Monday Memo
 | Joseph Daniszewski Scout Executive |  |
Good day and welcome to our October 4th, 2010 Monday Memo
W4S Conclave
Cahuilla participated in our W4S annual Conclave at the El Monte High School this past weekend. Approximately 54 youth and adults competed with the other three Lodges in the Section for a weekend of fun, friendly competition and Section Officer Elections. Cahuilla Lodge took the Spirit Award and as well as a number of Native American competitions to include Drum and Native American dance.
Kyle Sitarski from Cahuilla was elected 2011 Section Vice Chief. The Cahuilla "CALL" was recognized as the winning Lodge Newpaper. Ian McLeod has done a fantastic job with this task.
Tim Purvis
Kernal Journal
Greetings Kernals!
Online Sales is a Great Way to Sell More!
In fact since, August 1st over $10,710 in sales have been done online. All online sales count toward Scout Rewards from August 1st to December 13th. To view your Scouts’ online sales, go to to sign in or create an account. Then click on View Online Sales.
Remember – Each Scout must create his own account to sell online.
Get your Scouts selling online today!
- Have each Scout go to to create an account
- Next, he’ll go to the Send Emails page, choose a template and send emails to his customers.
- Customers make purchases on, which are automatically credited to the Scout’s unit in his name.
- Trail’s End ships the product directly to his customers.
- He can then go to Track My Online Sales to see who has made a purchase.
Learn about Trail’s End bonus giveaways, too! Go to to find out more.
Do You Need More Popcorn?
Please email Katy Gibbons or Kevin Gustafson if you need additional product.
I Need Your Popcorn Stories!
Still looking for some stories… if you or your Scouts have a fun and interesting story to tell on selling popcorn or what you did with the funds, please let me know so that we can share it with the local paper or radio station. Email me your story and pictures to
Fill it Up Drawing
Congratulations to Kristopher A. of Pack 500, Tahquitz District for winning the September 24th Fill It Up Drawing. He is now the proud owner of a GPX 2GB Digital Media Player!
The Fill It Up Drawings are each Friday at noon through October 22nd. Be sure to fax (909-793-0306) or email ( the Scout’s completed form to the council. Please refer to the Leader’s Guide for more information.
Have a great day!
Kevin Gustafson
Archery 2010
We had a great opening day for Cub Archery on Saturday, October 2nd! We had 35 boys signed up for the A.M. session, and 35 boys showed up! Because of the fantastic response, and a few issues with really eager and excited boys that needed a little reminding of the rules, we ran almost an hour and a half into the P.M. session, but the afternoon group was equally enthusiastic and very understanding. We had 35 boys signed up for the P.M. session, and 32 showed up! Both groups of boys had a great time in spite of the intense sun. I was not able to get any pictures from the event, but I do have the names of the top 5 shooters from both sessions, and they have been invited back for the Shoot-off on November 6th.
For the first time ever, we handed out event-specific 1st through 5th place ribbons printed for us by a local business, and they were a big hit! I have included a picture of them. We did have a glitch with the printing, as you can see in the picture, the designer thought it was a District event, (he's on the District Committee) and put 5 Nations District on them. Again, both the scouts and the scouters were wonderful and understanding. We apologized and explained what happened, and we assured everyone that next year's ribbons will not have a district name on them! That means that this year's ribbons will be collector's items, as they will be 1 of only 40 in existence!
Here are the names of the top 5 boys in each session: A.M. 5th Place: Liam Wilson, Pack 210, 5 Nations District 4th Place: Michael Morrison, Pack 23, Greyback District 3rd Place: Joey Mahood, Pack 339, Tahquitz District 2nd Place: Timothy Cavarno, Pack 23, Greyback District 1st Place: Bryan Baez, Pack 210, 5 Nations District P.M. 5th Place: Clayton Carlson, Pack 322, Tahquitz District 4th Place: Kenny Ricks, Pack 23, Greyback District 3rd Place: Jack Junker, Pack 24, Greyback District 2nd Place: Timmy Dull, Pack 614, Tahquitz District 1st Place: Daniel Fraser, Pack 24, Greyback District We are looking forward to another great event on October 9th!! |  |
PRAY Boy Scout News Bulletin
First, P.R.A.Y. has a new Director of Communication and Training. We welcome R. Chip Turner to the P.R.A.Y. staff. Chip will be working with Boy Scout Councils on building sustainable membership through religious emblems. He will also produce Quarterly Newsletters and maintain P.R.A.Y.’s Facebook page. We are excited to have Chip on the P.R.A.Y. Team! You may contact Chip at or 817-233-2352.
