Welcome to our May 28th, 2012 Monday Memo


Memorial Day Tribute 2012

"A tribute to those who gave all...Remember their sacrifice and courage,today and everyday.


Save the Date for the Helendade Service to Camp Day!

Plan now to come up to Camp Helendade on Saturday, June 9th for a Service to Camp Day. Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, leaders and parents are invited to attend.

We can use your help to provide some needed service to camp. The primary work for the day are the annual fire mitigation projects which include weed abatement and raking up pine needles around each of the buildings. We'll even provide you lunch!

After signing up, we'll contact you with any special equipment you may need to bring beyond work gloves.

Unfortunately, we cannot accommodate any overnight camping. The water system will not be in operation so we'll ask that you bring drinking water with you.

If you have any questions, please email Program Director Kevin Gustafson    REGISTER BY CLICKING HERE!


Kudos to our Cahuilla Order of the Arrow Lodge

Newest Members of Puvunga Lodge
courtesy of John Nelson

Many many thanks to each of you and to those arrowmen that came from our Lodges of Section W4S to help with the first Ordeal weekend for Puvunga Lodge #32.

The ceremony teams from Wiatava, Tiwahe and Ta Tanka made an impactful presentation. Ta Tanka's ceremony site set up was very impressive and provided an appropriate ambience and setting for the Brotherhood and Ordeal ceremonies.

Philip Paulson and John Garcia, as Taskmaster and Ordealmaster respectively, provided the leadership that made the weekend run as well as it did.  Mark Stickel's presence is always a calming force and his help wherever and whenever there was a need was indeed a blessing. 

Kathy Kellehar, Judy Arnold, Ron Price's collective and unending help first with with registration allowing for a smooth checkin and second with a backfilling in the kitchen for preparation and serving insured all were fed.  Matt Brandt's good work as Medic provided that all contingencies were covered.  And don't let me forget to note Matt's help and smile (joining with in with the smiles of Ron, Judy and Kathy) in the kitchen. 

Jerry Love's up front work with the Long Beach Council staff and mentorship to our Taskmaster provided for the solid launch of the projects and execution by Philip.  The elangomats from Cahuilla, Ta Tanka, Tiwahe and Wiatava effectively lead their clans and "delivered the goods" with the focus of brotherhood and setting the example in working side by side with the candidates.

Many of you, as supporting arrowmen, heard directly from OA National Chairman Ray Capp and Vice Chairman of Region and Section Operations Steve Bradley with appreciative comments for all of your support leading up to and including this weekend.  These words of thanks were genuinely shared by Puvunga Lodge and camp staff. 

Our Ordeal weekend interface with Puvunga will continue as they push forward building their internal resources.  Their Fall Ordeal is presently scheduled for November 2 to 4, 2012 and we will work again with Puvunga Lodge to ID and provide assistance where they have the call for resources.

In closing it is appropriate to highlight and say thanks for the great team spirit that prevailed over the weekend....and as the banner on the OA National Website states: "Next Stop 2012 NOAC Michigan State University".

In Brotherhood, Ed


National Summertime Pack Award

A pack can qualify for the National Summertime Pack Award certificate and streamer by planning and conducting three pack activities—one each in June, July, and August. This award can be an incentive for greater attendance at your summer pack activities.

Qualifying packs receive a colorful streamer for their pack flag. Dens with an average attendance of at least half their members at the three summer pack events will be eligible for a colorful den participation ribbon. Boys who participate in all three pack events are eligible to receive the National Summertime Pack Award pin, which they can wear on the right pocket flap of their uniform. CLICK HERE to download the form


Boy Scout Leader Honored for Service

Press Enterprise Published: 22 May 2012 06:11 PM

A Riverside man who earned his Boy Scout Eagle rank more than 60 years ago and still remains active with the organization was recognized for his contributions to the Boy Scouts of America in the Inland region along with 50 Scouts who earned their Eagle in 2011 at a special awards banquet.

Robert Swartzel, 79, was the recipient of the Outstanding Eagle Scout Award presented by the California Inland Empire Council’s National Eagle Scout Association committee. The 2011 Eagle Scout Recognition Dinner and NESA Awards was held at March Field Air Museum in Riverside.

The Outstanding Eagle Scout Award is a recognition granted by the local council’s NESA committee to Eagle Scouts who have demonstrated outstanding achievement at the local, state or regional level.

