Welcome to our June 25th, 2012 Monday Memo


Scouts In Action

We all enjoy reading about the adventurous and heroic things scouts do in Boy’s Life Magazine and often dismiss it thinking our Troop can’t do that or those Scouts must be better than us.  The fact is we can do those things and more if we just put our mind and soul into getting it done.  A now Eagle Scout from Troop 2000, in our Council, did just that and got himself featured for his life saving act performed during a SCUBA lesson.  We are proud of his actions and for showing the country that the CIEC produces exceptional scouts too.  I challenge all of your units to submit your adventures and accolades to the Boy’s Life magazine so we can show the country that the CIEC is the Leader in Scouting.

Eric Herchenroeder
Scoutmaster Troop 2000
Fontana, CA


We Welcome a New District Executive

We are proud to welcome James Styczynski as the new District Executive for the Arrowhead District. James was born and raised in Augusta, Georgia.  He earned the rank of Eagle Scout in 1998. He is a Brotherhood member of the Order of the Arrow. 

James has earned a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science with emphasis on legal studies and international relations, a minor in history and Master of Arts in teaching specializing in secondary social studies and science; these degrees were completed at Augusta State University. 

James is the proud father of a soon to be 5 year old.


Public Speaking Scouters Wanted

Our Council is now gathering names of Scouters who would be interested in spreading the word about Scouting to various groups and organizations by presenting already-prepared speeches to these audiences.  The target audiences are usually civic organizations, churches, charter organizations, etc.  The speeches currently available cover these topics (but you can write your own speeches, if you wish):

The call to volunteer (Rick Cronk's vision), the importance of the Boy Scouts and their volunteering efforts (doing a good turn daily), and the power of being a mentor.

Building Our Youth
BSA's efforts to provide a healthy environment for children, including mentoring and awareness of issues that face children (child protection, health, wellness, equipping them to make wise choices, etc.).

Scouting's Tradition
The movement's rich history, heritage, and the impact Scouts have made on our country (presidents, astronauts, and everyday heroes).

Scouting Heroes
How Scouts receive important training to be heroic—both in extraordinary situations (e.g., Hurricane Katrina)—and in everyday lives (honor, courage, and honesty).

The Faith of Scouting
Why it's important to believe in something bigger than you and use it as a motivation for what a Scout is (trustworthy, honest, brave, etc.).

Support Scouting
The importance of Americans supporting this storied organization and agreeing on the impact it's made on America.

Rotary & BSA
Since their inception, Rotary International (1905) and the Boy Scouts of America (1910) have been partners in serving young people. The principles and goals of both organizations are closely allied and captured in this speech template. Concepts like character-building; service to country, to others, and to self; teaching leadership skills; and becoming aware of the world around us are common to both organizations.

AND, in addition to just doing this as a good turn, after a registered speaker conducts a minimum of 20 speeches and provides feedback, the speaker will receive a Speakers Bank knot to be worn on his or her uniform.

SO, if you enjoy public speaking, and would like to help us spread the good word about Scouting, please contact Joe Daniszewski at  Joseph.Daniszewski@scouting.org (marked Attn: Speakers Bank); or, for more information, contact Lance Paulson at lance_paulson@cjuhsd.ne  (Subject: Speakers Bank).


33rd Annual Scout Memorabilia Auction & Trade-O-Ree

Friday, August 17th, 2012, 6:00 pm – 10:00 pm Saturday, August 18th, 2012, 9:00 am – 4:00 pm

Email bids will be taken until Fri. August 17th @ Midnight West Coast Time @ mkb969@verizon.net
Live Items can be viewed on the CIEC WEB PAGE: www.bsa-ciec.org

The California Inland Empire Council, B.S.A. Welcomes you to our
33rd Annual Boy Scout Memorabilia Auction & Trade-O-Ree (TOR)
Immanuel Lutheran Church
5545 Alessandro Blvd Riverside, CA 92506

There will be 100’s of items, including CSP’s, OA Flaps, Books, Mugs, Uniforms, Pins, Jamboree, Philmont and other BSA related items to bid on!
LIVE, SILENT & YOUTH Auctions! Click Here for More Info


International Scouter at Camp Emerson and Camp Wiley!

"Greetings from Philmont!  As the Tahquitz District Representative on the CIEC International Scouting Committee, I am currently attending a conference on International Scouting.  One of the topics of discussion is the BSA International Camp Staff Program. This program brings Scouts from around the world to local scout camps as counsulers, exposing our Scouts to International Scouting, and Baden Powell's vision of a true world brotherhood of Scouting.

