It is once again time to nominate those selfless volunteers in our great Council that have made a significant impact in our service to youth! The Silver Beaver Award was introduced in 1931 and is a Council?level distinguished service award of the Boy Scouts of America. Recipients of this award are registered Scouters who have given service to youth at the Council level, not in a unit or the district. Please make sure to fill out the form completely, do research on your nominee and fill in all the blanks. Remember to forward to your District Chair for review and signature. Applications that are not approved by District Chairs will not be accepted.
This nomination form must be sent to the CIEC office by November 30th, 2021. Late forms will not be accepted for evaluation. Do not attach any additional statements or letters of recommendation to this form. Forms can be submitted electronically to
From Saturday, September 25 - Wednesday November 24, 2021:
Invite a friend to join Scouts!
When the friend joins, adults (parents and/or leaders) fill out this from to enter both Scouts (the Recruiter and the New Scout) into a drawing to be held on December 1, 2021:
Grand Prize: Lego Millenium Falcon Set (#75257) Additional prizes include Light Saber toys.
Some Key Popcorn Dates are coming up. Check out the Schedule for ordering Take Orders and making returns
Friends of Scouting
Cartoon Corner
Thoughts from the Council:
The purpose of Monday Memo is to communicate information about the week ahead, to acknowledge the good things happening around the Council. If you have something you want publicized in the Monday Memo, please send it to c/o Monday Memo: Brian Paquette