Welcome to our March 19th, 2012 Monday Memo


Meet a Few of Our Council Officers

Henry Coil Jr. V.P. Administration. Mr. Coil obtained a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering from the University of California, Berkeley, and a Doctor of Jurisprudence from the College of Law at Western State University. Mr. Coil has been very active in his hometown of Riverside and the surrounding area. He has served as Chairman of the Board of Trustees for Riverside Community College, the UC Riverside Foundation, March Air Force Museum, UC Riverside's Sweeney Art Gallery, and La Sierra University Foundation. He twice served as President of the California Inland Empire Council, an organization to which he has devoted much of his life, earning Eagle Scout honors as a youth and the coveted Distinguished Eagle Scout Award as an adult.
Chris Johnson, V.P. District Operatins. Chris is a native Californian and has lived in the Inland Empire for the past 22 years.  He has been married to his lovely wife and Scouting supporter Kathy for almost 24 years, and is a supportive dad to his son Corey (Life Scout) and daughter Ashley (soccer fanatic).
He was raised in Fullerton, California and educated through the UC system before spending many years in the mortgage and construction industries.  He spends most of his time now involved in family activities and Scouting pursuits.

Although Chris left Scouting as a Webelo, he has taken on many roles as an adult including Cubmaster, District Commissioner, Assistant Council Commissioner-Venturing, and currently serves as Council Vice President – District Operations.   He enjoys staffing Wood Badge and other youth and adult training, but helps out wherever needed.


Blue & Gold Dinner

Recently, 165 Cub and Boy Scouts from Immanuel’s Pack 226 and Troop 226, along with family and friends celebrated their annual Blue and Gold dinner in the church’s fellowship hall.  They had a great meal, watched a fun photo and video montage of the past year’s many activities, several adult leaders were presented with certificates and pins of appreciation for their outstanding service, and 6 Senior Webelos were awarded the Arrow of Light (Cub Scouting’s highest award) as they participated in a “crossing over” ceremony into the Troop.  The boys achieving this milestone were Daniel Cronin, Antonio Gonzalez, Nathan Nunez, Ariston Polanco, Brennan Pyle and Sawyer Tokar.  The evening concluded with an entertaining magic show.  The Pack and Troop were honored to have Mayor Larry McCallon, Mayor Pro-tem Penny Lilburn, and Councilman John Timmer and his wife, Carol, attend the event.   If you are interested in finding out more about Immanuel’s Cub Scout program, please contact Craig Huff at chuff@ibchighland.org, or for the Troop contact Gina Birnbaum at gbirnbaum@ibchighland.org.  Both can be reached at (909) 425-1777.   



Computer Equipment Needed for Camp

We're in need of 6-10 computers for use at Camp Emerson. We need at least one notebook computer for the camp ranger to use and 6 to 9 desktop computers for the computer lab. The computers are used in the instruction of the Computers, Journalism and other merit badges.

Hardware specifications are:

Operating System: Windows XP, Windows Vista or Windows 7
Processor: Intel Core2 or newer
Memory (RAM): 1 GB or more
Hard Drive: 60 GB or more
Optional: Keyboard, mouse and monitor

If you or your company can donate one or more computers, please contact Program Director Kevin Gustafson at 909-793-2463 ext 139 or email kevin.gustafson@scouting.org.


2011 Eagle Scout Recognition Dinner & NESA Awards

You're invited to celebrate and honor the accomplishments of the 2011 Class of Eagle Scouts. In addition, we'll be honoring the recipient of the council's Adam's Eagle Scout Service Project of the Year Award, as well as the Outstanding Eagle Scout Award honoree Bob Swartzel.

The National Eagle Scout Association Chapter of the California Inland Empire Council will be hosting the Eagle Scout Recognition Dinner & NESA Awards on Friday, March 30th, 2012 at 6:00pm. This year's venue is once again the March Field Air Museum in Riverside.

