Pledged
Mt. Rubidoux
Carl Rowe
High Desert
Greg Lundeen
Bill Dull
3 Peaks
Andrew Kotyuk
Darrel Olson
Tom Munoz
Scott Evans
Michael Bentley
Old Baldy
Max Williams
5 Nations
Ross Nakatani
Positive Quote -----------------------
"Beginning today, treat everyone you meet as if they were going to be dead by midnight. Extend to them all the care, kindness and understanding you can muster, and do it with no thought of any reward. Your life will never be the same again."
~ Og Mandino
Joe Daniszewski Scout Executive/CEO
California Inland Empire Council, BSA PO Box 8910 1230 Indiana Court Redlands, CA 92374 909.793.2463, Ext. 120 877.732.1450 909.793.0306 Fax
Monday Memo is from Scout Executive Joe Daniszewski and contains his reflection on what is happening within the Council. The purpose of Monday Memo is to communicate information about the week ahead, to acknowledge the good things happening around the Council and to address specific issues that the Scout Executive wants to bring to your attention. Joe welcomes any comments, suggestions or recommendations on how to make this memo as helpful as possible. If you have something you want publicized in the Monday Memo, please send it to his attention c/o Monday Memo: for Monday Memo Archives Click Here