We in the CIEC are very fortunate to have an International Camp Counselor as a member of our staff at Camp Emerson. Out of approximate 290 councils nationally, only 60 participate in this program. This year our Camp Counselor is Malinda Senanayake from Sri Lanka. Here is a link to a little information about Malinda: Click Here

Bill Dull, CIEC International Scouting Committee


Eagle Scouts: Merit Beyond the Badge

An independent study examining the effects that being a Scout as a youth has on men’s later life was funded by the John Templeton Foundation and conducted by Baylor University. The first report from this study, released by Baylor University during the 2012 National Annual Meeting, focuses on the difference earning the Eagle Scout Award makes in the lives of men. This report provides us with empirical evidence that, compared to men who were never Scouts, Eagle Scouts demonstrate:

  • Greater lifelong connections to family, friends, and neighbors;
  • A higher sense of responsibility to give back through leadership, service, volunteering, and donating;
  • Greater connections to and concern for their community;
  • More self-discipline to plan ahead and set and achieve goals;
  • Higher self-expectations;
  • A greater appreciation of and concern for the environment; and
  • Increased respect for religion and religious diversity.

This study is available in PDF format at www.scouting.org/About/Research/EagleScouts.aspx.


LFL Anti-Bullying Program Is for Schools, Units

More than 30 percent of U.S. students report being bullied, with 40 percent being bullied online. Help schools in your community take a proactive approach to turning this statistic around with the Learning for Life anti-bullying program, which is designed for students, parents, and educators. The program also can be used by packs, troops, crews, and posts. For more information, please visit www.learning.learningforlife.org


New Cub Scout Lesson Plans Introduced

Help deliver the promise with the new Alternative Cub Scout Lesson Plans Manual: Year B  (please note: huge PDF file, will take a while to download). This follow-up manual to Year A consists of the traditional Cub Scout program and can be delivered by volunteers and program managers. The easy-to-use guide is suited for mixed-age packs/dens and guarantees rank advancement for each Cub Scout.


Seeing the Difference a Jamboree Makes

For many Scouts, the National Jamboree can reignite their passion for Scouting.

Scouting parent Pat Wellen saw her teenage son getting older and getting busy with all the things that can fill up a busy kid’s schedule. As it happens for many, his interest in Scouting had a lot of competition. Then he went to the 2010 jamboree.

Watching a Change

In a new jamboree recruiting video, Wellen describes the impact attending the 2010 jamboree had on her son and the excitement he found in Scouting.

“Just the variety of experiences that you could do through Scouting but that were all in one place, so that he could experience so much more in one week, and came back excited, came back energized, came back wanting to work on his Eagle,” Wellen says in the video.

Wellen and her family will be returning to the 2013 National Scout Jamboree at the Summit Bechtel Reserve, including her daughter, who will be participating as a Venturer.

Share the Video


If you know parents who wonder why their son or daughter might benefit from attending the national jamboree, this clip is a great example to share. For many Scouts, the national jamboree is a once-in-a-lifetime experience and, as the video shows, can have a significant impact on their Scouting career. If you’ve got a similar story, feel free to add it to the comments on the video!

Visit www.bsa-ciec.org/Jamboree for more information about how your Scout can attend the 2013 National Scout Jamboree!


Bob’s Blog: New Search and Rescue Merit Badge

I am proud and excited to join in our announcement about the availability of our latest merit badge—Search and Rescue. We talk often about our Scouts being Prepared. For Life.™, but the meaning behind that identity jumps to an even higher level when it comes to learning the skills that may help save a life—or lives—someday.

It’s important to recognize up front that we are not encouraging our Scouts to strike out on their own to launch search and rescue missions. Our Search and Rescue merit badge will not qualify our Scouts as trained searchers.

At the same time, these merit badge requirements do teach fundamental skills that our Scouts should learn and be aware of when thinking about (1) how a search is properly organized and conducted, and (2) how a rescue is safely coordinated and executed—these are two separate and distinct approaches to saving lives. Learning how to “stay found” is another important lesson within this program that sounds simple, but is so critical in many cases. I am glad we have added a merit badge to our training arsenal that addresses these specific skills.

I’m also proud that we were able to share the announcement of our new Search and Rescue merit badge at this year’s National Search and Rescue Conference hosted by the National Association for Search and Rescue and the Mountain Rescue Association in Lake Tahoe, Nevada. I can’t think of a better place to draw attention to how Scouting is meeting the need for this vital training for America’s young people

Outdoor adventures have always been part of our heritage. Keeping our Scouts safe as they enjoy the outdoors has always been—and will continue to be—among our priorities for delivering a quality Scouting experience. I hope you can encourage as many Scouts in your council as possible to take on the challenge of earning this important new achievement.