The banquet also recognized 50 Eagle Scouts from the Class of 2011 that saw 453 Scouts in the council attain the Boy Scouts of America’s highest rank. Only 2 percent of all Scouts earn their Eagle badge, according to the national office. Read More....


Be a Brownsea Scout at Camp Emerson this Summer!

Every Scout should have the opportunity to go to summer camp. The California Inland Empire Council offers a great program for new Boy Scouts, recently graduated Webelos Scouts and for those who want another week of fun. Scouts attend camp individually or with one or more friends and are hosted by a troop for the week. They will then experience all the great fun of Camp Emerson.

Plus, what's better than a week at Scout camp? A second week! Scouts attending a second week of Camp Emerson earn the special Tahquitz Scout patch and only pay $150!

Brownsea/Tahquitz Scouts will also receive a coupon for a special gift from the Camp Emerson Trading Post!

Encourage your Scouts to sign-up today!

Please contact Gail in Volunteer Services at (909) 793-2463 ext 129 for any questions.


Bob’s Blog: Scouting Continues to Shine All Over the World

One of the honors that comes with being Chief Scout Executive is to represent the Boy Scouts of America at the annual World Scout Foundation Baden-Powell Fellowship gathering, and it has always been a proud moment for me to assume this role.

This year’s event was in Madrid, and I was so inspired by the energy from Scouting units around the world. In particular, I was very proud of how Scouts and leaders from different countries and cultures all shared common enthusiasm for the BSA. They displayed tremendous respect for how BSA leadership has made significant contributions over the past few years to help encourage change and shape the future of World Scouting.

I was also struck by how the Messengers for Peace community service program is really getting traction around the world. It’s exciting to see leaders of global Scouting organizations come together in the spirit of this worldwide initiative, and the projects they’ve conceived. I was so encouraged to witness how they were all of one mind about the possibilities this program offers to young people around the world and the communities they serve.

For me, the Messengers of Peace program offers the BSA another opportunity for leadership with a global purpose. By embracing this project, we can put our strength behind it and move it forward in a way that will be sustainable and send the message that we, too, think this is a pretty cool idea.

For Nanette and me, this was our “swan song” for World Scouting—our final international activity. I am pleased to report that World Scouting is doing well. I will always fondly remember working with fellow leaders from around the world to set the table for Scouting’s future. It will be exciting to watch those seeds of progress continue to grow and benefit our young people, no matter where they live, what beliefs they follow, or what language they speak.

I urge those of you interested in taking an active role in World Scouting to step forward. There’s no better way to influence our global future than to take what you’ve learned through the BSA and share it with other leaders beyond our shores.

Bob Mazucca


New Service Project Guidelines Highlight Safety

One of the most frequently asked questions that our Health and Safety Team receives concerns service projects. Specifically, which tools and jobs are appropriate for youth on a project site, and which are appropriate for adult leaders? To help shed a little light on this topic, the BSA recently published service project guidelines and age guidelines for tool use and work at elevations and excavations:

Both documents also can be found on the Scouting Safely site. (We recommend that council’s use the “Scouting Safely” link on their sites rather than hosting either of the links above.)

As with our revised and new merit badges that may involve the use of dangerous equipment (such as Welding Merit Badge, for example), the use of a risk-based approach is important. This calls for discussion of the risk or hazards associated with the activity, and how to prevent, mitigate, or address those risks.

Sneak a Peek at New Game Design MB


The BSA’s next new merit badge, Game Design, is already well under development. The new badge will allow Scouts to focus on one (or more) of these kinds of games: 

  • Electronic
  • Outdoor/athletic events
  • Tabletop
  • Pen and paper or role-playing

This variety of games means the badge should appeal to Scouts with different interests. Plus, it keeps the merit badge accessible for Scouts who don’t have reliable access to a computer.

In addition to creating and testing an actual, playable game, Scouts will learn a variety of skills while working on the badge, including:

  • How to think critically and strategically
  • What makes games fun
  • How to design and implement games
  • Problem solving

No exact launch date has been set for the Game Design merit badge, but it will have a big presence at next summer’s 2013 National Scout Jamboree.

For more information, visit Scouting magazine’s Bryan on Scouting blog. (Photo used courtesy of Bryan on Scouting.)

