Welcome to our July 23rd, 2012 Monday Memo


Order of the Arrow Ordeal

The Cahuilla Lodge sponsored a Summer Camp Ordeal July 11-12 last week, their third Ordeal of the season.  Sixteen candidates performed their Ordeal and became the newest Arrowman of CIEC’s Cahuilla Lodge.  Sponsoring an Ordeal during Summer Camp aids those summer camp attendees who may have been elected by their Units to perform their Ordeal during their week at Camp Emerson attending Summer Camp.

Our newest Arrowman performed much needed service at our camp under moderate cool skies with sporadic rain keeping their day a bit cooler.  We appreciate the extra effort provided by our Lodge Arrowman, youth and adults, who took time from their busy work schedules and summer vacations to come up to Camp Emerson to staff this Ordeal.

Congratulations new Arrowmen of Cahuilla.


Unit/District Tools for Volunteers

Earlier this month we posted a story about Phase 1 of Unit and District Tools. It was explained that similar to MyScouting.org, Unit and District Tools will eventually give unit leaders, volunteers, parents, and Scouts the opportunity to create a profile, take/track training, perform rechartering, maintain advancement, plan activities, and more. In addition to the previously mentioned items, the new Unit and District Tools will also give the unit and district Key 3 the ability to log in; set up the administration function (to grant administration access to three additional registered leaders); access their rosters; assign youth into dens, squads, crews, and patrols; and perform attendance tracking. These features will be released in phases, starting this summer and continuing into 2013.  Unit Tools Phase 1     District Tools Phase 1



The CIEC Cahuilla Lodge is very proud to be sending 33 Arrowman as their Contingent and five Arrowman serving on National Staff to the 2012 National Order of the Arrow Conference, NOAC at the University of Michigan.  The Lodges Contingent will depart for the University of Michigan on July 29th. and will join-in with approximately 9,000 of their Brothers from around the country.  The National Order of the Arrow Conference will run for five days providing Arrowman with instructional courses from ceremonial design to Indian crafts and ceremony regalia design.  Arrowman will have the opportunity to attend leadership courses designed for Lodge and Chapter positions, learn about conservation and service to our Lodges and communities and participate in sporting activities such as shooting and scuba.  Most of all, Arrowman will have loads of fun attending National O.A. Shows, trading Lodge patches, friendly competitions and enjoying the Brotherhood of the Order of the Arrow.

For a limited time while supplies last, the Cahuilla Lodge has now released the 2012 NOAC Trader Patch set for only $12.00.  The Patch, youth designed by Kyle Brandt, promises to be a BIG trader and is already receiving a lot of attention.  You can purchase your patch through your O.A. Lodge Chief who will be able to pick-up pre-sold patches at the July 26 LEC Meeting at Camp Emerson, Gail Nichol’s at Council Office or through Tim Purvis or Mark Triplet. Supplies are limited so purchase quickly.

Tim Purvis
2012 Adviser to the Chief


BSA Discover Cards

We'd like to extend a special thanks to everyone who attended the 2012 National Annual Meeting in Orlando. For those who could not make it, we announced some exciting new relationships, including one with Discover®, UMB Bank, mFunds, and First California Bank. Through this exciting new partnership, we will soon be offering the first ever Scout prepaid card and BSA Discover credit card.

The Scout prepaid card is designed as a Scout’s first financial tool to teach financial education and responsibility. It will include many of the same features of a typical bank account, as well as these additional benefits:

1. Online and mobile access to the card account;
2. Special financial education information for parents and Scouts to discuss;
3. Direct ties to earning-related merit badges;
4. Safety concierge service for Scouts in emergency situations; and
5. Access to discounts at tens of thousands of merchants nationwide.

The BSA Discover credit card is designed to be used by adults as a responsible financial tool that will benefit the BSA and cardholders alike. The cards will include many of the same features as a typical credit card, but with ties to Scouting.