Second, Chip has produced a P.R.A.Y. Newsletter. Check it out! It has the same informative news articles, but it is sporting an impressive new design. This first issue was too large to send as an attachment, so here's the link to find it on our website (We apologize if you received this email twice.) Here are some of the articles that are included in this newsletter:
- P.R.A.Y. at Philmont 2011
- Communication and Training Director Added to P.R.A.Y. Staff
- American Heritage Girls Honor P.R.A.Y.
- Growth Toolbox
- United Methodist Bishop Credits Scouting for Call to Ministry
- Jamboree Chaplain’s Corner
- Jamboree Photo Album
We hope you enjoy the P.R.A.Y. newsletter and take the time to share it with others. Please forward this email to other people interested in promoting Duty to God. Here is a link for them to sign up to receive future newsletters from P.R.A.Y.
Sign up for PRAY's Boy Scout E-Mail List
Arrowhead District Pinewood Derby Finals On Saturday Sept. 18th, 2010 The "Absolutely Awesome Arrowhead District" held their Pinewood Derby Race Finals at Route 66 in downtown San Bernardino. Boys from packs 24, 89, 103, 128, 555, and 582 competed with their cars in the race. The scouts raced for trophies in 1st, 2nd & 3rd in each of their ranks Each boys car raced once in each lane for a average for the final time. Special Thanks to Pack 24 of Highland, and Arrowhead District members for their help at this years event!!! MB Tigers Eric Ruttan Pack 24 1st Place @ 3.21 Andrew Castillo Pack 128 2nd " @ 3.22 Jacob Aldana Pack 555 3rd " @ 3.32 Wolf Trevor Chapin Pack 128 1st Place @ 3.16 Alex Cabunoc Pack 555 2nd " @ 3.19 Robert Albright Pack 24 3rd " @ 3.34 Bear Christian Ingelhart Pack 582 1st Place @ 3.23 James Bentley Pack 24 2nd " @ 3.30 Diego Cruz Pack 128 3rd " @ 3.74 Webelos 1 Gus Luna Pack 582 1st Place @ 3.22 Jacob Campagna Pack 128 2nd " @ 3.23 Zavier Quintero Pack 103 3rd " @ 3.25 Webelos 2 Collin Smith Pack 128 1st Place @ 3.21 Issaih Perez Pack 24 2nd " @ 3.32 | 

Cancel That Scouting Stamp
Written by Bob Mersereau, Marketing
On July 27, more than 1,500 people gathered at the national jamboree for the first-day-of-issue of the "Celebrate Scouting" stamp . As part of the festivities, the U.S. Postal Service offered a special cancellation for jamboree-goers.
If you didn’t get one, don’t worry! Your local post office can create a special postmark, called a “pictorial cancel,” and apply it to envelopes that have a Scouting stamp, making the stamp more valuable to collectors of stamps or Scouting memorabilia.
Find out how to create a cancellation event by reading our “Engaging Your Local Post Office” guide. Each council, district, or unit can create its own design for the cancel. Here is a sample pictorial cancel used at the stamp’s first day of issue on July 27.
Some groups have already had successful cancellation events, like this one in Carbondale, Illinois. There are plenty of other opportunities to host an event. Consider inviting your local post office to your fall camporee or Scouting for Food gatherings.
You can even send an e-mail with a Celebrate Scouting stamp!
You can also encourage Scouts to bring deeper meaning to the stamp by having them place it on letters and care packages for veterans and military men and women serving overseas. Resources—including guidelines, stationery, and more—are available at .
Our Scouting Legacy Involves You
Our 100th Anniversary Celebration was created with Scouting’s future in mind. That’s the “Continuing the Journey” part of our anniversary theme. Through the 100th, we’ve created programs and infrastructure that will continue to offer benefits long after the last day of our celebration. One of our programs, Generations Connection, will reach its pinnacle in the spring of 2011—and everyone is invited to join in building the Scouting legacy through the Centennial Forest.