Please reserve your seat today. If you're unable to attend, please consider sponsoring an Eagle Scout. Click Here to Register Online


Help Get Scouts to Camp - Apply for a Campership

The Council's commitment to all Scouts is that every Scout deserves a week at summer camp, and no Scout will miss camp because of a lack of funds. A campership is financial assistance awarded to a Cub Scout, Boy Scout or Venturer to allow them to attend a Boy Scout or Cub Scout summer camp program within the California Inland Empire Council. Available programs include day camp, Camp Wiley, Tribe of Wisumahi, Camp Emerson, NYLT or Foxfire. GOOD NEWS! The deadline for campership applications is March 30, 2012. CLICK HERE to Download Campership Application

C.I.E.C. Annual Recharter

At the Thursday, March 15th California Inland Empire Council's board meeting Scout Executive Joseph Daniszewski, Council President Donna Baker and Council Commission Mac McLeod received the 2012 Boy Scouts of America Annual Charter from the BSA's Western Region, Area 4 Vice President of Marketing Bruce Davis.


2012 Cahuilla Lodge Officers Retreat

The Cahuilla Lodge Chief, Ian McLeod, facilitated a Lodge Officers and Advisers Retreat this past weekend, March 16-18, 2012, at the United Methodist Camp in Wrightwood.  The Chief, his Vice Chiefs, Secretary, Treasurer and the Lodge Adviser, Associate Advisers and Special Project Coordinators arrived at Camp Wrightwood Friday evening to begin a team building weekend to create a Vision and Goals for the Cahuilla Lodge. Friday evening, the Chief wasted no time laying the foundations for defining the work for the weekend.  The Lodge Leadership enjoyed a comfortable evening before getting to work Saturday morning with the Chief involving his Officers and Advisers to define their purpose in Scouting and commitment to the Order of the Arrow.  All Officers and Advisers participated in creating a Vision for the Lodge, what are most important work would be to support our Arrowman and our Council.

As snow fell steadily Saturday afternoon, individual Officers and Advisers spent dedicated time with each other creating goals centered around the Vision of the Lodge to achieve the many responsibilities of each Vice Chief, the Secretary, Treasurer and our Special Projects Coordinators.  After a fantastic Irish Dinner and the 18th. Birthday celebration of our Chief, the Officers enjoyed some relaxing time.  The Lodge Officers retreat ended on Sunday morning with the Chief challenging all of us to create some personal goals for self reflection throughout the coming year as we guide the Cahuilla Lodge.

My congratulations to the Order of the Arrow Cahuilla Lodge Chief, Ian McLeod, his Officers and our adult Advisers and Coordinators for giving their time to such a worthwhile exercise and planning event.

Tim Purvis, 2012 Cahuilla Lodge Adviser



Webelos Transition = March Madness!

Webelos to Scout transition is vital in the growth of our organization; it is "March Madness" with over 800 Webelos ready to join a Boy Scout troop this spring. Here are some wys you can help boys move into a troop.

At the District Level

  • Plan for and promote upcoming Webelos events such as Webelos Woods or visiting a camporee.
  • Have Boy Scout applications available at roundtable
  • Have adult leader applications available at roundtable for transitioning leaders
  • Transfer boys from the pack to the troop for only $1.00

At the Cub Scout Pack Level

  • Use the Weblos more in pack meetings (ie. Skits, run-ons, ceremonies)
  • Check that the Arrow of Light requirements are completed for all 2nd-year Webelos
  • Promote summer camp & Tribe of Wisumahi
  • Plan for a meaningful cross-over/Arrow of Light ceremony

At the Boy Scout Troop Level

  • Help the 2nd-year Webelos with Arrow of Light requirements
  • Offer den chiefs to your partnered pack's Webelos dens
  • Do summer cam promotions for the pack at a pack meeting
  • Invite 2nd-year Webelos den leaders to the Boy Scout rountable
  • Promote the first outing that the transitioned Webelos will have with their troop along with summer camp promotion
  • Turn in transitioning Webelos applications by April roundtable
  • Develop a plan for new Webelos to achieve First Class rank within 12 months.
  • Promote training (Fast Start, Youth Protection, This is Scouting, OLS) for pack leaders & parents that register as new troop leaders.
  • Show Fast Start video to all new parents.


James E. West

Congratulations to Robert Camerota, Sr. who was presented with the James W. West Fellowship Award at the March 15, 2012 California Inland Empire Council's Board meeting.