To learn more about the Scout prepaid card program, please visit www.ScoutsAreThrifty.com. To learn more about the BSA Discover credit card program, please visit www.BoyScoutCreditCard.com. While there, be sure to sign up for ongoing notifications as the cards draw closer to launch. We will be unveiling new pages on the sites over the coming weeks and will keep you updated on these enhancements. Also, please feel free to forward this on to your board members, local volunteers, and parents.

Thank you for your participation and for all you do for the Boy Scouts of America!

Craig H. Shelley
Director, Development and Corporate Alliances


International Scouting Committee Update

At the July meeting of the International Scouting Committee (ISC) the committee discussed the change for the International Activity Badge (IAB) to the Messengers of Peace (MoP) program.  The IAB will no longer be offered.  The MoP program can result in a 'ring' patch for Scouts within units which is worn around the World Crest badge.  All pertinent information can be found on the CIEC ISC Home Page.

The ISC Professional Advisor (Marcel Vargas) gave an update on the International Staffer currently serving on the camp staff at Camp Emerson.  Malinda Senanyake from Sri Lanka is not only doing an outstanding job but was one of five international Scouts who won a contest to attend Philmont a few years ago.  He has taken his knowledge of Scouting and his experiences with the BSA to help improve the lives of youth in his country.

A letter is being developed for inclusion in the Eagle Scout package.  This letter will be aimed at encouraging the Eagle applicant to extend his leadership, reach, and growth into international scouting.

The ISC received reports on the recent International Camporee with Mexico in which more than 100 CIEC Scouts/Scouters participated.  It was also noted that communications has already begun between a CIEC unit and a unit in Mexico based upon 1) a common unit number and 2) 'discovery' of each other's existence via the internet!  Links will appear on the CIEC ISC Home Page to allow Scouts and Scouters to engage others in the worldwide Scouting movement via 'twitter'.

Plans are underway to staff an area at the CIEC Stampede on 9/29.

For more information on international scouting, please contact any of the following members:

Joaquin Ancona      Temescal       joaquin.ancona@roadrunner.com
Mike Downs           Temescal       mike.downs@downsenergy.com
Bill Dull                  Tahquitz         wbdull@aol.com
Mike Goldware        Council          magoldware@aol.com
Robin Lund             Sunrise          scouter131rlund@gmail.com
Craig Murray           Old Baldy       thehiker@sageventure.com
Ron Sahli               Temescal            ron@dotaichi.com
Mark Terry              Mt. Rubidoux      watanka1985@yahoo.com
Marcel Vargas         Council              mvargas@bsamail.org
Justin Welch           Three Peaks       justinwelch@hotmail.com
Robert Williams       Old Baldy           m3kanic@gmail.com


33rd Annual Scout Memorabilia Auction & Trade-O-Ree

Friday, August 17th, 2012, 6:00 pm – 10:00 pm Saturday, August 18th, 2012, 9:00 am – 4:00 pm

Email bids will be taken until Fri. August 17th @ Midnight West Coast Time @ mkb969@verizon.net
Live Items can be viewed on the CIEC WEB PAGE: www.bsa-ciec.org

The California Inland Empire Council, B.S.A. Welcomes you to our
33rd Annual Boy Scout Memorabilia Auction & Trade-O-Ree (TOR)
Immanuel Lutheran Church
5545 Alessandro Blvd Riverside, CA 92506

There will be 100’s of items, including CSP’s, OA Flaps, Books, Mugs, Uniforms, Pins, Jamboree, Philmont and other BSA related items to bid on!
LIVE, SILENT & YOUTH Auctions! Click Here for More Info


Redlands Scout Shop

“Scouts Bring your printed worksheets and blue cards”


News & Tidbits

  • Scout Wire, read up on some of these headlines, "Alternative Cub Scout Lesson Plans Manual: Year B Introduced", "National Camp Accreditation Program—the Future of BSA Camping—Unveiled at NAM", "Learn How Scouts in Your Council Can Be Messengers of Peace", "Summer Camp—Making a Difference ... and Keeping Scouts Cool!" Click Here 
  • Western Regions 2012 Area 4 Training Calendar, Click Here


