Welcome to our April 9th, 2012 Monday Memo


Meet A Few Of Our Council Officers

Mike Riley, V.P. Properties. Mike’s Scouting career began as a Cub Scout in St. Louis Missouri. As a Boy Scout, he was a member of Troop 413 in La Verne, California, where his father served as Scoutmaster. Prior to its merger with the California Inland Empire Council, Mike was heavily involved in Old Baldy Council. In his youth, he served as Lodge Chief of the Navajo Lodge and on camp staff at Holcomb Valley Scout Ranch. As an adult, he served the Council as Vice President of Program, Vice President of Properties, and an Assistant Scoutmaster for two Wood Badge courses and the council’s 2005 Jamboree contingent.

Mike is an Eagle Scout, and a Vigil Honor Member of the Order of the Arrow. He has attended three National Jamborees, was selected to participate in the National Pilot Course for Wood Badge for the 21st Century and has staffed National Camping School. He has also served as a Scoutmaster for National Youth Leadership Training. He has been a Den Leader and Cubmaster and is currently Scoutmaster of Troop 202 in Chino. In the past Mike has served as Council Commissioner and Council President for the California Inland Empire Council.

Mike received two Bachelor degrees and a Masters degree in Architecture from California State Polytechnic University in Pomona. He is a partner in the Orange County architecture firm of Tanaka Riley Architects. He and his wife Carol have been happily married for more than 28 years. They have two Eagle Scout sons - Christopher, who is majoring in Architecture at Cal Poly Pomona, and Glenn, who studies Nuclear Engineering at Purdue University in Indiana.

Mike Downs, V.P. Relations/Membership. Mike was born and raised in Corona, California.  He was active in Pack 113, where he earned his Arrow of Light award, joined Troop 54, attained the rank of Eagle Scout, was a member of the Western Region contingent to the World Jamboree in Alberta Canada, and participated in a Philmont Trek.  While attending California Polytechnic State University in San Luis Obispo, where he graduated with a BS degree in Business Administration, Mike served as an Assistant Scoutmaster to a local Troop.
Upon returning to Corona, Mike served as Scoutmaster for over sixteen years for Troops 54 and 35.  In the last few years Mike became reacquainted with Cub Scouts, following his son Austin to Pack 134, where he was a Tiger Den Leader, Cubmaster, Den Leader, Webelos Den Leader, and Assistant Cubmaster.   Mike currently serves as the Advisor to Crew 54, and Chaplain for Troop 54.

In the community Mike was a founding member of the Friends of Temescal, Inc. and has served as President of the organization for over twenty years.  He is active in his church, Northpoint Evangelical Free Church of Corona.  In business, Mike is President of Downs Energy, a Corona cased wholesale petroleum & lubricants supplier that has been owned and operated by the Downs family since Mike’s grandfather founded it in 1940.
Mike is happily married to his wonderful wife Julie, and has three children; Austin, Kaitlyn, and Victoria (the girls can’t wait to join Venturing when they are old enough).

Mike previously served as the Temescal District Finance Chairman, Council Vice President of Advancement, Council Vice President of Facilities, and was a Wood Badge Course Director.  He is a James E. West Fellow, a member of the 1910 Society, a Vigil Honor member in the Order of the Arrow, and was presented his grandfather’s 1956 Silver Beaver Award (Riverside County Council) when Mike was recognized for his service to the Council.


Colton's Liberty Flag Retirement Ceremony

On Thursday April 5th scouts from Troop 40 of Grand Terrace, Troop 45 and Pack 24 of Highland participated with the San Bernardino County and Colton Police Department's Honor Guards in the retirement of Colton's Liberty Flag. There were many people in attendance at the ceremony on the top of the hill. The Liberty Flag sits on top of Mt. Slover just south of I-10 in Colton. There has been a flag flying on the top of Mt Slover since July 5, 1917.  Mt. Slover is owned by California Portland Cement Company which has been manufacturing cement since 1881. Thursdays eve retirement was the last time a flag would fly on the top of Mt. Slover. The mountain was one of only three places in the country granted the right to fly the flag at night when T.J Fleming, Secretary and Manager of the cement plant requested and was granted permission. The other two places permitted to fly the American Flag from sunrise to sunrise are over the National Capital and in Frederick, Maryland over the grave of Francis Scott Key, composer of the National Anthem.  This flag will truly be missed as it could be seen at night in the lights from a distance of forty miles. The flag now will be placed at the San Bernardino County Museum for a future exhibit 