The James E. West Fellowship award is available for gifts of $1,000 and up in cash or marketable securities to the council endowment fund. The gift must be in addition to - and not replace or diminish - the donor's annual Friends of Scouting support. Many individuals and corporations make these gifts either on behalf of someone else - such as in honor of an Eagle Scout, Silver Beaver Receipient, a retirement, or in memory of a special individual. For more information on the James E. West Fellowship program, please contact Scout Executive Joe Daniszewski at (909) 793-2463 ext 120 or by email at Joseph.Daniszewski@Scouting.org.


Special Badge for Scouts Who Earn Eagle in 2012

Know a Scout seeking a little extra motivation to finish his Eagle Scout requirements? It's been 100 years since Arthur Rose Eldred became the BSA's first Eagle Scout. Since then, more than 2 million outstanding young men have earned the award.

To celebrate the centennial of Scouting's top honor, all Life Scouts who pass their Eagle Scout board of review in 2012 will be eligible to wear a special version of the red, white and blue badge. Scouts should be prepared to complete all Eagle Scout requirements and their board of review before 12/31/2012.

The special-edition patch will be included in the Eagle Award presentation kit available through the Scout Shop.

Why the special patch? After the overwhelming popularity of the 100th Anniversary of Scouting, officials with the BSA said it made sense to find a similarly unique way to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Eagle Rank.

A cool, new patch that will motivate Scouts? You won't hear any complaints from your Scouts!

REMINDER: The electronic version of the NEW Eagle Scout Project Workbook and Eagle Scout Rank Application are available on the council's website under the Advancement tab.


A Great Way for Scouts to Experience Camp Emerson Scout Camp

Camp Emerson offers an exciting program for Boy Scouts who couldn't attend camp with their troop or just want another week of cool, summer fun. This program is also great for newly graduated Webelos Scouts or new Boy Scout patrols. Emerson's Brownsea Scout program allows Scouts to attend either individually or as a small group - no leader's required! Scouts are either placed with another troop attending camp, or if there is enough Scouts, we'll organize a troop around them. Brownsea Scouts can then take merit badges, meet new friends and have fun in the outdoors. The cost is only $315 and Scouts can choose any of the four sessions of camp.

What's better than one week of camp? A second week! Scouts who attend a second week of Camp Emerson can have twice fun and opportunities to earn merit badges for 1/2 the price! Be a Tahquitz Scout for only $150!

CLICK HERE to download the Brownsea/Tahquitz Scout Application

Sign-up today!   Call Gail in Volunteer Services at (909) 793-2463 ext 129 for more information.


Who’s behind the wheel of the BSA IndyCar in 2012?

There’s a new man wearing red, white, and blue this season.
It’s 24-year-old James Jakes, a former Scout from England, who takes the helm of the BSA Motorsports and Dale Coyne Racing No. 19 car for the 2012 IndyCar season.

Jakes, who amassed 16 starts for Dale Coyne Racing last season, moves from the No. 18 car to the Scouting car, taking over for Alex Lloyd and Sebastien Bourdais, who shared driving duties in 2011.

The first race is March 25 in St. Petersburg, Fla. Click here for the complete schedule and plan to check out a race in person like I did last season.
How does Jakes feel putting on a Scout uniform again, this time as a member of the BSA Motorsports team? In an interview with IndyCar.com, Jakes talked about exactly that. “I joined later on at boarding school when I was 13 or 14 and got involved in a load of programs,” he said. “I’m excited to get involved with the Boy Scouts this year. It really broadens your horizons.” Keep an eye on my blog for BSA IndyCar updates all season long.


Boys’ Life Mini-Mags to be Shipped in April

The 2012 Boys’ Life Mini-mag will ship to councils around April 23, 2012. Quantities will be approximately the same as last year. There is no cost to councils for mini-mags or shipping. The Boys’ Life mini-mag is a promotion tool to help unit-serving executives and volunteers increase Boys’ Life subscriptions and readership. It is a true miniature edition—a digest-sized version—of Boys’ Life magazine. The mini-mag contains reprinted columns and articles from recent Cub Scout editions.

