Welcome to our January 7th, 2013 Monday Memo


Glen Adams Scholarship & NOESA Deadlines!

2012 was a record year for Eagle Scouts in the California Inland Empire Council. 529 Scouts earned this highest rank in Scouting, an increase of 16% over the previous year. Here is a great Scouting Magazine article on Eagle Scouts: http://blog.scoutingmagazine.org/2012/04/10/new-study-shows-46-ways-eagle-scouts-are-different/

As 2012 ends the process of selecting a winner of this year’s $2500 NESA  Glen Adams Scholarship begins.  Hopefully you are all aware of this scholarship. The intent is to improve the quality of the Eagle Scout Project in the communities we serve. A Scout is only eligible in the calendar year  he earns his Eagle Scout. We are looking to our 2012 Class of Eagles. The attached application and a copy of the Eagle Scouts project must be turned in to the Council Office by January 22, 2013. The councils winner and representative to compete for the $2500 scholarship will be announced at the Eagle Scout and NESA Recognition Dinner on March 15, 2013. 

http://nesa.org/PDF/542-026.pdf    Glen Adams Scholarship Form    NOESA Form

In addition to the Glen Adams Scholarship, it is also time to take nominations for the NESA Outstanding Eagle Scout Award (NOESA). The NOESA is a prestigious recognition granted by the local council’s NESA committee to Eagle Scouts who have demonstrated outstanding achievement at the local, state, or regional level. Unlike the Distinguished Eagle Scout Award, which is a national award, the NOESA recognizes Eagle Scouts whose efforts have made a positive impact closer to home. All nominations are also due by January 22nd to the Council Office. The recipients of this award will also be awarded at the  March 15, 2013 Eagle Scout Dinner.

Click here for the application, which includes eligibility and guidelines


Annual Walk for Little Lives

News Years Eve of 2012 saw Scouts from Mt Rubidoux District Pack 97, Troop 90 and Crew 90 participating in the Unforgettables Foundation's Annual Walk for Little Lives event.
Following the Pledge of Allegiance, the Scouts carried the banner at the front of the Walk from the Loma Linda Ronald McDonald House to the Church on the Hill. A great way to provide community service and reflect on our individual good fortunes as 2012 goes into the history books!


University of Scouting January 26, 2013

University of Scouting (aka Megaversity) is a one day supplemental training event that is designed for ALL Cub Scout, Boy Scout, Varsity, Venturing, District, Commissioners, and Council Leaders.  

Our goal is to provide quality opportunities for leaders, like you to improve your skills, advance your knowledge, and increase your confidence in helping you to deliver a quality scouting program to the youth we all serve.

It is a fun-filled, hands-on, experience-laden opportunity to network with other Scouters, along with being a true learning adventure. Don’t be the only one not attending this great learning opportunity. Click Here for More Info

We are happy to announce our key note speaker this year is C. Bradford Allen; Area 2 Director and LDS-BSA Relationships Director.  
We hope to wee you all at University of Scouting on January26, 2013 and be held at Norte Vista High School is 6585 Crest Ave Riverside, CA 92503

Appointment of 2013 Order of the Arrow Cahuilla Lodge Adviser

Scouting’s National Honor Society, the Order of the Arrow, has a mission to fulfill its purpose as an integral part of the Boy Scouts of America through positive youth leadership under the guidance of selected capable adults.

We are happy to announce for 2013 the appointment of Cynthia Blessum as Order of the Arrow (OA) Cahuilla Lodge Adviser. She will be working closely with lodge chief, John Garcia, as he leads the lodge executive committee. Cynthia is a Vigil Honor member and has been an arrowman for several years. She most recently served as associate lodge adviser to the treasurer. Congratulations!

We want to thank Tim Purvis for serving the Cahuilla Lodge as 2012 lodge adviser.  He was stellar in the role and will now be focusing on commitments of career and family. We wish Tim continued success!

The OA has over 171,000 members in lodges affiliated with more than 290 local BSA councils.

Scouting for Food 2012

2012 was another good year raising food throughout the California Inland Empire Council. A total of 74,141 pounds of food were collected during the past three months. Thank you for all who helped make Scouting for Food successful. Over the upcoming months the Council Activities and Civic Service Committee will be working with districts to help plan the best service projects for this year. 