News & Tidbits

  • Scout Leaders Honored by Church. Rev. Ray Wiggins, spiritual leader of Unity Riverside, at left, gives awards to Boy Scout leaders Launce Paulson and his wife Suzy Lentchner, before services on Sunday June 17. Read More.....
  • Latest  Membership Impact tools from the BSA! Membership Impact Newletter & Membership Impact Tools
  • The Buzz - Biweekly Video. Marianne Elden shares highlights from the 2012 National Annual Meeting held in Orlando, May 30-June 1. Click Here

Camp Emerson Availability

Camp Emerson Week 1
June 24-30
Week 2-LDS
July 9-14
Week 3
July 15-21
Week 4-LDS
July 23-28
Big Oak (50) 36 Spots Available 39 spots availble 21 spots available 34 spots available
Bridger (20) Full FULL FULL FULL
Broken Arrow  (40) Full 4 spots available 26 spots available Open
*Coil  (30) FULL FULL 6 spots available 5 spots available
Dan Boone  (20) FULL 4 spots available FULL FULL
Eagle Nest  (25) FULL 3 spots available FULL 3 spots available
Firestone  (25) FULL 6 spots availabe FULL FULL
Freemont  (20) 1 spot available FULL FULL FULL
*Goldware (14) 1 spot available FULL FULL FULL
*Harris (30) FULL FULL 3 spots available 2 spots available
Hayes (20) FULL FULL 8 spots availabe 8 spots avaiable
Lewis & Clark (10) FULL FULL 3 spots available 3 spots available
*Mellor (40) 8 spots available FULL 3 spots available 3 spots available
*Owl's Roost (20) FULL 3 spots available FULL FULL
*Swartzel (20) 3 spots available 3 spots available Full FULL
* Furnished Campsites Furnished campsites include canvas tents each with two cots & mattresses

Friends Of Scouting Report

6/25/2012   2012 Goal 2012 Pledged (Year To Date) % of  Goal Cash Paid
(Year to Date)
# of Donors Donors Asked  % 6/29/2011 Pledged
Mt. Rubidoux Carl Rowe $122,500 $117,767 96.14% $98,318 1,436 763 53.13% $108,131
Tahquitz Bill Dull $139,600 $123,492 88.46% $105,572 2,085 933 44.75% $119,912
3 Peaks Andrew Kotyuk $71,000 $61,378 86.45% $57,108 1,188 567 47.73% $53,710
Sunrise Scott Evans $60,000 $51,853 86.42% $46,102 746 322 43.16% $42,659
High Desert Greg Lundeen $99,500 $85,682 86.11% $72,651 1,602 692 43.20% $84,734
Temescal Tom Munoz $110,600 $92,521 83.65% $78,098 1,570 727 46.31% $105,459
Grayback Darrel Olson $106,000 $88,461 83.45% $80,594 1,245 565 45.38% $87,390
Arrowhead Michael Bentley $67,000 $49,880 74.45% $42,236 1,151 478 41.53% $55,094
Old Baldy Max Williams $131,500 $88,666 67.43% $60,834 1,772 688 38.83% $102,639
5 Nations Ross Nakatani $43,500 $24,348 55.97% $20,669 493 201 40.77% $22,183
    $951,200 $784,048 82.43% $662,182 13,288 5,936 44.67% $781,911


Positive Quote

"Accept responsibility for your life. Know that it is you who will get you where you want to go, no one else." 

   ~ Les Brown - Motivational Speaker, Speech Coach & Best Selling Author


Joe Daniszewski
Scout Executive/CEO

California Inland Empire Council, BSA

PO Box 8910

1230 Indiana Court
Redlands, CA 92374
909.793.2463, Ext. 120
909.793.0306 Fax

Monday Memo is from Scout Executive Joe Daniszewski and contains his reflection on what is happening within the Council. The purpose of Monday Memo is to communicate information about the week ahead, to acknowledge the good things happening around the Council and to address specific issues that the Scout Executive wants to bring to your attention. Joe welcomes any comments, suggestions or recommendations on how to make this memo as helpful as possible. If you have something you want publicized in the Monday Memo, please send it to his attention c/o Monday Memo: Joseph.Daniszewski@scouting.org for Monday Memo Archives Click Here      



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   2351 W Lugonia Ave Suite F Redlands, CA  92374 • (909) 793-2463

Copyright 2007-2024 • Boy Scouts of America, California Inland Empire Council #045