New for 2012: One page of the 2012 mini-mag will be divided into four “Join Scouting” invitations. An icon on the mini-mag’s cover page will direct the reader to the “Join Scouting” page. Readers can cut out one of the four invitations and use it to invite a friend to “Join Scouting.” Thus, the 2012 mini-mag will provide the opportunity for four million personal invitations to “Join Scouting!”

Five Effective Ways to Use the 2012 Boys’ Life Mini-mag

  1. At boy talks. Use the mini-mag as an incentive to get boys to come back to join Scouting: “When you come back to join Scouting tomorrow night, we will give you a
    FREE copy of the Boys’ Life mini-mag.”
  2. At School Nights and recruiting meetings. Give each new recruit a mini-mag he can read until his first issue of Boys’ Life arrives.
  3. At the council trading post or front counter. Use the 2012 mini-mag as an incentive to get new Boys’ Life subscriptions: “When you sign up for Boys’ Life, you will get a FREE mini-mag.”
  4. At district and council events. Use the mini-mag as a table decoration at district and council recognition dinners. Or at roundtables and training events as a prize. The Boys’ Life mini-mag makes a great bag stuffer for golf tournaments and fund-raisers, especially when some of the funds raised go to help Scout families who cannot afford Boys’ Life.
  5. For fun. At a service club meeting, tell the members that Boys’ Life magazine celebrates its 101st Anniversary in 2012, and that the magazine has changed over the years. Then show them a copy of the mini-mag! After the laughter subsides, show them a real-sized current issue Boys’ Life. Be sure to give the club members an opportunity to provide Boys’ Life for Scouts who cannot afford the magazine and/or to subscribe for their office waiting rooms.


Tribe of Wisumahi - July 29 - August 4

Native American lore and culture abounds in this fun and exciting program for second-year Webelos Scouts at the Boseker Scout Reservation in Idyllwild. Scouts will learn to make special themed crafts plus have fun swimming, fishing, shooting arrows and BB's. Scouts will also begin their journey into Boy Scouts by learning and practicing leadership, while sleeping in teepees! The program is limited to 48 Webelos so sign-up today with a $50 deposit! Please note the change in leadership requirements for council-sponsored resident camp programs: Webelos attending individually must be accompanied by their parent or a parent-approved adult. Webelos attending with others from their pack must meet the supervision requirement of 2 leaders for every 8 Scouts. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER ONLINE or for more information.


Casting For Tougher Than A Boy Scout

The casting for Scouts to be on our show is going very well and should be wrapped up by early April.

Our casting agency is having a challenge finding adult competitors to be on the show.  I could use your assistance in getting the attached PDF to adults associated with Scouting that live in CA. 

Please note that the participants on the show need to have been in Scouts as a youth and they cannot be Eagle Scouts.  We also do not want any current registered volunteers – the plan is for the show to feature former Scouts who are not currently involved in Scouting as a volunteer.  We want to see how well our Scouts compete against adults that were in, but not currently involved in Scouting.

We think parents of current Scouts that are not registered volunteers are a great resource for us to recruit show contestants.

Thanks for your assistance and please let me know if you have any questions or need more information.

Tom Rugh |  Team Lead National Marketing


Camp Emerson Availability

Camp Emerson Week 1
June 24-30
Week 2-LDS
July 9-14
Week 3
July 15-21
Week 4-LDS
July 23-28
Big Oak (50) Open Open 30 spots available 34 spots available
Bridger (20) 6 spots available FULL FULL Open
Broken Arrow  (40) 16 spots available Open Open Open
*Coil  (30) FULL FULL FULL 7 spots available
Dan Boone  (20) 5 spots available 4 spots available FULL 4 spots available
Eagle Nest  (25) FULL FULL FULL Open
Firestone  (25) FULL FULL 4 spots available 12 spots available
Freemont  (20) 10 spots available FULL 7 spots available 10 spots available
*Goldware (14) 5 spots available 4 spots available FULL 4 spots available
*Harris (30) FULL FULL FULL 3 spots available
Hayes (20) 13 spots available FULL FULL 8 spots available
Lewis & Clark (10) FULL FULL 4 spots available FULL
*Mellor (40) 4 spots available FULL FULL 6 spots available
*Owl's Roost (20) FULL FULL 5 spots available FULL
*Swartzel (20) 4 spots available FULL FULL FULL
* Furnished Campsites        