Tribe of Wisumahi - July 29 - August 4

Native American lore and culture abounds in this fun and exciting program for second-year Webelos Scouts at the Boseker Scout Reservation in Idyllwild. Scouts will learn to make special themed crafts plus have fun swimming, fishing, shooting arrows and BB's. Scouts will also begin their journey into Boy Scouts by learning and practicing leadership, while sleeping in teepees! The program is limited to 48 Webelos so sign-up today with a $50 deposit! Please note the change in leadership requirements for council-sponsored resident camp programs: Webelos attending individually must be accompanied by their parent or a parent-approved adult. Webelos attending with others from their pack must meet the supervision requirement of 2 leaders for every 8 Scouts. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER ONLINE or for more information.


Eagle Recognition Dinner Thank You Note

To: Mathew Brandt
Subject: Eagle recognition dinner

I just wanted to take a minute to thank you for hosting such a nice event for the 2011 Eagle Scouts.  The location and venue was excellent; it was
very special being able to view the museum and the traveling wall.  My son treasures the knife with the flashlight (very unique)! 

Jake also had the opportunity of a lifetime to go up in the C-17 Eagle Flight this past year.  We are amazed at the opportunities that have been
presented to the Eagle Scouts!

Thank you again for your commitment to scouting and for helping to make such
wonderful memories for our boys!

Wendy Ellis


Eagle Recognition Dinner

Congratulations to Maximilian M. of Troop 351, the Adams Service Project of the
Year winner.

Congratulations to Bob Swartzel, the Outstanding Eagle Scout Award recipient.
Brigadier General Jeffrey K. Barnson recounting his Scouting memories. Eagle Scouts reciting the names of those enshrined on the Vietnam Veterans
Memorial replica at the March Field Air Museum on March 30th.


Tour Plan Update

New Online Tour & Activity Plan Available May 1st

In 2011, a new tour plan process was rolled out that took the place of the tour permit. The tour plan was a PDF file that could be filled out, saved, and emailed.

Starting May 1, 2012 a new online tour and activity plan will be released and available through your MyScouting account. In addition, a PDF version will also be available to print for those who do not have Internet access or simply prefer paper over  electronic.

One change in the process that is different from the tour permit is that no longer are signatures required for the online process. Instead, as someone fills out a plan online, the required prerequisites for that type of trip or activity will be displayed. For any prerequisites that have not been met (for example, not having someone on a trip who has Hazardous Weather training where this training is required), and before being allowed to submit the form, the person completing the form will have to certify that all prerequisites will be met prior to conducting the trip or activity. Once submitted, an email notification will be sent to the council, your chartered organization, unit committee chair, unit leader, and emergency contact to let them know that a plan has been submitted. Receivers of this notification can log in to MyScouting and review the plan.

Some of the tour and activity plan enhancements include the following:

  • An email notification will be sent to our council, chartered organization, committee chair, unit leader, and emergency contact to let them know that a plan has been submitted. (It is important to maintain current leadership information in the system to receive notification.)
  • There are links to current program-required training and education.
  • System prompts and warnings are included.
  • You will be able to review and fix any deficiencies flagged by the system prior to submitting the plan.
  • You can store, retrieve, copy, and reuse completed tour and activity plans.
  • Functionality allows you to upload files such as trekking plans and flight plans.
  • Unit volunteers who currently have access to the tour and activity plan will be able to view and update all plans submitted for their unit up to the day before the scheduled plan date.
  • There will be leader certification of the plan prior to submission.

The Council Risk Management Committee will soon be completing a review of this new process and publishing a new Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about the new BSA Tour and Activity Plan.