Until the last day of 2010, we’ll be working toward our goal of planting 100,000 BSA Centennial Trees from the Arbor Day Foundation (ADF). Everyone can still help, and fall is the ideal time of year for planting trees! But don’t forget, thanks to our ADF partnership, the tree-planting can continue year-round. Instead of having a tree shipped to your home, you can donate both trees (the one you purchased and the matching tree from ADF) to the Centennial Forest. Every tree gets us closer to the goal! Now, about that forest …
We wanted to take advantage of the entire anniversary year to capture the match for our tree-planting efforts. Next spring, the results of everyone’s hard work and contributions will be evident as a section of the Flathead National Forest is replanted with trees for the BSA Centennial Forest. We’ll be using tree species that are ecologically essential to the area in northwestern Montana—some of the trees will provide sustenance to the endangered grizzly bear, which has suffered as a result of its damaged habitat. We want every Scout, Scouter, and volunteer in the nation to feel like they can play a part in this momentous planting event next spring! Here’s how you can start thinking about getting involved (and don’t worry, we’ll keep you posted on the date and other key details!):
- Come join us! We welcome help from volunteers from anywhere in the country who would like to make the journey to beautiful Montana and help to plant a piece of Scouting history.
- Can’t make the trek? No problem. Plan your own council, district, or unit tree–planting event to coincide with the national forest planting. YourSource now has a Centennial Forest toolkit that can help you turn this national story into a great local opportunity. Share plans for your local event with us, and the Arbor Day Foundation will select and reward one council, district, or unit with a park makeover! One of your local parks will be planted with 100 large BSA Centennial Trees.
- Make it a family affair. This can be an opportunity to create a meaningful family experience and a lasting memory. Think about taking a family trip to Montana, where everyone can participate in planting the Centennial Forest. Rent a cabin in the Flathead and explore surrounding hiking trails and fishing areas, or experience the beauty of Glacier National Park. This is surely an adventure that won’t be soon forgotten!
Do you think you might be interested in joining the Centennial Forest planting, either with your council, district, unit, or family? We’d like get a sense of interest. Let us know by e-mail at
P.S. If you weren’t able to join us for Wednesday’s webinar, “Ending the Year Strong,” or if you’d like to review it, a recorded version is now available. While you’re thinking about 100th Anniversary year-end planning, you may want to review this best practices document.
Together, launching our second century of service!
Bob Mersereau, National Director
100th Anniversary Celebration Project
Seth Godin's Blog - Demonstrating strength
- Apologize
- Defer to others
- Avoid shortcuts
- Tell the truth
- Offer kindness
- Seek alliances
| - Volunteer to take the short straw
- Choose the long-term, sacrificing the short
- Demonstrate respect to all, not just the obviously strong
- Share credit and be public in your gratitudeRisking the appearance of weakness takes strength. And the market knows it.
News & Tidbits