Camp Wiley Availability

Camp Wiley Week 1
5/25 - 5/28
Week 2
6/30 - 7/3
Week 3
7/5 - 7/8
Week 4
7/28 - 7/31
Week 5
8/2 - 8/5
Big Oak (50) Open Open 10 Spots Available Wisumahi Wisumahi
Bridger (20) Open Open FULL FULL 9 Spots Available
Broken Arrow  (40) Open Open Open Wisumahi Wisumahi
*Coil  (30) 6 Spots Available FULL FULL FULL FULL
Dan Boone  (20) Open Open FULL FULL FULL
Eagle Nest  (25) Open FULL FULL FULL 4 spots Available
Firestone  (25) Open FULL FULL FULL FULL
Freemont  (20) Open Open FULL FULL FULL
*Goldware (14) FULL 7 Spots Available FULL FULL 4 Spots Available
*Harris (30) 18 Spots Available FULL FULL FULL FULL
Hayes (20) Open 3 Spots Available FULL 16 Spots Available FULL
Lewis & Clark (10) Open Open FULL FULL FULL
*Mellor (40) 21 Spots Available 6 Spots Available 2 Spots Available FULL 2 Spots Available
*Owl's Roost (20) 6 Spots Available 2 Spots Available FULL FULL FULL
*Swartzel (20) Full Full 6 spots Available 8 Spots Available FULL
* Furnished Campsites          


Friends Of Scouting Report

319/2012   2012 Goal 2012 Pledged (Year To Date) % of  Goal Cash Paid
(Year to Date)
# of Donors Donors Asked  % 3/17/2011 Pledged
Mt. Rubidoux Carl Rowe $122,500 $75,677 61.78% $57,904 1,328 567 42.70% $52,012
Sunrise Scott Evans $60,000 $33,305 55.51% $26,669 708 240 33.90% $6,097
Temescal Tom Munoz $110,600 $55,872 50.52% $50,608 1,422 430 30.24% $23,629
Tahquitz Bill Dull $139,600 $67,902 48.64% $50,078 1,912 463 24.22% $52,909
Arrowhead Michael Bentley $67,000 $28,764 42.93% $22,110 1,066 261 24.48% $19,395
High Desert Greg Lundeen $99,500 $38,390 38.58% $23,824 1,447 259 17.90% $25,873
3 Peaks Andrew Kotyuk $71,000 $25,248 35.56% $22,251 1,043 245 23.49% $2,193
5 Nations Ross Nakatani $43,500 $10,591 24.35% $7,482 458 111 24.24% $5,247
Old Baldy Max Williams $131,500 $28,983 22.04% $16,522 1,591 158 9.93% $38,386
Grayback   $106,000 $21,199 20.00% $13,719 1,125 154 13.69% $13,298
    $951,200 $385,931 40.57% 291,167 12,100 2,888 23.87% $239,039



Positive Quote

"Happiness lies in the joy of achievement and the thrill of creative effort."

     ~ Franklin D. Roosevelt


Joe Daniszewski
Scout Executive/CEO

California Inland Empire Council, BSA

PO Box 8910

1230 Indiana Court
Redlands, CA 92374
909.793.2463, Ext. 120
909.793.0306 Fax

Monday Memo is from Scout Executive Joe Daniszewski and contains his reflection on what is happening within the Council. The purpose of Monday Memo is to communicate information about the week ahead, to acknowledge the good things happening around the Council and to address specific issues that the Scout Executive wants to bring to your attention. Joe welcomes any comments, suggestions or recommendations on how to make this memo as helpful as possible. If you have something you want publicized in the Monday Memo, please send it to his attention c/o Monday Memo: Joseph.Daniszewski@scouting.org for Monday Memo Archives Click Here      


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   2351 W Lugonia Ave Suite F Redlands, CA  92374 • (909) 793-2463

Copyright 2007-2024 • Boy Scouts of America, California Inland Empire Council #045