2nd Quarter 2012 PRAY Report, Youth Awards

Name Award Church Name Award Church
Zino Marganian GOD & ME Lake Arrowhead Graham Siedschlag GOD & ME Lake Arrowhead
Grant Rostyk GOD & ME Lake Arrowhead Logan Stout GOD & ME Lake Arrowhead
Erik Johnson GOD & ME Calvary Chapel San Jacinto Colton Thompson GOD & ME Lake Arrowhead
Garrett Little GOD & ME Centerpoint Jack Thompson GOD & ME Lake Arrowhead
Gabriel Harbour GOD & ME Lake Arrowhead Zachary Van Lent GOD & ME Lake Arrowhead
Evan Kassouf GOD & ME Lake Arrowhead Scot Davis GOD & ME Callway
Owen Kelly GOD & ME Lake Arrowhead Jeremiah Esclante GOD & ME Callway
Soichi Matuba GOD & ME Lake Arrowhead Joshua Boggs GOD & ME The Promise
William Paganini GOD & ME Lake Arrowhead Paul Welsh GOD & ME Redlands United Church of Christ
Sammy Pericini GOD & ME Lake Arrowhead Lucas Stiede GOD & ME Community
Nathan Phillips GOD & ME Lake Arrowhead Ryan Benoit ALEPH  
Matthew Potz GOD & ME Lake Arrowhead Stryder Husak GOD & FAMILY Central Chapel
Jeremiah Reitz GOD & ME Lake Arrowhead James Morris GOD & FAMILY Central Chapel
Will Rubio GOD & ME Lake Arrowhead Zachary Payne GOD & FAMILY Central Chapel
Buck Rusio GOD & ME Lake Arrowhead Jonathan Ramont GOD & CHURCH Southwest
Christian Saffell GOD & ME Lake Arrowhead      


Friends Of Scouting Report

7/23/2012   2012 Goal 2012 Pledged (Year To Date) % of  Goal Cash Paid
(Year to Date)
# of Donors Donors Asked  % 7/11/2011 Pledged
Mt. Rubidoux Carl Rowe $122,500 $123,307 100.66% $104,092 1,437 766 53.31% $113,355
Tahquitz Bill Dull $139,600 $129,223 92.57% $112,102 2,086 936 44.87% $120,717
3 Peaks Andrew Kotyuk $71,000 $62,378 87.86% $58,483 1,189 568 47.77% $55,349
High Desert Greg Lundeen $99,500 $86,355 86.79% $73,985 1,610 702 43.60% $85,954
Sunrise Scott Evans $60,000 $51,858 86.43% $46,382 746 322 43.16% $43,208
Temescal Tom Munoz $110,600 $94,701 85.62% $80,753 1,577 736 46.67% $109,409
Grayback Darrel Olson $106,000 $88,961 83.93% $81,793 1,245 566 45.46% $89,906
Arrowhead Michael Bentley $65,500 $52,042 79.45% $44,634 1,158 491 42.40% $56,694
Old Baldy Max Williams $131,500 $90,992 69.20% $64,980 1,773 694 39.14% $102,639
5 Nations Ross Nakatani $43,500 $24,610 56.57% $20,952 494 203 41.09% $22,183
    $949,700 $804,427 84.70% $688,156 13,315 5,984 44.94% $799,414



Positive Quote

"It is a happy talent to know how to play."

    ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

Joe Daniszewski
Scout Executive/CEO

California Inland Empire Council, BSA

PO Box 8910

1230 Indiana Court
Redlands, CA 92374
909.793.2463, Ext. 120
909.793.0306 Fax

Monday Memo is from Scout Executive Joe Daniszewski and contains his reflection on what is happening within the Council. The purpose of Monday Memo is to communicate information about the week ahead, to acknowledge the good things happening around the Council and to address specific issues that the Scout Executive wants to bring to your attention. Joe welcomes any comments, suggestions or recommendations on how to make this memo as helpful as possible. If you have something you want publicized in the Monday Memo, please send it to his attention c/o Monday Memo: Joseph.Daniszewski@scouting.org for Monday Memo Archives Click Here      



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   2351 W Lugonia Ave Suite F Redlands, CA  92374 • (909) 793-2463

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