Lowe's National Eagle Scout Project Impact Grant

Home improvement retailer Lowe's has teamed with the Boy Scouts of America to provide the Lowe's National Eagle Scout Project Impact grant for candidates working on their Eagle Scout project.

About the Grant
A generous contribution from the Lowe's Charitable and Educational Foundation has made it possible for the council to present selected Eagle Scout candidates with a $100 prepaid gift card to be used toward their service projects. Life Scouts who are planning a construction-based project may apply. The council Eagle project review board will determine which projects qualify for a Lowe's grant. A total of 68 grants will be awarded. After the project review is completed, the council will distribute the $100 prepaid gift cards to recipients. Cards must be used to purchase building materials and equipment for the Eagle candidate's service project. The gift card may be used at any Lowe's location or any place that it is accepted.

To qualify for a Lowe's National Eagle Scout Project Impact grant, the individual must

  • Be a registered Life Scout.
  • Complete and submit the Lowe's grant application
  • Be sure the Eagle Scout service project has all approvals before the work begins. Submit copies of pages 6 through 10 of the Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook, No. 512-927 with the grant application.
  • Use the Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook to document the results of the service project. Make photographs and all documentation available to the BSA for sharing with Lowe's.

Things You Should Know

  • If you plan to spend your gift card at a Lowe's location, you should consider speaking with the local store manager when you arrive. This will help Lowe's track how well the program is being received.
  • Document your project with "before" and "after" photographs. Be sure photographs show how the materials and equipment purchased with the gift card were used for your service project.

Our Thanks to Lowe's
The Boy Scouts of America thanks the Lowe's Charitable and Educational Foundation for its generous support of Scouting across the country. Through this unique program, thousands of Life Scouts who are hard at work on their Eagle Scout service project will benefit from the contribution. Communities and organizations will benefit, too.

For additional information, email Program Director Kevin Gustafson. Grant applications are to be sent to:

California Inland Empire Council
Lowe's Project Grant
PO Box 8910
Redlands, CA 92375


Memorial and Tribute Gifts

Your gift to the Memorial and Tribute Fund is a way for you to recognize a special occasion and/or person. It can be a job promotion, presentation of the Eagle Scout Award or the Adult Volunteer Leader Scouting Awards, a birthday or anniversary, a Bar Mitzvah or Confirmation, or to honor the memory of a friend or family member.

Upon receipt of your gift, you will receive an acknowledgement card for tax purposes. The person or family receives a card in your name from the California Inland Empire Council, BSA with no amount mentioned. In addition the memorial or tribute will appear as part of the Monday Memo on the council’s website.

To make a contribution to the California Inland Empire Council Memorial and Tribute Fund, fill out the gift form, and mail the form to California Inland Empire Council, BSA, PO BOX 8910, Redlands, CA 92375-2110. If you have any questions you may contact Joe Daniszewski, Scout Executive at 909-793-2463 ext. 120 or e-mail: joseph.daniszewski@scouting.orgClick Here for Tribute Form

In memory of  Winthrop C. Walker, who died May 10, 2012. at the age of 84. A long time scouter, he worked at the Holcomb Valley summer camp teaching woodcarving as a master wood carver. 


News & Tidbits

  • New LDS Scouting Handbook Available Online. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has recently updated its Scouting Handbook for Church Units in the United States. It is only available online—please follow the link above to access and download the handbook.
  • Staffing the 2013 Jamboree? Help Support Our Newest Merit Badges. We are seeking passionate Scouters who plan to attend the 2013 National Scout Jamboree (either full- or part-time) and need a job while there to consider helping support one of our newest merit badges, including Inventing, Robotics, Chess, Welding, Search and Rescue, and Game Design. Only committed and passionate Scouters need apply!
  • Annual Plant Sale! Saturday, June 9th @ 9am, Heaps Peak Arboretum. Featuring a variety of plants & shrubs zoned for our mountains.


