Welcome to our April 23th, 2012 Monday Memo


Veterans Day Parade

This last Saturday was the Annual Salute to Veterans Parade in Riverside, CA. Troop 90, along with Pack 90 and Crew 90, all chartered to the Kiwanis Club of Uptown Riverside, provided Scouts the opportunity to carry the banners in the parade.

These three Scouting units are proud to be a part of the community, and appreciate all the sacrifices our Military Service members have made.


The New Online Tour and Activity Plan to Go Live May 1st

Beginning May 1, the old Tour Plan application currently available through MyScouting will be removed and replaced with the new Tour and Activity Plan.

Be sure to complete any tour plans that you're working on before April 27th. Once the new Tour and Activity Plan goes live, any tour plans that have not been submitted or approved by April 27th will cease to exist, and unit volunteers must resubmit their trip via the new Tour and Activity Plan application

For more information, you can view the Tour and Activity Plan training video and the Tour and Activity Plan FAQ page.


Scouting at Earth Night in the Garden!

In celebration of Earth Day the Western Municipal Water District and their partners hosted an evening in the garden. On April 19 many scouts entertained, explained  and demonstrated Leave No Trace principles. Crew 79 from Arrowhead District showed off a Camping Crime scene  while Crew 488 from Five Nations  entertained with a  presentation of the Impact Monster Puppet /skit written by Don Gale and adapted by their sister Girl Scout troop 488. Members of the CIEC Outdoor Ethics Committee contributed with a booth with information on Leave No Trace and Tread Lightly!


Venturing Weekend Rendezvous at Camp Emerson

The CIEC Venturing Officers Association hosted a Rendezvous at  Camp Emerson/Boseker Scout Reservation on April 20 through April 22, 2012.  The Rendezvous was attended by Crews 2, 79, 100, 141, 301, 318, 384, 488, 604 and 1110 with 73 participants. 

The weekend was filled with activities that included skills building, low COPE, shotgun shooting, land navigation, climbing, foundry, an ethical discussion about environmental stewardship along with a service project to help get Camp Emerson ready for summer campers.  The Venturers showed the spirit of Venturing with teamwork, fun and camaraderie.

I would like to send my heartfelt appreciation to all the Crews and their Advisors who spent the weekend at Camp Emerson, all the support staff for our events, the cooks and Ranger Jeff.   I would also like to thank Robert Jenson the CIEC VOA’s outgoing 2011/2012 president along with my brother, Jacob Reynolds of Troop 11, for their unwavering support and hard work.  The CIEC VOA is looking forward to many more events to continue to build the Venturing program.

Yours in Venturing, Hannah Reynolds
CIEC VOA Vice President of Program


High Desert Camporee 2012

On a beautiful but hot weekend, the High Desert District held its Cowboy Camporee at Horseman’s Center in Apple Valley.  The boys were engaged in pioneering, hiking and dutch oven cooking during the day while the adults helped to clean graffiti off the beautiful rocks at Horseman’s Center Part.  Because ‘ A Scout is Thrifty ’  we exchanged park fees for graffiti removal to make this a low cost event.  Troop 257 and several other helpful units also retired over 300 flags with a 30x50 Flag having its own ceremony at the closing campfire. Thank-you to Kevin Byrne and the Camporee Committee and all the leaders and parents who helped with this weekend.


Save the Date for the Helendade Service to Camp Day!

Plan now to come up to Camp Helendade on Saturday, June 9th for a Service to Camp Day. Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, leaders and parents are invited to attend.

We can use your help to provide some needed service to camp. The primary work for the day are the annual fire mitigation projects which include weed abatement and raking up pine needles around each of the buildings. We'll even provide you lunch!

After signing up, we'll contact you with any special equipment you may need to bring beyond work gloves.

Unfortunately, we cannot accommodate any overnight camping. The water system will not be in operation so we'll ask that you bring drinking water with you.

If you have any questions, please email Program Director Kevin Gustafson    REGISTER BY CLICKING HERE!


Leave No Trace Class


Can Packs, Troops, Teams, or Crews Participate in Political Rallies?
The Boy Scouts of America might be the most patriotic organization in the U.S.
But don’t take that to mean we endorse any one political party.

The same applies to your pack, troop, team, or crew. You and your Scouts should Do Your Duty to Country but not by endorsing any one candidate.

During election years, though, the line between patriotism and political favoritism becomes thin, making it important to remind you of the BSA’s official policy on Scout participation in political rallies.