District Service Project Chair/Coordinator Email Date of project # of youth # of adults   Results
3P Scouting for food Betty Marino bettyjeanmarino@yahoo.com November 3rd 55 5   2435
5N Scouting for food Paul Martin paull44@yahoo.com November 10th 60 22   398.7
AH Scouting for food Denise Wampole Denise Wampole November 3rd 206 115   18,520
HD Scouting for food Drew Binskma


November 45     14,600
GB Scouting for food Mark Schaffer


October 14th 269 194   15,305
MR Scouting for food Kristine Weigle


November 3rd 105 30   1774
OB Scouting for food Greg Stevens


November 245 54   3100
TM Scouting for food Shannon Macintosh shannonavon@verizon.net November 10th 380 145   9592
TQ Scouting for food Greg Rasmussen pactractor@aol.com November 17th 199 124   6254
SU Scouting for food Leann Schock


November 77 23   2183
        TOTALS 1641 712   74161.7

Attention All Packs!

Blue and Gold Banquets are just around the corner, as is the summer camping season. Cub Scout Camping Placemats are available to all Cub Scout Packs FREE OF CHARGE. These placemats will provide information about all the upcoming Cub Scout Day Camps and Camp Wiley events taking place this summer.
To order please send an email to jofisher@bsamail.org with the following information:

Subject Line: PLACEMAT

Pack #
Contact Name
Contact Phone # / Email
# Flyers requested
Date of Blue and Gold

All request must be made via email NO LATER than January 30th.


BSA contingent to the 2013 World Scout Moot in Canada (for 18-25 years of age):

We have heard from many groups and individuals of different councils that they are very interested in going to this event. Many individuals still do not know who their IR is. Thus, we have directed them to their councils or IRs for nominations because the International Department only accepts nominations from IRs. Please assist individuals, who are interested in this event, to complete their nomination forms, approve and forward them to us.

Even though Mar 1 is listed as a deadline for nominations, the BSA needs to submit our projected number to the Moot organizers now. It would be great if you can forward all the nomination forms to me ASAP. New nominees are greatly welcome!!

As if you don’t have the forms and may have a ‘guestimate’ of how many people from your council can go, please let me know as well. Your assistance is very much appreciated!!

Here is a link for the flyer and the forms: http://www.scouting.org/scoutsource/International/BSAContingent.aspx


Pinewood Derby Proving Grounds Event

Racing in a Cub Scout derby is great fun. You'll get to design your racing vehicle, work with a parent to build it, and see it perform on race day. Win or lose, you'll take pride in having done your best. When you race in a Cub Scout derby, you learn craft skills, the rules of fair play, and good sportsmanship—things you will remember all your life.

Pinewood Derby
The pinewood derby is one of the most popular and successful family activities in Cub Scouting. Pinewood derby cars are small wooden models that Cub Scouts make with help from their families. Then they race the cars in competition. The cars are powered by gravity and run down a track. Most packs have a pinewood derby every year. It can be run indoors or outdoors. Every boy can design and build his own "grand prix" car to enter in the race.

The Scout Shops are holding a Pinewood Derby Proving Grounds Event
Anyone wishing to come measure, weigh, and test their car before the
big race can come join us on January 12, 2013. 

Jack Dembo Scout Center in Redlands  10am – 2:30pm

Old Baldy Scout Center in Montclair  9am – 2pm


Venturing Newsletter "The Advisor"

The Advisor is the monthly newsletter for Venturing Crews/Ships in the California Inland Empire Council published and written under the guidance of Ryan Kleinvachter and the CIEC Venturing Team. Click Here


P.R.A.Y. Announcement

P.R.A.Y. Announcement
(for members of BSA)
January 3, 2013


Teaching the P.R.A.Y. program for members of Protestant and Independent Christian Churches? Announce your class and proudly display your award recipients with 2 brand new P.R.A.Y. posters!

The P.R.A.Y. Program poster displays the four medals under the banner “Building Faith in Youth.” Use this attractive poster in your church or meeting place to invite others to join your program. Let everybody who comes in your building know that you’re using the P.R.A.Y. program to help children grow in faith. Space is provided at the bottom to add a local contact and/or to include the dates and times for your classes.