Philmont Attached you will find the 2012 Registration Packet that has the procedures for a unit to place a 2012 registration request online for a 12 day or 7 day Expedition. Please pass this on to your volunteers. This information can also be obtained at | Murder Mystery Dinner The proceeds of the Murder Mystery Dinner will benefit Crew 79, Cub Pack 79, and Crew 9 in Mt. Rubidoux District. If there are questions please e-mail Chris Affolter: | World Record Marble Competion Click Here to View the Video |
Hall of Fame Awards for Recruitment Success
 | Name | Unit | Award | Name | Unit | Award | Tahquitz | | | Tahquitz | | | Matthew Andrade | Pack 332 | Single | Logan Quist | Pack 332 | Single | Gary Salerno | Pack 332 | Home Run | Levi Gregory | Pack 500 | Single | Max Putignani | Pack 332 | Single | Royce Rueda | Pack 500 | Double | Aiden Muniz | Pack 332 | Single | Mt. Rubidoux | | | David Pereyra | Pack 332 | Single | Spencer Sharp | Pack 97 | Double | Richard Johnson | Pack 332 | Single | Nathan Anderson | Pack 97 | Single | Jakob Simons | Pack 332 | Triple | Sarah Peters | Pack 97 | Double | Joshua Bishop | Pack 332 | Single | Paul Heying | Pack 97 | Triple | Andrew Latham | Pack 332 | Triple | Brian Robertson | Pack 97 | Single | Morgan Donovan | Pack 332 | Single | George Anderson | Pack 97 | Single | Nathan Goodrich | Pack 332 | Single | Five Nations | | | Tyler Goodrich | Pack 332 | Single | Parker Martin | Pack 1776 | Single | Joshua Hendley | Pack 332 | Single | Ethan Royster | Pack 1776 | Single | Noah Hendley | Pack 332 | Single | Seth Bibbee | Pack 1776 | Single | Donald Latham | Pack 332 | Double | Nicholas Gaba | Pack 1776 | Single |
Recently Completed Eagles
Name | District | Unit | Name | District | Unit | Name | District | Unit |
Carl Loos | TM | Team 499 | RyanMcConkey | TM | Troop 421 | Andrew Berg | TM | Troop 205 |
Patrick Smith | TM | Troop 127 | Blake Weaver | OB | Crew 608 | Rodney Nelson | GB | Crew 331 |
Amirasad Saifi | TM | Troop 13 | Daniel Thies | OB | Troop 608 | Tyler Jensen | GB | Crew 27 |
Alexander Rodriguez | TM | Troop 309 | Cody Sakurao | OB | Troop 419 | Cody Reddick | SU | Troop 262 |
Cody Hamilton | TM | Troop 202 | Kevin Pasma | OB | Troop 628 | Michael Lepore | AH | Troop 110 |
Daniel Gordon | TM | Troop 210 | Janson Michelsen | OB | Troop 360 | Benjamin Echols | HD | Team 161 |
Ryan Amendola | TM | Troop 309 | Dylan Gabel | OB | Troop 652 | Chester Fenstermaker | SU | Troop 262 |
Sean Ray | HD | Troop 464 | Lucas Chapman | OB | Troop 652 | Travis Goetz | AH | Troop 110 |
Gregory Rose | HD | Crew 856 | Dylan Beavers | OB | Troop 652 | Charles Allen | MR | Troop 90 |
Charles Eugene II | 5N | Troop 520 | Dylan Ariss | OB | Troop 634 | Eric Izaguirre | 3P | Crew 408 |
Dylan Johnson | 5N | Crew 495 | Jacob Henrikson | TQ | Crew 324 | David Mayorga | 3P | Crew 424 |
Gregory Newton | GB | Crew 29 | Ryan Payne | TQ | Team 534 | Johnathan Santore-Tovar | 3P | Team 424 |
Matthew Larsen | GB | Team 15 | Stephen Turner | TQ | Team 924 | Hunter Whitaker | HD | Troop 49 |
Bradley Waltrip | AH | Troop 434 | Ryan Trantum | TQ | Troop 300 | Matthew Nielsen | HD | Troop 49 |
Josh Lagazo | GB | Crew 117 | Braden Tenney | TQ | Crew 333 | Daniel Chandler | HD | Troop 157 |
Bryce Lannon | MR | Troop 2 | Ryan Smith | TQ | Troop 301 | Ryan Burke | 3P | Crew 824 |
Antonin Dighera | MR | Troop 270 | James Edwards | TQ | Team 724 | Joshua Murdock | AH | Troop 410 |
Andrew Adrian | MR | Troop 141 | James Esplin | TM | Crew 703 | Jacob Fenster | GB | Troop 11 |
Victor Mendoza | 3P | Crew 208 | Kenneth Sheffler | TM | Troop 205 | Sean Bentley | AH | Troop 45 |
Jared Hansen | MR | Crew 286 | | | | | | |
CIEC 250 Final Standings
Place | Time | Speed | Driver Info | Car # | Car Name |