Here are some Frequently Asked Questions and the BSA’s official answers:

Q: Could a pack, troop, team, or crew provide a color guard flag ceremony for a candidate’s public speaking event or rally?
A: Yes. But, BSA Policy requires our adult and youth members in uniform to leave immediately after the presentation of colors and the Pledge of Allegiance. Should they want to stay they must do so as individuals, not Scouting representatives, meaning, they would have to change out of their uniforms.

Q: So Scouts and Scouters can’t stand on the platform for the remainder of the speech or presentation?
A: No, they should not remain on the speakers’ platform or in a conspicuous location where media could construe their presence as an endorsement or symbol of support.

Q: Why is this the rule?
A: The policy is meant to prevent someone from using our brand to convey support of a candidate or ideology. This prevents Scouts from being used by any party in campaign advertisements or materials.

Q: So then why is it OK to even present the colors or lead the Pledge of Allegiance at all?
A: Those are displays of loyalty to the nation, something the BSA has always endorsed. Regardless of the outcome of the political race, the candidate and supporters pledge allegiance to the U.S. Because of this, it is always acceptable and deemed to be a part of the civic process. Also, this “service” is offered to any party, regardless of political affiliation.

Q: Can Scouts and Scouters pose for photos with political candidates at these events?
A: Yes. But photos of candidates or Scouts in uniform or BSA marks and logos are not allowed in political campaign materials of any kind.

Q: Can adult leaders or Venturers who are 18 or older vote in elections?
A: Not only can they — they should! This policy isn’t meant to limit the freedom of thought or action of any official or member acting as an individual. Scouters and Venturers shouldn’t wear their uniform to the polling place, but they should vote for whichever candidate they prefer. That’s all part of being a good citizen — something the BSA has taught for more than a century.

Q: What can Scout leaders do to support this policy?
A: Volunteers (and professionals) must be alert to situations that would imply that the BSA favors one candidate or party over another. Strict observance of our long-standing policy against the active participation of uniformed Scouts and leaders in political events is mandatory.

And as Election Day nears, the message in the advertisement from 1956 still applies: “Vote as you think, but Vote!”


International Scouting Committee

1.  The CIEC will again have an international Scout serving on our summer camp staff.  This year that Scout will be Malinda Senanyake from Sri Lanka.  Specifics and needs will be available later through Marcel Vargas our Professional Advisor.

2.  Registration for the International Camporee with Mexcio hosted by the San Diego Imperial Council at Camp Mataguay (5/18-20/12) are increasing.  This is a great opportunity for Scouts and Scoters of the CIEC to participate in an international event.  Bill Dull of the CIEC ISC is serving on the camporee organizing committee.  All registrants will be entitled to buy a unique International Camporee Council Shoulder Patch (CSP) at $3 and as many others of the same CSP at $4 prior to the camporee.  Afterwards, the CSP will be available to anyone at $5/CSP

3.  The ISC has been promoting international scouting opportunities thru Wood Badge, Powder Horns, Roundtables and the CIEC web site.

4.  The main source on things associated with international scouting for CIEC Scouts and Scouters is the CIEC website.  Select the 'Actvities' tab and then on the 'dropdown' select the International Scouting Homepage.  Over the next several weeks there will be an explosion of information on that site. Soon, forms on the site will be fillable 'on-line'.  Information, access, and links to all kinds of international activities will be found on the CIEC International Scouting Homepage (e.g. International Camporee at Mataguay, Normandy Jamboree in 2014, World Jamborees in 2015 and 2019, service on European camp staffs, JOTA, JOTI, JOTT, international friendship tours, and more).

5.  Each district chair whose district does not have a representative on the CIEC ISC will be contacted for an interested and qualified person to join the committee.  Already on the committee we have two members with multiple international encampment including World Jamborees, one who has participated as a member of a National BSA contingent on an international friendship tour, one who has served on a World Jamboree staff, and one who is a Baden Powell Fellow.

6.  The next meeting will be July 17.

Mike Goldware, International Representative


Fight Hunger Together with Walmart


There'll Be Heaps Of Action At The 2013 National Jamboree

Every month, jamboree program director Russell Smart is publishing an update on a different aspect of the 2013 jamboree. Be sure to check in at the Summit Blog to get the news straight from the source. Here are 3 key updates from Russell:

1. Get an overview of everything on the Program Team's plate! http://www.summitblog.org/updates-from-team-summit/

2. Don't miss the OA Indian Village at the Summit! http://www.summitblog.org/updates-from-team-summit-oa-indian-village/

3. Will Pioneering be at the jamboree? http://www.summitblog.org/updates-from-team-summit-pioneering/

You can also get up-to-the-minute news on the Summit and the national Scout jamboree by following us on Facebook and Twitter.


