Program Planning
The California Inland Empire Council's goal is to provide the best all around service to the chartered organizations in our service area and their packs, troops, teams and crews; to support these units and their leaders in order for them to achieve high quality programs that are desired by our youth of every race, color and creed; and to instill values in your members that prepare them to make ethical choices throughout their lifetime and acheive ther full potential.
8 Steps to Success
- Attend Program Planning Kick-Off at your August District Roundtable and receive your planning kit.
- Schedule a unit Program Planning conference in August.
- Get input and dates from schools, parents, chartered partners and the community before yur conference.
- Run a great planning conference that schedules you unit for the next 12-16 months.
- Focus on training requirements.
- Make popcorn your fund raising events.
- Be flexible and open to new ideas.
- Set goals for the coming year.
Publish the plan to parents, youth and leaders!
Council and District Support
Standing beside every unit and adult leader in this council is an outstanding grop of Scouters who are committed to your success. These adults are called commissioners, district committee members, professionals, volunteer services & scout shop staff, camp staff and many others in district and council positions.
Program Planning Reminders
New Member Recruitment: Fall Round-up, Spring Rally.
Trained Leaders: More trained leaders equals a strong unit program.
Outdoor Program: Day Camp, Boy Scout Summer Camp and High Adventure Activities.
Advancement: Opportunity for each boy to advance in rank.
Unit Finance: Popcorn Sales, a great track record of success for your unit. Friends of Scouting presentations help.
Resources available online to supplement your hardcopy Unit Packet.
Cub Scouts
Boy Scouts