1 | 2.339 | 225.18 | Tahquitz, P-304, Reese Piazza | 16 | Fireball |
2 | 2.348 | 224.32 | Temescal, P-251, Dylan Crider | 22 | Pirate's Treasure |
3 | 2.374 | 221.86 | Tahquitz, P-304, Regan Givens | 15 | X-47 |
4 | 2.407 | 218.82 | Mt. Rubidoux, P-97, Daniel Evans | 10 | Blue Streak |
5 | 2.411 | 218.45 | Tahquitz, P-304, Dylan Young | 17 | BSA 2010 |
6 | 2.416 | 218.00 | Arrowhead, P-24, Eric Ruttan | 19 | FLASH |
7 | 2.425 | 217.19 | Temescal, P-243, Steven Ancona | 18 | Zelda's Fury |
8 | 2.434 | 216.39 | Mt. Rubidoux, P-703, Shane Aquarian | 8 | Ram |
9 | 2.435 | 216.30 | Arrowhead, P-24, James Bentley | 21 | Toy Hauler |
10 | 2.445 | 215.42 | Sunrise, P-131, Jaycee Elliott | 14 | The Cheeze Wedge |
11 | 2.446 | 215.33 | High Desert, P-351, Brennan McKain | 6 | The Ewok Car |
12 | 2.456 | 214.45 | High Desert, P-18, Jaycob Ford | 5 | Pirate Racer |
13 | 2.464 | 213.76 | Mt. Rubidoux, P-406, William Horspool Jr. | 9 | The Bottle Opener |
14 | 2.474 | 212.89 | Old Baldy, P-2010, Joshua Herrmann | 11 | Spirit of BSA |
15 | 2.474 | 212.89 | Arrowhead, P-128, Trevor Chapin | 20 | Spacer |
16 | 2.499 | 210.76 | Old Baldy, P-2010, Walker Noble | 13 | The Bolt |
17 | 2.517 | 209.25 | High Desert, P-351, Jordan Bolstad | 7 | Flash |
18 | 2.609 | 201.88 | Old Baldy, P-2010, Carson Swenson | 12 | Chromaillusion |
FOS Report
10/4/2010 | | Goal | 2010 Actual | % of Goal | Cash to Date | 12/2009 Actual | # of Prospects | Prospects Personally Contacted | % of Prospects |
Mt. Rubidoux | Kathleen Hartman | $122,000 | $128,813 | 105.58% | $108,551 | $114,400 | 2,787 | 689 | 24.72% |
3 Peaks | Joe Wilson | $73,000 | $66,141 | 90.60% | $63,578 | $67,089 | 1,714 | 627 | 36.58% |
Tahquitz | Donna Baker | $144,000 | $127,891 | 88.81% | $118,942 | $131,534 | 3,382 | 981 | 29.01% |
High Desert | Bruce Ebmeyer | $102,000 | $90,230 | 88.46% | $84,105 | $88,753 | 3,106 | 741 | 23.86% |
Grayback | Paul Foster | $105,000 | $89,988 | 85.70% | $86,415 | $95,116 | 1,871 | 496 | 26.51% |
Old Baldy | John Sitar | $134,000 | $111,713 | 83.37% | $94,175 | $128,610 | 3,157 | 724 | 22.93% |
Sunrise | Mike Lindley | $62,000 | $49,886 | 80.46% | $47,651 | $53,807 | 1,501 | 503 | 33.51% |
5 Nations | Aaron Knox | $51,500 | $37,042 | 71.93% | $29,837 | $40,698 | 860 | 310 | 36.05% |
Temescal | Grant Clark | $128,000 | $91,372 | 71.38% | $83,932 | $95,058 | 2,751 | 763 | 27.74% |
Arrowhead | Major Fritz | $80,000 | $56,740 | 70.93% | $45,179 | $71,251 | 2,527 | 406 | 16.07% |
| | $1,001,500 | $849,816 | 84.85% | $762,365 | $886,316 | 23656 | 6240 | 26.38% |
LDS FOS Report
Positive Quote
"Electric communication will never be a substitute for the face of someone who with their soul encourages another person to be brave and true."
- Charles Dickens
Have a great Scouting week!
Yours in the Spirit of Scouting,
Joe Daniszewski
Scout Executive/CEO
California Inland Empire Council, BSA
1230 Indiana Court
Redlands, CA 92374
909.793.2463, Ext. 120
909.793.0306 Fax
Monday Memo is from Scout Executive Joe Daniszewski and contains his reflection on what is happening within the Council. The purpose of Monday Memo is to communicate information about the week ahead, to acknowledge the good things happening around the Council and to address specific issues that the Scout Executive wants to bring to your attention. Joe welcomes any comments, suggestions or recommendations on how to make this memo as helpful as possible. If you have something you want publicized in the Monday Memo, please send it to his attention c/o Monday Memo: for Monday Memo Archives Click Here