The P.R.A.Y. Recipient Poster can be displayed year-round to proudly announce the young people who earned a P.R.A.Y. award. Record their names and the completion date.  Use this poster to challenge ALL youth to earn their P.R.A.Y. award and to remind award recipients to continue their journey and enroll in the next level. Have a strong mentor program? Include the names of your mentors or get a separate poster just for them. Have a long-standing ministry with the P.R.A.Y. Program? Order a poster for each year of your ministry and display the names “through the years.” Each poster can list up to 30 names per program level.

Both posters are 13.25” x 19.25” and come folded down to 6.625” x 9.625”.

Click here to order your posters today!


Chip Turner, P.R.A.Y. Director of Communication and Training is offering a webinar to help those of you leading workshops at University of Scouting, Pow Wow, and other training events. The presentation is interfaith in focus and is designed to promote the religious emblems of all faiths. Join his webinar to review the content and the “how to’s” in leading such a training. This webinar is offered at two different times. Click on a link below to sign up now.

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11123 S. Towne Sq. Ste B, St. Louis, MO, 63123


Adult Leader Award Recipients

Name Unit District Award Name Unit District Award
Pattie Huerta Pack 132 Mt. Rubidoux Tiger Cub Den Leader Tracy Mills Troop 53 High Desert Boy Scout Leader's Training
Pattie Huerta Pack 132 Mt. Rubidoux Cub Scouter Robert Philbrook Troop 262 Sunrise Boy Scout Leader's Training
Pattie Huerta Pack 132 Mt. Rubidoux Webelos Den Leader Brian Crain Pack 614 Tahquitz Webelos Den Leader Award
Pattie Huerta Pack 132 Mt. Rubidoux Cub Scout Den Leader Brian Crain Pack 614 Tahquitz Unit Leader Award of Merit
Pattie Huerta Pack 132 Mt. Rubidoux Cub Scout Den Leader Jeffrey Smith Crew 384 Tahquitz Venturing Leader Training Award
Sandra Soto Pack 141 Mt. Rubidoux Webelos Den Leader Tom Konczal Pack 794 Grayback William D. Boyce
Mark Glaudini Pack 2399 Temescal Cub Scouter Award Sherrie Reynolds District Grayback District Committee Key
Michael Downs Crew 54 Temescal Venturing Training Award Kathy Walker Pack 641 Old Baldy Den leader Award
Greg Ruffer Troop 2012 Temescal William D. Boyce Peter Peters Troop 655 Old Baldy Scoutmaster's Key
Luis Bravo Crew 115 Arrowhead Scouter's Training Award Cathy Hayes Pack 641 Old Baldy Pack Trainer Award
Jeffrey Lambert Troop 169 High Desert Boy Scout Leader's Training Peter Peters Troop 655 Old Baldy Unit Leader of Merit
Jeanna Mills Troop 53 High Desert Boy Scout Leader's Training Richard Hodges Troop 608 Old Baldy Unit Leader of Merit

Positive Quote

"The Old Year has gone. Let the dead past bury its own dead. The New Year has taken possession of the clock of time. All hail the duties and possibilities of the coming twelve months!"

    ~ Edward Payson Powell


Joe Daniszewski
Scout Executive/CEO

California Inland Empire Council, BSA

PO Box 8910

1230 Indiana Court
Redlands, CA 92374
909.793.2463, Ext. 120
909.793.0306 Fax

Monday Memo is from Scout Executive Joe Daniszewski and contains his reflection on what is happening within the Council. The purpose of Monday Memo is to communicate information about the week ahead, to acknowledge the good things happening around the Council and to address specific issues that the Scout Executive wants to bring to your attention. Joe welcomes any comments, suggestions or recommendations on how to make this memo as helpful as possible. If you have something you want publicized in the Monday Memo, please send it to his attention c/o Monday Memo: Joseph.Daniszewski@scouting.org for Monday Memo Archives Click Here      



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   2351 W Lugonia Ave Suite F Redlands, CA  92374 • (909) 793-2463

Copyright 2007-2024 • Boy Scouts of America, California Inland Empire Council #045