Camp Wiley Availability

Camp Wiley Week 1
5/25 - 5/28
Week 2
6/30 - 7/3
Week 3
7/5 - 7/8
Week 4
7/28 - 7/31
Week 5
8/2 - 8/5
Big Oak (50) Open FULL FULL Open FULL
Bridger (20) Open FULL FULL FULL FULL
Broken Arrow  (40) Open FULL Open Open FULL
*Coil  (30) 6 Spots Available FULL FULL FULL FULL
Dan Boone  (20) Open FULL Open 14 spots FULL
Eagle Nest  (25) Open FULL FULL FULL FULL
Firestone  (25) Open FULL FULL FULL FULL
Freemont  (20) Open FULL FULL FULL FULL
*Harris (30) 18 Spots Available FULL FULL FULL FULL
Lewis & Clark (10) Open FULL FULL FULL FULL
*Mellor (40) 21 Spots Available FULL FULL FULL FULL
*Owl's Roost (20) 6 Spots Available FULL FULL FULL FULL
*Swartzel (20) Full Full FULL FULL FULL
* Furnished Campsites


Camp Emerson Availability

Camp Emerson Week 1
June 24-30
Week 2-LDS
July 9-14
Week 3
July 15-21
Week 4-LDS
July 23-28
Big Oak (50) Open Open 22 spots available 34 spots available
Bridger (20) Full FULL FULL FULL
Broken Arrow  (40) 10 spots available 4 spots available 26 spots available Open
*Coil  (30) FULL FULL 11 spots available FULL
Dan Boone  (20) 2 spots available 4 spots available FULL 5 spots available
Eagle Nest  (25) FULL 2 spots available FULL 11spots available
Firestone  (25) FULL FULL 4 spots available FULL
Freemont  (20) 3  spots available FULL FULL 9 spots available
*Goldware (14) FULL FULL FULL 1 spot available
*Harris (30) FULL FULL 2 spots available 3 spots available
Hayes (20) FULL FULL FULL 8 spots available
Lewis & Clark (10) FULL FULL 2 spots available 3 spots available
*Mellor (40) 6 spots available FULL 11 spots available FULL
*Owl's Roost (20) 5 spots available FULL FULL FULL
*Swartzel (20) 3 spots available 5  spots available FULL FULL
* Furnished Campsites        

Friends Of Scouting Report

5/25/2012   2012 Goal 2012 Pledged (Year To Date) % of  Goal Cash Paid
(Year to Date)
# of Donors Donors Asked  % 5/23/2011 Pledged
Mt. Rubidoux Carl Rowe $122,500 $112,152 91.55% $95,774 1,433 752 52.48% $99,199
Tahquitz Bill Dull $139,600 $122,477 87.73% $102,897 2,077 917 44.15% $114,536
3 Peaks Andrew Kotyuk $71,000 $60,928 85.81% $56,393 1,187 565 47.60% $53,132
Sunrise Scott Evans $60,000 $49,396 82.33% $43,304 743 315 42.40% $42,019
High Desert Greg Lundeen $99,500 $79,834 80.24% $66,591 1,582 650 41.09% $77,078
Grayback Darrel Olson $106,000 $84,601 79.81% $73,573 1,232 531 43.10% $79,800
Temescal Tom Munoz $110,600 $85,701 77.49% $72,001 1,552 700 45.10% $90,025
Arrowhead Michael Bentley $67,000 $46,467 69.35% $37,923 1,131 432 38.20% $52,129
Old Baldy Max Williams $131,500 $74,057 56.32% $44,217 1,734 544 31.37% $78,918
5 Nations Ross Nakatani $43,500 $17,891 41.13% $14,632 483 176 36.44% $19,310
    $951,200 $733,504 77.11% $607,305 13,154 5,582 42.44% $706,146


Positive Quote

" We never fail when we try to do our duty; we always fail when we neglect to do it."

   ~ Sir Robert Baden-Powell, British Army Officer, Founder of the Boy Scouts.

Joe Daniszewski
Scout Executive/CEO

California Inland Empire Council, BSA

PO Box 8910

1230 Indiana Court
Redlands, CA 92374
909.793.2463, Ext. 120
909.793.0306 Fax

Monday Memo is from Scout Executive Joe Daniszewski and contains his reflection on what is happening within the Council. The purpose of Monday Memo is to communicate information about the week ahead, to acknowledge the good things happening around the Council and to address specific issues that the Scout Executive wants to bring to your attention. Joe welcomes any comments, suggestions or recommendations on how to make this memo as helpful as possible. If you have something you want publicized in the Monday Memo, please send it to his attention c/o Monday Memo: Joseph.Daniszewski@scouting.org for Monday Memo Archives Click Here      



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   2351 W Lugonia Ave Suite F Redlands, CA  92374 • (909) 793-2463

Copyright 2007-2024 • Boy Scouts of America, California Inland Empire Council #045