Scouts and Scout families, currently Scouting is as relevant as ever.
Our Packs and Troops are providing all kinds of opportunities for youth to socialize and participate in virtual and online Scouting related activities.
We must continue to be prepared so that when we resume in person Scouting activities we can continue to provide this amazing program to all the youth of our community.
This is the time to ask your friends and family to join you in Scouting, and when these times are over they will be ready to join all of us, and celebrate the many outdoor experiences Scouting has to offer!
While the California Inland Empire and Old Baldy Scout Shops are closed www.ScoutShop.orgis available for your needs.
Friends of Scouting
Cartoon Corner
Thoughts from the Council:
The purpose of Monday Memo is to communicate information about the week ahead, to acknowledge the good things happening around the Council. If you have something you want publicized in the Monday Memo, please send it to c/o Monday Memo: Brian Paquette