Scout Shop Bug Day!



Building Strong Troops Conference At Philmont

We would like to invite you to attend the 2012 Building Strong Troops Conference at the Philmont Training Center in New Mexico this summer!

We are holding two conferences this summer - either June 10 – 16 or August 12 – 18.

You play a very important role in the success of Scouting in the lives of youth, and we want you to be a part of this conference.
The Philmont Training Center (PTC) has been the National Volunteer Training Center of the Boy Scouts of America since 1950.  At PTC you will have the opportunity to meet and share ideas with Scouters from across America.  The conference faculty, selected by our regions and national committees, consists of some of the most talented and skilled men and women in Scouting.
While you are involved in the conference, your spouse and family will be able to enjoy a full range of activities led by the Philmont staff. There will also be plenty of time and activities for you to enjoy with your family. Philmont's unique blend of Scouting, history, family activities, and the magic of the northern New Mexico mountains will make this a memorable family experience.
Who should attend Building Strong Troops?  Everyone!

All adult leaders looking for more ideas for bringing the promise of Scouting to their troop – Scoutmasters, Assistant Scoutmasters, Troop Committee Members, Unit Commissioners - there is a conference just for them being offered at the Philmont Training Center this summer.

Please see the attached flyers for more information 2012 Registration  Building Strong Troops Flyer – and help us spread the word.  Forward these flyers to other great Scouters in your area who may be interested in learning more ways to improve their troops and build a stronger program for their youth. 

The Building Strong Troops conference is packed full of the need-to-know and how-to tips and methods for helping adult leaders create a high functioning Boy Scout troop with a strong program.  Great troops have a planned, well communicated program, and strong, trained leadership.  This conference is designed to assist troop adult leaders guide their units into becoming great troops.

Please review the conference schedule and PTC information on www.philmonttrainingcenter.org. You might also see other conferences that you would like to encourage other Scouters to attend.  Please share the information with them.

You can register for a conference through your www.myscouting.org account, on the “Event Registration” page. We hope to see you at Philmont this summer!

For more information about Building Strong Troops, please contact the faculty.

June Conference:  Charlie Garwood, Cort Daggett and Kathleen Daggett
CAGarwood@prodigy.net  dagg@sonic.net  kdaggett32@gmail.com

August Conference:  Ramsay Ellis, Mary Ray and John Copley

ramsay.ellis@gmail.com  mark@mark-ray.com  john.copley@us.pwc.com


National Jamboree

Headlines from the Summit Bechtel Reserve

With just 16 months until the grand opening of the Summit Bechtel Reserve and the 2013 National Scout Jamboree, there is a lot of excitement brewing! There are all sorts of stories to fill you in on.

Here are the top 3 stories to get you up to date:

1. Can staff attend the jamboree for half price? Yes!

2. How much can Scouts accomplish in 5 days? We'll find out with the jamboree Day of Service.

3. Where is this Summit place?

For More information about the 2013 National Jamboree visit www.bsa-ciec.org/jamboree.


Colton Redlands Yucaipa — ROP Blood Drive

American Red Cross

Conference Room 1214 Indiana Ct., Redlands, CA 92374
Monday, April 30th, 2012 12:00 PM ??? 6:00 PM

To schedule your appointment or for more information contact Your American Red Cross Representative Robert at (909) 859-7645 or make your own appointment online at www.redcrossblood.org and use sponsor code: CRYROP

All presenting donors will receive:
??? 2 FREE tickets to a LA Galaxy game; ($15 total processing fee)
??? 2 FREE Grammy Museum tickets ($10 total processing fee)
??? 2 tickets to Laugh Factory (2 drink minimum; 18 or older)

Entered into a drawing for free movies for a year. Identification is required.