News & Tidbits

  • Tahquitz Districts 2012 Spring Camporee - Huge Sucess in the Snow! Click Here to View.
  • "The Buzz" A New Look at The Summit! Volunteers and councils show support for the 2013 National Scout Jamboree. Click Here to View
  • Scout Shabbat 2012, All Coachella Valley Area Scouts Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, Venturers, Cub Scouts, Cadettes, Weblos, Brownies, Tiger Cubs, & Daisies are invited to the Scout Shabbat. April 27, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. Click Here for more information


Camp Emerson Availability

Camp Emerson Week 1
June 24-30
Week 2-LDS
July 9-14
Week 3
July 15-21
Week 4-LDS
July 23-28
Big Oak (50) Open Open 22 spots available 34 spots available
Bridger (20) Full FULL FULL Open
Broken Arrow  (40) 10 spots available 3 spots available 27 spots available Open
*Coil  (30) FULL FULL 11 spots available FULL
Dan Boone  (20) 10 spots available 4 spots available FULL 4 spots available
Eagle Nest  (25) FULL FULL FULL 9 spots available
Firestone  (25) FULL FULL 4 spots available FULL
Freemont  (20) 2 spots available 1 spot available FULL 9 spots available
*Goldware (14) 1 spot available 2 spots available FULL 4 spots available
*Harris (30) FULL FULL FULL 3 spots available
Hayes (20) FULL FULL FULL 8 spots available
Lewis & Clark (10) FULL FULL 2 spots available FULL
*Mellor (40) 6 spots available 3 spots available FULL 2spots available
*Owl's Roost (20) FULL FULL FULL FULL
*Swartzel (20) 3 spots available FULL FULL FULL
* Furnished Campsites        


Friends Of Scouting Report

4/23/2012   2012 Goal 2012 Pledged (Year To Date) % of  Goal Cash Paid
(Year to Date)
# of Donors Donors Asked  % 4/21/2011 Pledged
Mt. Rubidoux Carl Rowe $122,500 $109,439 89.34% $88,483 1,428 735 51.47% $91,084
Tahquitz Bill Dull $139,600 $116,997 83.81% $94,978 2,065 883 42.76% $102,975
3 Peaks Andrew Kotyuk $71,000 $56,869 80.10% $53,284 1,148 525 45.73% $44,112
Sunrise Scott Evans $60,000 $47,300 78.83% $40,939 733 305 41.61% $41,519
Grayback   $106,000 $79,418 74.92% $67,579 1,223 505 41.29% $59,448
Temescal Tom Munoz $110,600 $72,413 65.47% $60,358 1,498 559 37.32% $84,848
High Desert Greg Lundeen $99,500 $63,299 63.62% $49,450 1,545 514 33.27% $49,769
Arrowhead Michael Bentley $67,000 $41,304 61.65% $32,161 1,096 380 34.67% $39,125
Old Baldy Max Williams $131,500 $55,258 42.02% $32,898 1,668 386 23.14% $47,422
5 Nations Ross Nakatani $43,500 $16,872 38.79% $12,972 474 161 33.97% $9,852
    $951,200 $659,169 69.30% $533,102 12,878 4,953 38.46% $570,154


Positive Quote

"One is not born into the world to do everything but to do something..."

  ~ Henry David Thoreau, poet, writer, philosopher 


Joe Daniszewski
Scout Executive/CEO

California Inland Empire Council, BSA

PO Box 8910

1230 Indiana Court
Redlands, CA 92374
909.793.2463, Ext. 120
909.793.0306 Fax

Monday Memo is from Scout Executive Joe Daniszewski and contains his reflection on what is happening within the Council. The purpose of Monday Memo is to communicate information about the week ahead, to acknowledge the good things happening around the Council and to address specific issues that the Scout Executive wants to bring to your attention. Joe welcomes any comments, suggestions or recommendations on how to make this memo as helpful as possible. If you have something you want publicized in the Monday Memo, please send it to his attention c/o Monday Memo: Joseph.Daniszewski@scouting.org for Monday Memo Archives Click Here      


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   2351 W Lugonia Ave Suite F Redlands, CA  92374 • (909) 793-2463

Copyright 2007-2024 • Boy Scouts of America, California Inland Empire Council #045