News & Tidbits

  • C.I.E.C.'s Spring Fling Save the Date! Click Here for more information.
  • Jamboree Deadline Extended to August 1st 2012, unless spots are filled sooner. Just 19 Boy Scout Troop Positions Still Available and Just 3 Venture Crew Positions Still Available. Click Here for more information.
  • Read up on The Advisor Newsletter. The Advisor is the monthly newsletter for Venturing Crews/Ships in the California Inland Empire Council published and written under the guidance of Ryan Kleinvachter and the CIEC Venturing Committee, Click Here
  • 2012 Career & Resource Fair. Friday, June 15, 2012 9 AM — 12 PM Colton-Redlands-Yucaipa ROP Click Here for more information.


Camp Emerson Availability

Camp Emerson Week 1
June 24-30
Week 2-LDS
July 9-14
Week 3
July 15-21
Week 4-LDS
July 23-28
Big Oak (50) Open Open 22 spots available 34 spots available
Bridger (20) 2 spots available FULL FULL Open
Broken Arrow  (40) 16 spots available 32 spots available 27 spots available Open
*Coil  (30) FULL FULL FULL 7 spots available
Dan Boone  (20) 5 spots available 4 spots available FULL 4 spots available
Eagle Nest  (25) FULL FULL FULL 9 spots available
Firestone  (25) FULL FULL 4 spots available FULL
Freemont  (20) 2 spots available FULL 7 spots available 10 spots available
*Goldware (14) FULL 4 spots available FULL 4 spots available
*Harris (30) FULL FULL FULL 3 spots available
Hayes (20) FULL FULL FULL 8 spots available
Lewis & Clark (10) FULL FULL 4 spots available FULL
*Mellor (40) 4 spots available FULL FULL 6 spots available
*Owl's Roost (20) FULL FULL 2 spots available FULL
*Swartzel (20) 3 spots available FULL FULL FULL
* Furnished Campsites        


Friends Of Scouting Report

4/9/2012 2012 Goal 2012 Pledged (Year To Date) % of  Goal Cash Paid
(Year to Date)
# of Donors Donors Asked  % 4/11/2011 Pledged
Carl Rowe $122,500 $102,004 83.27% $77,568 1,408 692 49.15% $89,870
Bill Dull $139,600 $113,462 81.28% $91,846 2,053 866 42.18% $97,248
Andrew Kotyuk $71,000 $53,638 75.55% $49,811 1,134 504 44.44% $38,587
Scott Evans $60,000 $45,700 76.17% $39,264 733 304 41.47% $39,926
Tom Munoz $110,600 $72,393 65.45% $59,212 1,498 558 37.25% $66,747
Greg Lundeen $99,500 $62,779 63.09% $48,499 1,543 511 33.12% $49,384
Michael Bentley $67,000 $32,149 47.98% $24,577 1,071 283 26.42% $35,450
Ross Nakatani $43,500 $15,872 36.49% $11,769 473 160 33.83% $9,747
Max Williams $131,500 $53,346 40.57% $27,378 1,660 367 22.11% $45,922
  $106,000 $49,263 46.47% $40,611 1,176 363 30.87% $45,498
  $951,200 $600,606 63.14% $470,535 12,749 4,608 36.14% $518,379



Positive Quote

“Gratitude is when memory is stored in the heart and not in the mind.”

   ~ Lionel Hampton


Thank you so very much for your prayers, warm thoughts and support during my Dad's hospital stay and death.
You all touched my heart.


Joe Daniszewski
Scout Executive/CEO

California Inland Empire Council, BSA

PO Box 8910

1230 Indiana Court
Redlands, CA 92374
909.793.2463, Ext. 120
909.793.0306 Fax

Monday Memo is from Scout Executive Joe Daniszewski and contains his reflection on what is happening within the Council. The purpose of Monday Memo is to communicate information about the week ahead, to acknowledge the good things happening around the Council and to address specific issues that the Scout Executive wants to bring to your attention. Joe welcomes any comments, suggestions or recommendations on how to make this memo as helpful as possible. If you have something you want publicized in the Monday Memo, please send it to his attention c/o Monday Memo: Joseph.Daniszewski@scouting.org for Monday Memo Archives Click Here      


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   2351 W Lugonia Ave Suite F Redlands, CA  92374 • (909) 793-2463

Copyright 2007-2024 • Boy Scouts of America, California Inland Empire Council #045